While Bai Luo was comfortably enjoying the dinner that was originally intended for the wardens, the pirates of Infinite Hell were engaged in a fierce death match with Magellan.

The strength of the pirates in Infinite Hell is quite strong, if it were not for Bai Luo to solve the legendary Pirate Red Count Balorick and the world destroyer Bondi Waldo who was frozen and suspended animation in advance, even with Magellan’s strength, it would not have lasted that long.

After paying for the lives of a dozen prisoners, the pirates of Infinite Hell finally defeated Magellan and seriously injured him.

The outnumbered Magellan lost consciousness and fell to the ground, but because he was covered in venom, no one dared to step forward to mend the knife and ran upstairs.

There were nearly a hundred prisoners who were originally held in the infinite hell, but now there are less than thirty left.

And in front of them there are a bunch of jailer beasts and prison bomb troops.

Although it is not difficult to solve these enemies with their strength, but the ants bite the elephant to death, these prisoners suddenly thought of a good way.

“How about we release the other prisoners as well?”

“Use them as cannon fodder, and we’ll take advantage of the chaos to escape?

“By the way, we can also recruit some subordinates by the way, the previous subordinates are no longer there!”

“Hahahaha, maybe you can directly recruit a group of sea pirates!”

With this in mind, the prisoners scattered and began to recruit their men under the threat of freedom.

By the time they arrived at the fourth floor of Advance City, their number had expanded from less than thirty to nearly three hundred, and the extra ones were prisoners with a bounty of hundreds of millions.

Between the fourth and third floors of the city, the army led by Domino and the prisoners face each other.

At this time, the strength of the prisoners was no longer afraid of the numerical superiority of the Advance City, and in just half an hour, the prisoners broke through all the floors, and the number of prisoners was snowballing, and finally 50,000 or 60,000 people came to the top of the Advance City.

The less than thirty prisoners from the Infinite Hell are now the captains of a large pirate group with thousands of men.

These pirate captains, who were full of spirit and were about to do something big when they went out, looked at Bai Luo, who was still eating and drinking at the top of the city, and their faces were full of hideous smiles.

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect it, even if you run fast, it’s useless!”

“Now you finally have nowhere to go, right?”

“Little ones, kill this bastard for me!”

As they passed through the prison, these criminals found the weapons room, and now these tens of thousands of people are armed thugs, these thugs will surround Bai Luo in the center, obey the orders of their own leaders at any time, and will do something to Bai Luo.

These sixth-layer prisoners who got the weapon finally let go of the fear of Bai Luo in their hearts.

The phrase that the number of people is meaningless only applies to the situation that the individual quality of the population is too low, and now among these tens of thousands of prisoners, pirates with a bounty of more than 50 million abound, and there are definitely many pirates with a bounty of hundreds of millions, not to mention more than twenty pirates crawling out of the infinite hell.

Even if the admiral is here, he will have a headache with this lineup, right?

“Hahaha, if you go up first and liberate these prisoners, maybe you can gather forces that make us all fearful, but you are so stupid that you rush out directly, hahaha!

“Even if the admiral is here, you have to weigh your weight. God killer, today is your time to die!”

The prisoners of Infinite Hell laughed arrogantly, in their opinion, the situation in front of them has stabilized, tens of thousands of people fight two people, how can the flying dragon ride face lose?

Faced with the taunts of these prisoners, after finishing the meal, Bai Luo glanced at these insolent prisoners with an indescribable expression – now the captain of the pirate group.

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That expression was like looking at some kind of unconscious fool, with a helpless smile in addition to contempt.

Bai Luo sighed and said, “If tens of thousands of elites of the revolutionary army or the elite of the navy headquarters are here, I really want to have a headache.” ”

Whether it is the revolutionary army or the part of the navy with a good style, the characteristics of the spread of red lotus industry and the burning of criminal karma cannot be fully brought into play, and in that situation, the white fall may really fall into a bitter battle.

“You mean you’re not afraid of so many of us?”

Enraged by Bai Luo’s nonchalant tone, the prisoners who came out of Infinite Hell just waved their hands, and all their weapons were already aimed at Bai Luo’s body.

As soon as the order is given, they will beat the man in the middle into a hornet’s nest!

“The scum is still a scum, but it has become a dump of smelly garbage, do you think you have become stronger like this?”

In this state of emergency, Bai Luo remained unmoved.

Although there are tens of thousands of people, but the prisoners who are willing to follow these scum are not a good thing, everyone has a shallow or heavy bloody red light, almost everyone is entangled in huge criminal karma, even if it is compared to a single person, it is not comparable to a few sea thieves in infinite hell, but when gathered together, those criminal karma is simply gathered into an abyss.

For the Red Lotus Industry Fire, every prisoner here is dry firewood stained with gasoline, and the twenty-odd sea thieves are gasoline barrels mixed in firewood, and it only takes one spark to set everyone on fire.

“Little ones, give it to me!”

The prisoners of the sixth layer finally couldn’t stand the mockery of Bai Luo, and with a wave of their long swords, they ordered everyone to start moving.

Bai Luo glanced up at the starry sky, the night was deep, and the clouds tonight were thicker, just blocking the moon, and the entire sea became seven points darker.

“It’s time too!”

He whispered and took a step forward.

The next moment——

Purgatory, coming!

The fire fell from the sky, and the monstrous sea of fire fell from the sky, as if to burn the entire city.

This was the first time that Bai Luo used all his strength to summon all the red lotus karma fire in the underworld space, and just at the very beginning, the area covered by the red lotus karma fire was also 10,000 meters.

These tens of thousands of prisoners completely ignited the red lotus industry fire like firewood, and then expanded rapidly, and the flame burned more and more vigorously.

Under this full-screen blow, even the most agile sea thief can not escape the poisonous hand of the white fall, regardless of strength or weakness.

All the sinful karma was settled at this moment, and it was mercilessly burned by the Red Lotus Karma Fire.

Among them, the prisoners of the sixth layer, who had the deepest crime, the flames on their bodies became more and more fierce, and under Bai Luo’s special control, echoed the sea of fire of the entire Red Lotus Industry Fire, and the flames soared a hundred meters high.

The entire Advance City turned into a huge torch, and the flames soared into the sky, turning the clouds red.

In the dark night, it is very conspicuous.

I’m afraid that even the Malinfodor side of the Navy headquarters can see this flame-stained sky?

Bai Luo then patted the shoulder of Murray, who was already stunned in place, and said easily: “Let Mr. Dorag rush in the brightest direction, I think this place should have become a rather bright beacon.” ”

There should be no brighter beacon in this world.

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