“Mr. Bai Luo, these words of yours are so important!”

While his eyes were shining and copying what Bai Luo had said, Dorag exclaimed: “It is simply the guiding light of our revolutionary army’s thinking!”

“In fact, you have done very well, but because of the lack of guiding ideology, it lacks cohesion, your current revolutionary army, like the navy, is a chaotic organization without unified beliefs, the navy is confident that it serves its own justice, and your revolutionary army also has its own revolutionary ideas. ”

“First of all, we can unify in ideology in order to implement it in action, and what we need is not a strong army, but an army with faith, and such an army is naturally strong!”

Therefore, the first task of the revolutionary army now is not to resist any brutal country, but to first determine its own ideological program and strengthen itself first, so that it can attract all kinds of people with lofty ideals and our revolutionary work can be carried out smoothly. ”

Since childhood, he has learned dragon slaying techniques and old Marxist ideas from history textbooks, and his understanding of revolution is greater than that of anyone else in this world.

Dorag eagerly absorbed the knowledge that Bai Luo had said, and nodded frantically.

Tens of seconds later, he reacted to something, and he asked in ecstasy

“Wait, Mr. Bai Luo, what you just said is… ‘our’ revolutionary work, right?”

“Yes. Bai Luo nodded.

“You mean… Are you willing to join us?” confirmed Dorag incredulously.

“Yes, I will call you Comrade Dorag in the future!”

Bai Luo smiled.

His joining the revolutionary army was not a whim, and in addition to the emotional bonus, he also had his own considerations.

First of all, as the god killer who killed the Draco, the forces on the side of the navy and the world government will definitely not be able to enter, and except for a few guys like Luffy who are actually adventurers in the name of pirates, most of them are scumbags who commit adultery and plunder, and Bai Luo does not want to deal with such a title.

And the most suitable force left is the revolutionary army.

Bai Luo’s task is to kill the gods, and Draco claims to be the god who created the world, which means that he will one day kill all the Draco, which is destined to make him and the world government die.

Since it is necessary to overturn the world government and rebuild the world, it is natural that the revolutionary army that has been working on the same work all this time is more trustworthy.

“Welcome to join us, from today onwards, you will be the chief of the general staff of our revolutionary army!”

Seeing that Bai Luo agreed with his ideals and was willing to join the revolutionary army, Dorag was overjoyed and directly promised the position of the second-in-command of the revolutionary army.

“Revolutionary work does not distinguish between noble and cheap, and I will not be polite. ”

Bai Luo accepted this position without shirking, after all, only this position was enough for him to exert his abilities.


A month after becoming the chief of the general staff of the revolutionary army, through discussions with Dorag, combined with the specific situation of the One Piece world, Bai Luo finally completed the first ideological program of the revolutionary army, the “Revolutionary Manifesto”.

The launch of the “Revolutionary Manifesto” pushed the prestige of the revolutionary army to a peak, and not only the commanders of the revolutionary army were pleased and sincerely convinced by this program, but also more people felt admiration and recognition for the ideals of the revolutionary army because they read the “Revolutionary Manifesto”, and joined the arms of the revolutionary army one after another.

Among all the people attracted by Bai Luo, the most powerful is Bartholomy Bear, the former king of the ice cream country and later the “tyrant” who became a sea thief.

On the plain of the back mountain of the revolutionary army.

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Bartholomy Xiong, slandered as a “tyrant” by the world government, is quietly holding a copy of the Revolutionary Manifesto and reading it in the shade of a tree.

However, his attention was clearly not focused on the book, and he did not turn a page for half a day.

In the clearing in front of him, Bai Luo was fighting an exaggerated shemale.

Blindfolded with a thick strip of cloth, relying entirely on the power of “listening” to predict the opponent’s movements and parry them, he is practicing seeing and hearing domineering.

“Hey ha, Newcomer Demon Boxing Method 44 Beauty Mystery Dream Strike Handling Fist!”

Ambrio Ivankov, a cadre of the revolutionary army and known as the strongest shemale king in history, spun his body like a ballet and approached Bai Luo, and then hit the shemale fist Faoyi over.

The sound of the wind, the sound of fists rubbing against clothes, the sound of breathing…

Blindfolded and unable to see, Bai Luo listened hard to all the sounds, the rustle of the wind blowing through the leaves, the sound of insects burrowing into the ground to eat food from the rotting leaves, the sound of birds flying in the air in search of food…

A huge number of voices flooded into his mind, noisy and indistinguishable.

And as he became more and more concentrated, these noisy sounds gradually faded away, leaving only the sounds emanating from the living body that Bai Luo was paying attention to.

“It’s the right leg!”

Judging the place where Ivankov attacked, Bai Luo immediately retreated and stepped forward, and waved a claw in the direction that he saw and heard domineeringly judged.

“Dragon Claw Fist!”

The dragon claw fist just caught Ivankov’s fist, flipped his wrist in vain, and threw the shemale out.


Ivankov was thrown directly into the tree and screamed.

“I didn’t use that much force, and I didn’t use armed color domineering. Bai Luo was a little puzzled by Ivankov’s reaction, and asked with concern: “Ivankov, are you injured?”



The corners of Bai Luo’s mouth twitched, and he decided that he would definitely not worry about this guy again next time.

“Ivankov, my domineering appearance should be considered qualified, right?”

“Mr. Bai Luo, your current domineering appearance is enough to deal with most sea thieves, but if you encounter those monsters in the new world, it is still a lot worse. ”

Ivankov concave a shape, smiled back and said: “However, the high-level domineering is extremely dependent on talent and hard work, and Mr. Bai Luo will not have much effect even if he continues to train hard!

“High-level sighting?”

Bai Luo remembered the various special sights and domineering that had appeared in the original work.

Katakuri, under the command of the Aunt Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, can foresee a short future by seeing and hearing domineering; Empty Island Anilu’s domineering not only covers amazing coverage, but also listens to the hearts of others; Queen Otohime of Fishman Island can not only hear the hearts of others, but also convey her own words to the hearts of everyone and resonate with everyone.

These are all high-level abilities that only high-level domineering abilities have, and compared with these examples, Bai Luo’s current domineering is only the same level as Luffy after two years of cultivation in the original work, which can only be said to be enough, and it is not outstanding.

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