“Good look!”

Holding the white-gold longsword, Bai Luo nodded in satisfaction.

The essence of the Salvation God Sword is the integration of the weapons of the gods and Buddhas, so the posture can be changed at will, whether it is a Japanese-style taiko, a Chinese-style ancient sword, or a Western knight’s sword.


Bai Luo called out the name of the artifact.

The square magic array unfolded from under his feet, and a bloody red spear appeared from the magic array, floating in the air.

This is the weapon used by Odin, the main god in Norse mythology, made from the branches of the World Tree, sacred and powerful, and a weapon capable of killing gods.

“Are all Godhead-level weapons?”

Feeling the powerful power carried by the “three, four, three” carried by the artifact Gunganier, Bai Luo felt that his lottery was really a character outbreak.

Even if the spell power was not enough to support the complete liberation of the Salvation Divine Knife, the power of its summoning divine tool alone was already not inferior to the sovereignty of the Moon.

You know, those artifacts with names and surnames in mythology, each of them is no worse than power.

Moreover, these artifacts are actually items that have hosted the Godhead, and their value is incomparable.

The treasure of the king in the possession of Gilgamesh in the Moon World, in fact, many treasures have coincided with the treasure of the white fallen god, whether it is the original magic sword Gram of the Sword of Oath Victory or the treasure of Hercules, in fact, both sides have it.

However, even if the names are the same, the difference between treasures and divine tools is still like heavenly grabens.

Almost every weapon with the Godhead is identical to Gilgamesh’s obedient sword, but there are few weapons in the King’s Treasure that are identical to the obedient sword.

The same is Gram, the Gram who hosts the Godhead and the Gram who is just a treasure are not a level weapon at all.

Just as the heroic spirit is lower than the divine spirit’s position, the treasure tool’s position is also inferior to the divine tool, except for a few broken existences, which generally follow this law.

The knife is available, and the next step is the original purpose of this trip.

“Sandora’s Gold!”

Ignoring the Anilu under his feet, the wings of the storm condensed behind Bai Luo, and under the impetus of the wind, his speed was increased to extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the place where he saw and heard domineering.

A huge amount of gold that could make the five old stars move appeared in front of him.

And high in this sea of gold, a golden bell stands there.

“Legends in gold…”

After thinking for a moment, Bai Luo’s right hand was clenched into a fist

The wind pressure converged on his hand, gradually forming a translucent fist void

“Knock! Knock! Knock!”

Bai Luo waved gently towards the golden bell.

The long and crisp sound floated in the air, amplified by the resonance area of the air that was white, and the sound spread throughout the sea.

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After four hundred years, the sound of the golden bell rings again.

On Gaya Island, 10,000 meters below the empty island, a man with a diamond-shaped face heard this voice, and the whole person froze directly, unconsciously bursting into tears.

Although it was a bell that had never been heard before, intuitively, the man could tell that this was the sound of the legendary golden bell.

And the direction of the sound source is – above the sky!



It didn’t take long to pack the gold of the Golden Country into the underworld space, and when Bai Luo left from the empty island, it was only a few hours before he came to the empty island.

He originally wanted to go to find Monet and the others, but Gaya Island was so close to Alabastan that even vintage sailing ships could be reached in a day or two, and it was only half a day’s voyage for the modified warship of Nine Snake Island.

There is no need to go along with them for such a short distance, and it is more convenient to wait for Vivi and his party in Alabastan.

Thinking so, the fierce wind swept, and the white imperial envoy flew towards Alabastan above the sky.

Without a boat, there was no need to go to the port city, and before Wei Wei’s group arrived, Bai Luo decided to collect a circle of intelligence first………

To say that the place where intelligence gathers the most, in this world, naturally there are bars.

What is usually afraid to discuss publicly, the truth hidden under the surface, is often discussed without concealment in this place where evil breeds, although the truth is not necessarily reliable, but the common information is easy to obtain.

Alabastan is now in the midst of civil unrest, commerce is dying, and most of the shops in the average city have closed, not to mention bars, which are places where only rich and idle people gather.

The only way to find such places is to go to cities that are still thriving despite the war.


This is the dream city of Alabastan, the home base of Klockdar, and the only city that has become more prosperous without the effects of war.

“The largest casino in the kingdom, Klockdar really has leisure!”

Glancing at the casino signboard above his head, Bai Luo entered this casino again.

After being taken over by Klockdal, the rules of the casino are obviously different from before, at least Bai Luo has not seen the dealer group that cheated gamblers like last time.

No wonder casino business has gotten better by 1.5.

With the name of Qi Wuhai’s suppression, coupled with honest management, there are few customers in such a shop who do not like to come.

“Buy big and buy small, make up your mind, don’t move around!

A familiar shrill voice sounded.

Bai Luo looked in the direction of the voice, and at a glance he saw a “man” dressed in bright purple that could also be called bright colors among all kinds of strange gamblers

The fishnet stockings are as spicy as ever.


Bai Luo stepped forward in surprise, did not make a sound, but quietly squeezed to the opposite side of this gambling table.

I saw that Ivankov was putting his chips on the big side, and the dice in the dice cup were still spinning randomly. _

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