The next day, Bai Luo and Tyrant Bear set out from the base where the revolutionary army was located.

Since neither of them could sail, they chose to board a passenger ship along the way, ready to follow the passenger ship together.

Unlike merchant ships, passenger ships do not carry goods, but only serve passengers, and earn money on shipping fares and food and lodging.

Bai Luo and Tyrant Bear bought two adjacent rooms, although they did not have the habit of extravagance and waste, but in their capacity, they were not suitable for sleeping ordinary guests, so the secrecy was too poor, and no matter how poor the revolutionary army was, these basic expenses could also be guaranteed.

The passenger ship named Obit soon started, Bai Luo stood on the deck blowing the wind, and after the tyrant bear put his luggage away, he also came to the deck and stood beside Bai Luo.

Bai Luo wanted to fish on the boat, but at this time it was a tailwind, and the sea boat was traveling too fast and caught nothing.

After the passenger ship traveled for most of the day, the speed of the ship slowed down, and by this time there were no islands in sight, and there was endless sea level in all directions.

“Why don’t you just fly over?” asked the tyrant bear.

After a period of practice, the Red Lotus Industry Fire that has reached the point where it can be operated delicately with flames

Flying by way of jets is not difficult for Bai Luo.

Tyrant Bear himself has his own way of traveling, as long as it is a place he has been, he only needs to wrap an air cannon to shoot himself.

Both are people who can fly all over the world in a short period of time.

“The meaning of travel is in the scenery, not the end. Bai Luo sipped the ice juice in the cup in one breath, and said with a satisfied face.

Finally came to the One Piece world, Bai Luo didn’t want to sleep hard every day, and the Draco in the East China Sea was not in a hurry to wait.

The chef of this passenger ship is not bad, and he actually thought of seasoning it with honey to make this ice juice have a lot more floral aroma!”

“Honey?…… Then I want a glass too. ”

I don’t know if it’s because of the bear’s character in the name, the tyrant bear seems unable to refuse honey.

“Waiter, trouble two more servings of this ice juice!”

Bai Luo smiled and called the waiter over, and then handed over two bills of one thousand Baileys: “After one pays the bill, the rest is your tip, and the other trouble me to give to the chef of this drink, tell him that I am satisfied with this drink.” ”

The waiter took Bailey quickly, took Bailey a few steps back, and after taking a few steps to leave, he ran faster and ran to the back kitchen.

You kid really has yours, and the drink you made was praised by the guests!

The waiter happily informed the little boy in the back kitchen, who was obviously only eight or nine years old and was chopping vegetables.


When the little boy heard this, his eyebrows were full of joy, and his small body jumped up directly: “Chef chef, the guest praised my juice!”

“Hmph, since I have allowed your juice to be on the menu, naturally I will not lose the face of our Obit!” The head chef was also full of smiles, but still forced to be serious.

“Tip! A thousand Baileys!”

The waiter shoved the money into Sanji’s hand.

“A compliment from a guest is the best gift for a chef, so give it to you!” said the little boy with a smile.

“Huh, how can this work, this is the guest named you!” The waiter refused to accept the child’s money.

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“But, but… For me, being able to cook for my guests is happy enough, I don’t need money for that kind of thing!”

The little boy said innocently.

“Poof, so pure!”

“It’s dazzling!”

“This kid… Is it an angel?!”

The kitchen cooks and waiters were completely captured by the aura of innocence emanating from the little boy.

Only the head chef was well-informed, and he silently strained, grabbing the fat on his stomach, and the pain of drilling his heart allowed him to remain calm, and he seemed to have no feeling for the scene in front of him.

He seriously taught: “Sanji! Since it is a gift from a guest, don’t give it to others at will!

“It’s a head chef, it’s ruthless!”

“Yes, Head Chef!”

Seeing that the head chef spoke seriously, the little Sanji hurriedly took the Bailey from the waiter’s hand, saying that he knew that he was wrong.

His life as Prince Jerma was extravagant, so he didn’t take money too seriously, but it was the first time he had received praise from a guest as a chef, and the value of money was extraordinary, and he was grateful to his guests for encouraging him so much.

“Ah, by the way, the guest ordered two more glasses of the same juice and asked you to make it!”

The waiter was too excited before, and only then remembered the customer’s request.


The little boy was in a hurry, hurriedly ran to the dessert area to start making ice juice, and then said to the waiter without looking back: “You go and get busy with yours first, I want to serve these two glasses of juice myself later!”

“Good!” The waiter probably guessed the little boy’s thoughts, and quickly answered and went out, leaving only one sentence: “Come on!

“I’ll come on!”

Burdened with the thoughts of his mother and the blessings of his sister, Xiaoshan Cure had a hard time living the life he wanted, so he would never allow anyone to interfere with his ideals.

The ice juice was not troublesome to make, but Osamu Koyama carefully prepared the proportion of the juice to ensure that the taste remained unchanged.

After five minutes, two servings of ice juice are ready.

Osamu Koyama walked out of the kitchen with a tray and looked up to see the two guests described by the waiter.

A guest wearing a black trench coat like a noble young master, a man with a strong body and a bear-like burly man who looked like a bodyguard, the two stood near the railing of the ship, and the bodyguard’s figure was very eye-catching.

He took a step in the direction of the two, and for some reason there was a loud “bang” sound behind him.

The whole hull of the ship shook violently, causing him to not stand steadily, and he almost fell to the ground, knocking the juice over.

“Good risk!”

Although his physical fitness is not as superior as his brother and brother, Sanji has also received martial arts training from the Djerma Kingdom, and the center of his body is well adjusted, and he stabilizes after shaking for a while, and the two cups of juice on the tray are not spilled.

Strangely, the wind and waves are not large at this time, and the stability of the passenger ship Obit should not suddenly shake so violently.

Although not a navigator, people who often work at sea always have some common sense, and something is wrong with this shaking.

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