Early the next morning, the white set exceptionally early.

There were no guests on the deck, and Bai Luo sat on an open-air chair, blowing the sea breeze while waiting for the sunrise.

A tray suddenly appeared from below, and on the tray was a cup of hot chocolate.

“Guest, the sea breeze is cool in the morning, this cup of hot chocolate can help you keep warm and provide enough sugar, I hope you are satisfied!”

But it was the little chef that Bai Luo met before, who tiptoed to put hot chocolate on the table in front of Bai Luo.

“Thank you for your concern. ”

Bai Luo took a sip of hot chocolate, and the mouth was smooth, which lifted people’s spirits, and praised: “It tastes very good!”

“Thanks for the compliment!”

The little chef immediately smiled when he heard the praise, but did not leave immediately, but stayed in place without saying anything.

“What’s the matter?” asked Bai Luo voluntarily.

“That… That…”

After hesitating for a few seconds, the little chef finally made up his mind and pleaded loudly: “Can you teach me a powerful kick like I saw yesterday?”

“Want to learn kicking?”

Bai Luo looked at the immature little boy in front of him with interest, and asked: “You have a good talent for cooking, why do you suddenly have to learn kicking skills for fighting?

“No, no, I’m not going to give up being a chef!”

Hearing that he had changed careers, the little boy immediately shook his head and said, “I want to learn kicking because I want to protect my cuisine, protect the guests who taste my cuisine, and I also want to find the legendary ALLBLUE!”

When it came to ALLBLUE, the little boy looked nervous, afraid that Bai Luo would also laugh at his dream, which had already been laughed at by everyone.

“ALLBLUE…… That legendary chef’s sanctuary with fish from all the seas of the east, west, south and north, as well as all kinds of rare and fantastic ingredients…”

Unexpectedly, Bai Luo did not laugh at his dream, and nodded as if he had heard something very ordinary: “Nice dream, what is your name?”

“Sanji. The little boy replied.

Sure enough, it was him, and Bai Luo looked at Osamu Koyama’s yellow hair and slightly curly eyebrows, and thought thoughtfully.

Yamaji in childhood is very different from the original, and the adult Yamaji’s lecherous personality and absolutely not fighting with women in the original book are inherited from Tetsuo the Red Foot, but now the two have not met, Tetsuo the Red Foot has been killed by Bai Luo, and the current Yamaji is naturally still as well-behaved as when he was a child in the original book.

Osamu Koyama was born in the Vince Mock family in the North Sea, and was regarded by his father as a failure of the bloodline factor transformation experiment, and was finally expelled from the kingdom of Jerma, and has been in exile ever since, but he did not expect to stay on this passenger ship.

Compared with the transformed brothers, Sanji is more affectionate than the average person, has a strong empathy for people, and in the words of his sister Lei Jiu, he is a gentle and good boy.

Lu Xun once said that revolution should start with dolls.

In Bai Luo’s opinion, Yamaji just meets this standard.

So he began to patiently abduct… Ahem, it is the beginning of the ideological guidance of justice.

“The Navy Six is also widely spread at sea, and it is no problem for the professor to give it to you. Bai Luo gave a sweet date first.

Thank you so much!”

Osamu Koyama was still young, did not know all the gifts given, and fate marked the price behind his back, and he was immediately happy.


“Because the legendary ALLBLUE contains a variety of rare ingredients, if I find that place, I will be able to make dishes that will satisfy all customers and make all customers happy!”

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At the mention of his dream, Osamu Koyama’s eyes lit up.

“Oh. Bai Luo nodded and concluded, “In other words, is your real dream to make dishes that satisfy all guests and make all guests happy?”

“Huh?” Osamu Koyama was a little confused.

“Listen to you, your purpose in looking for ALLBLUE is to help yourself make dishes that make all your guests happy, that is, your real dream is to make dishes that make everyone happy, and ALLBLUE is just a means to help you achieve your true end. Bai Luo peeled off the cocoon analysis.


Osamu Koyama suddenly realized that this was his own heart.

“Wait a minute, don’t rush to nod first, since you have analyzed your real dream to make dishes that make all guests happy, have you ever thought about how to make dishes that make everyone happy?”

“I don’t know!” Osamu Koyama couldn’t answer the question yet.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t know, let’s analyze it step by step. First of all, for someone who doesn’t have enough to eat and is about to starve to death, what kind of cooking can make him happy?”

Bai Luo has completely controlled the rhythm.

“Emm, as long as it’s enough to fill him up, it can make him happy. Osamu Koyama replied seriously.

“So what kind of cooking makes a malnourished person who can barely eat enough make him happy?”

“Being able to supplement nutritionally balanced cuisine makes him happy. ”

“So for those who can already meet the needs of food and clothing, and the nutrition can barely be balanced, but they are extremely tired every day, what kind of food can make them happy?”

“Delicious dishes that eliminate their fatigue make them happy.” ”



The problem escalated step by step, and Osamu Koyama also walked step by step towards the trap laid out by Bai Luo.

Finally, Bai Luo threw out the final question.

“Finally, for those hereditary nobles who sit on countless wealth, countless slave attendants in their families, have been pampered since childhood, do not have to worry about anything, and eat all the delicacies of the mountains and seas, what kind of cuisine can make him happy?”

When Osamu Koyama said this, he was obviously silent for a while, and after a long time, he replied in a trembling tone of doubt.

“With … The highest quality dishes made with dream-level rare ingredients from ALLBLUE make them happy. ”

“Good. ”

White bowed his head and prepared to close.

“In this world, 60 percent of the people are still in a state of not having enough to eat, 30 percent are in a state of unbalanced nutrition, 9.9 percent are in a state of overwork… Only less than 0.00001 percent of hereditary nobles need the highest quality dishes made with dream-level ingredients from ALLBLUE. ”

“Ah-” Affectionate Oyamaji had realized something.

“You said your dream is to make dishes that make everyone happy. ”

Bai Luo looked directly into Koyamaji’s eyes and asked seriously, “So are you willing to find ALLBLUE for the royal nobles who stand on the top of the golden tower who don’t have to worry about anything, or are you willing to give them a chance to eat for the miserable majority of this world?”

This question doesn’t really need to be asked.


Little Sanji burst into tears, he knelt down in front of Bai Luo, and loudly told his ideals!

He wants to fight for the food of all the world!

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