The originally lush green forest instantly broke off the waist, leaving only the bare wooden stakes still in place, and the fallen leaves of the stump were blown into the sea together with the rubble, causing the large waves that were originally beating towards the coast to turn around.

Perospero knew that he couldn’t dodge at the moment when the qi wave hit, and quickly used the fruit ability to create a candy barrier, and the whole person curled up in it.

This is the candy that Peros Pero has created with his strongest ability, and it is even harder than some hundred refining weapons.

“This… That’s too scary, isn’t it?” said Perospero, who was hiding under the barrier, trembling.

If it weren’t for his quick reaction just now, after seeing that he couldn’t dodge the qi wave, he immediately used his ability to protect his whole body, he estimated that he would have been swept into the sea with that qi wave, and at that time it would really be given for nothing.

After a few minutes, Perospero felt that the outside had calmed down, reached out and broke a small hole in the candy barrier, and leaned over to see what was going on outside.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it, this look immediately scared Perospero.

A palm several meters large is grabbing at Perospero’s candy barrier, the bronzed palm looks a little rough, but the palm print on it is clearly visible.

Then Perospero felt that he was grabbed by the huge palm, and the whole person had a weightless feeling in the candy barrier.

Perospero knew in his heart that he was probably arrested by Kaido as something he had never seen above.

This made Perospero want to cry without tears, originally talking about joining forces, but it turned out to be the current picture.

The main thing is that Perospero has not seen Kaido himself until now, at best, only one of Kaido’s palms.

A thunderous voice exploded in Perospero’s ears, “What is this? Is it the egg that the animal was born?”

Kaido pinched the candy barrier with his index finger and thumb, holding it in front of his eyes to examine the strange egg.

“What kind of animal egg is this, how is it still colorful?”

After Perospero heard Kaido’s words, he softened, afraid that Kaido would pinch him to death with a shaking hand.

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So he quickly dismantled the fruit ability and came out of the colorful ‘egg’.

“What is this thing? I gave this egg?” Kaido became even more excited when he saw someone come out of the egg.

Perospero looked at Kaido’s expression more and more, and quickly explained out loud, “Lord Kaido, I am Charlotte Peros Pero, the candy minister of the BIGMOM Pirates!

It’s funny that this creature that came out of an egg can still talk, I didn’t expect that there would be an animal in this world that I haven’t seen before. ”

From the name of the Hundred Beast Pirates, it can be seen how obsessed Kaido is with animals, especially ‘animals’ like Perospero who can talk just out of the egg.

So Kaido kept fiddling with Peros Pero in his hand as if he had acquired a new toy.

It can be seen from this that the gap in strength between the senior cadres of the Four Emperors and the Four Emperors Pirate Group is.

With the strength of Peros Pero’s 700 million bounty, in Kaido’s hands, he can only be left to play with like a toy.

What domineering, fruit ability, under Kaido’s huge power, it is useless.

Just when Perospero had already confessed his life and was ready to die at the hands of Kaido.

Ember and Jack, who had run far before, came from a distance, and when the two saw the no longer human-shaped Peros Pero in Kaido’s hands, their eyelids jumped, secretly glad that they ran fast.

However, the animal demon fruit mentioned by Perospero earlier made Ember and Jack more worried, so they specifically turned back to report this matter to Kaido.

Looking at Kaido, who was interested, Ember stiffened his head and walked up, “Boss Kaido, you are about to kill Perospero.” ”

After Kaido heard Ember’s words, he was obviously stunned, “Peros Pero, I seem to have heard this name somewhere, isn’t he BIGMOM’s son?

“Ahem, Lord Kaido, Perospero came here specifically to discuss joining forces with you this time, so I have been waiting for you here!”

After listening to the words of the two powerful generals under him, Kaido looked at the human creature in his hand like a rag doll with a skeptical gaze, and at a closer look, Kaido could really vaguely recognize the appearance of Perospero.

“Alas, it’s really boring, I thought I had discovered a new creature, but I didn’t expect it to be Charlotte Lingling’s old woman’s son, what a disappointment!” Kaido’s expression instantly became gloomy, and then he threw Perospero out, as if throwing garbage.

With Kaido’s exaggerated strength, Peros Pero directly turned into a stream of light in the air and flew towards the sea. _

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