Famous sword, little night time rain, ten years later should be Dusty’s sword.

Bai Luo is not proficient in swordsmanship, but he also dabbled in physical arts, but the god killer’s terrifying learning talent is still the same as he quickly mastered the basics of swordsmanship.

After these days of actual combat exercises, Bai Luo’s physical skills have become a lot more proficient, and his rating in the system has been raised to the level of C+ level, that is, he does not completely rely on his physical fitness and does not use domineering, Bai Luo can defeat enemies at the level of commodore by relying on physical skills alone.

Due to the lack of actual combat, swordsmanship is still only at the level of C rank, which is probably the level of swordsmanship after Dusty became a captain in the Navy two years later.

Although it is still a bit partial to the subject, Bai Luo does not plan to choose to specialize in one and give up the other.

Physical arts practitioners have a strong physique, but their attack power is slightly insufficient, like Luffy in the original work, even if he makes a big move, many times it is necessary to superimpose the same attack dozens or hundreds of times to be able to cause enough damage.

Sword art cultivators can basically kill with one blow if they find a flaw, and they are almost unparalleled in terms of attack power except for some special demon fruits.

In comparison, physical cultivators are better at fighting with strange Devil Fruit abilities, because they have enough time and energy to entangle with enemies, find the weaknesses of the ability in the constant probing attacks, and then attack.

Sword cultivators, on the other hand, are more suitable for fighting with larger abilities or giants, and this kind of target is just a moving target in their eyes, and it will kill with one hit.

To some extent, sword art practitioners are meant to restrain physical arts practitioners.

After all, one has a weapon, and the other has no weapon.

Ordinary people have limited energy, so it is inevitable that there will be trade-offs, but for people like Bai Luo, it is natural to have them all.

“One hundred and twenty thousand for the first time!”

“One hundred and twenty thousand for the second time!”

On the field, the auctioneer looked around and noticed if anyone continued to bid.

As a famous sword, only sold for more than one million, it is still somewhat worthless, under normal circumstances, it should be more than three million to get it, but unfortunately, although the previous owner of Xiao Ye Shiyu is a sword hao, or a rare female sword hao, but there is no great fame to speak of, otherwise the value of this knife can be further improved.

“If no one continues to bid … So—” The auctioneer was halfway through saying and saw a sign being raised, it was a VIP seated guest.

“This guest is bidding 1.25 million!

It was Bai Luo who raised the card.

Although he had a famous knife thunderstorm in his hand that was not weaker than the ordinary fast knife, the knife was left by the necromancer of the underworld Xiliu.

Although the necromancer can regain the strength of the heyday before birth, and even the ability of the demon fruit can be manifested, there is no way to conjure weapons as well.

The swordsman had no sword, and his natural strength was greatly reduced, and Bai Luo thunderstormed back to its original owner.

He really lacked a sword in his hand.

After three inquiries, it was true that no one was willing to spend more money on this knife, and the auctioneer knocked down the gavel with some regret:

“One hundred and twenty-fifty thousand Baileys sold!”

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After the transaction, without waiting for the behind-the-scenes delivery, the famous knife Xiaoye Shiyu was directly sent to Bai Luo’s hands by the staff.

This is the privilege of VIP customers, no one will think that VIP customers will not be able to pay more than a million Baileys, and no one will think that there will be guests who have the audacity to make trouble at the flamingo auction.


The next auction was a bit lackluster for people like Bai Luo who didn’t like jewelry very much, although there were also devil fruits, but it was just the most ordinary animal devil fruit.

It is still an ordinary variety that Bai Luo had seen above the Devil Fruit Guide.

The auction would continue in an orderly manner, and Bai Luo and the others also waited patiently until it was almost noon, as the highlight of the finale, the golden fruit was late.

“Distinguished guests, this Devil Fruit in front of you is the highlight of this auction, and the legendary superhuman Devil Fruit Golden Gold Fruit, which symbolizes unparalleled treasures!”

The auctioneer removed the black cloth shrouded in the Devil Fruit, and the golden Devil Fruit was exposed to the air, instantly conquering everyone’s hearts.

From this moment on, the breathing sound in the entire auction hall became a little heavier.

All those who came for its purpose set their eyes on this golden fruit with intense greed.

Gold has symbolized wealth and power since ancient times, even if the golden fruit is not as good as imagined, but the luster of gold can still attract most people’s attention.

“Everyone must know that after the superhuman Devil Fruit ability awakens, he can assimilate the items around him into the attributes of the ability, and if the golden fruit is developed to the awakened state by the ability person, it can even transform an ordinary mountain range into a golden mountain in the blink of an eye, so we often think that those who control the ability of the golden fruit are equivalent to controlling the economic lifeline of the world. ”

The auctioneer couldn’t wait to put all the words of praise on this golden fruit, so that these guests in front of him could empty their pockets.

“Your Chamber of Commerce is really willing to take out such a precious devil fruit for auction. Some acquaintances teased the auctioneer.

“It’s all for the service of the guests!” the auctioneer said this, not to be ashamed at all: “Our boss wants to stay, but unfortunately we can’t find talents that can be used, and there are so many talents under the distinguished guests, I think we can make the most of it.” ”

How many people can develop the Devil Fruit to awaken?

There are less than a hundred people all over the world, much less than people with overlord-colored domineering.

But having said that, what if it can be developed to the state of awakening?

That income is very terrifying, equivalent to a humanoid money printing machine.

It’s like gambling on a lottery ticket, spending hundreds of millions of shells for investment, if not developed to the awakened state, it can also be used as combat power.

If it is developed to the state of awakening, it is a book of great benefits.

Trillions, tens of trillions, tens of trillions of dollars in earnings.

“The starting price is 300 million Baileys, and each increase must not be less than 10 million Baileys, please start bidding!” The auctioneer saw that the guests were ready to go, and stopped talking nonsense, and simply announced the start of the auction.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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