When Torrepol had lost five limbs and was better off alive than dead, Bai Luo was trying to end his life with a sword.

Behind him, Vice Admiral Bley walked over, he looked at Bai Luo and Torrepol, who had no ability to resist under Bai Luo’s sword, rubbed his hands, and laughed: “Uh, that… Your Excellency, can you raise your noble hand and let this person go for the time being, I have very important information here that I want to ask this bastard. ”


Bai Luo glanced at this vice admiral who was in solidarity with Carnival City, and his tone was cold: “You have intelligence to ask him, that’s your business, it’s about me.” ”

“Uh… That being said. Seeing that Bai Luo’s attitude was not friendly, Lieutenant General Bry’s forehead sweated even more: “But this matter is really very important, this Don Quixote family to which Torrepol belongs may be doing something particularly dangerous.” ”

“They do their own thing, even if it is dangerous, it is their business, and it concerns you?”

If I really let it go, even I would be to blame, and I would be responsible in the end!” said Vice Admiral Bulley in a mournful tone.

“You’re going to back the pot, that’s your business, it’s about his?”

Very good, philosophical triple.

Most of the things in the world can be solved by the three sentences about you, about me, and about his.

Then Lieutenant General Buley is not such an easy person to be solved, not that he is determined, but this time the matter is too big, so he has a very bad conjecture in his heart.

Since Bai Luo’s attitude was so tough, he didn’t give him the opportunity to hide his guesses, so he had to come out.

“This gentleman, I really didn’t mean to disturb your duel, but the situation is really urgent!” Lieutenant General Bulley was obviously a joker, shaking his head and sighing for two seconds, seeing that Bai Luo looked impatient and hurried to speed up his speech

“Since it is an emergency, I am just in a hurry to follow the power, regardless of the internal regulations of the Navy, I have to tell this matter… It’s not a secret, the heavenly gold that escorted the kings of the countries to the Draco people is passing near Carnival City today! And at this time, their Don Quixote family actually ran to our island to make trouble, and their leader Doflamingo has not been there, this is really no way not to make people think more, I came to confirm with the cadres of this pirate group, whether they really ate the bear heart leopard gall, and actually dared to attack the heavenly gold!”

“Heavenly gold?”

When Bai Luo heard this, he immediately looked back at the dying Torrebol, and found that Torrepol’s face changed suddenly, as if he had been told some major secret.

It turns out that he happened to encounter the incident of Doflamingo hijacking heavenly gold, no wonder that Flamenco wanted to throw a fake bait of the golden fruit, it turned out to divert the attention of others.

“What a sensible expression… Are you planning to rob the heavenly gold now, do you want to use this as a threat to become the Seven Martial Seas?”

It was already a very rare thing to be able to guess the heavenly gold, and Bai Luo actually broke their purpose with a word, which was to threaten the government to become the Seven Wuhai.

Torrebol looked shocked, and even wondered if Bai Luo had seen and heard that he had cultivated domineering to the extreme, so he could hear his heart.

Lieutenant General Buley also looked incredulous, and couldn’t help but lose his voice: “What?! You want to get the position of Qiwu Hai by threatening the world government?

With this level of provocation, it is strange that the world government can compromise!

“Ordinary pirates naturally can’t do this, and any general can fight them. Bai Luo revealed without care: “But they may be a little different. ”

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“What’s different?” asked Lieutenant General Bry, cooperatively.

“Their leader, Don Quixote Doflamingo, was originally a Draco, and the world government would not dare to let its own dog deal with its owner, even the original owner. Bai Luo casually said this shocking secret, which made the surrounding onlookers dumbfounded!

Draco is a nobleman in the world, how could he fall into the dust and become a pirate?!

“You, how would you know, you outsiders can’t know about Dover! This is a secret that family officials don’t necessarily know!”

Torrebol has been frightened by the unknown prophet of Bai Luo, and looking at Bai Luo at this time is like seeing a monster that can peek into people’s hearts at will, and he can’t help but be at a loss.

If Bai Luo just said that Doflamingo is a Draco, it is just a little appalling, then Torrepol’s appearance at this moment is not to fight himself.


Lieutenant General Bry, who was present at the Assassin, and the girl Monet were shocked by this shocking news.

The sea thief Doflamingo who crisscrossed the North Sea was actually a Draco?!

“This! Isn’t this a dead end!”

After Lieutenant General Blley cleared up the matter, he roared with wide eyes and grievance: “My mother is destined to be ousted!”

The coercion and trading between Draco and the world government, his small vice admiral caught in the middle, is destined to be not a person inside and out.

“If Doflamingo were just a sea thief, Lao Tzu… I escaped after being seriously injured in the past, no matter how I said that I was faithful to my duties, I couldn’t lose my position as a lieutenant general, but now his grandmother’s Doflamingo is his mother’s Draco, I don’t dare to fight, and if I don’t fight, it’s dereliction of duty… Lao Tzu wants to be cold!”

Lieutenant General Buli looked sad, he had a B number in his heart, knowing that his strength could not even deal with the highest cadres under Doflamingo, and it was barely enough to fight an ordinary cadre, let alone the entire pirate group.

“You have been in the city of Carnival for so long, the money you have made should be enough to pluck yourself out, right?” Bai Luo looked at this lieutenant general’s apocalyptic appearance and felt a little funny: “Besides, you may not be completely unable to get out.” ”

“Why did the big guy teach me?” Seeing that Bai Luo had a way, Vice Admiral Buli’s eyes suddenly lit up, not caring about the vice admiral’s reserve, and looked at Bai Luo with hopeful eyes.

“The person who created the problem for you was Doflamingo…”

Bai Luo showed a mysterious smile: “Think about it, you can’t solve the problem, but you can solve the person who raised the problem!”

“You want me to finish off Doflamingo?”

Lieutenant General Buley looked bitter: “Big guy, don’t joke with me, if I really beat him, I would have pretended not to know that he was a Draco, and I would have done it when I went up!

“What you can’t do, you can entrust someone else to do!”

Bai Luo patted Lieutenant General Bry’s shoulder, and then pointed in the direction of the stone giant not far away: “Look at how that person is, does it look very strong!”

He wasn’t referring to Pika, but to the tyrant bear who was fighting Pika.

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