Bai Luo was blowing the strength of the tyrant bear, and the three looked up and saw that the stone giant in the distance was instantly truncated, and it was obvious that the tyrant bear had the upper hand.

“How, with such a strong man to help you deal with Doflamingo, do you feel more secure?”

How could I do something to this noble bitch!” Lieutenant General Bullley was still sad.

Ignoring the title in his mouth, he is a dutiful sailor.

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t shoot, anyway, you are not a combat power, you can let him act on your behalf!” Bai Luo followed the seduction: “I think you can also see that he is the wanted sea pirate tyrant bear, and the pirate beats Draco naturally!”

Lieutenant General Bulley mused.

He came from a slum, did not look down on pirates, did not feel how sacred the navy was, and even did not have due fear and respect for Draco, so he would say that if he was strong enough, he would directly pretend not to know that Doflamingo was a Draco and kill him.

The world government side is also not good to say something about it.

This time he asked the pirate to help, he did not reject such behavior from his heart, and this kind of thing is indeed beneficial to the current situation.

But he was still a little hesitant, because Bai Luo offered to help, but did not mention the matter of Yibai’s remuneration.

Serve yourself for free?

He didn’t believe in such a good thing.

Although he has a rough appearance, he is actually a very shrewd person, otherwise he would not have mixed in with his current position.

“If you do it properly, maybe not only don’t you have to be blamed, but you can also mention your status!”

The lieutenant general is almost at the top, and Buli’s strength does not allow him to become a general, so he can only be promoted from other positions.

“Properly operated?”

The temptation of power made Lieutenant General Bullley breathe a little, and he pretended to be puzzled and asked, “What do you mean?”

“We killed the Don Quixote family here, the pirates want credit and it is useless, it is better to give you the credit, with this you should be able to connect with the top of the world government… I don’t need to say more about the rest, right?”

Bai Luo dialed at will.

“It seems… Doable!”

Lieutenant General Bulli is well aware of the virtues of the world government, and as long as he can solve this incident, even if he knows that he hired pirates to do it, he will not pursue it.

The means are not important, what matters is the result.

“Bulu Bru Bru!”

The telephone worm on Lieutenant General Bry’s waist suddenly rang.

“Hey, the phone worms in the naval base should have all been destroyed, and I didn’t have time to report this incident to the headquarters, who could make the call?”

Picking up the phone worm suspiciously, Bley chose to answer the phone.

“Born on the island of ice in the West Sea, Vice Admiral Brly Zorgen, right?”

A majestic and old voice came from the phone worm, causing Buli to instantly ring that he was a stern instructor in their boot camp, Senior General Zefa.

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Lieutenant General Bulli couldn’t help but straighten his waist, like a recruit waiting to be reviewed.

This indescribable momentum… And I actually found out even the surname that I abandoned for many years, is it not a big man of the level of a marshal ?!

“We are the five old stars. ”

Another voice equally majestic and old, with a tougher and more undoubted timbre, sounded.

“Woooo Five old stars?!”

Lieutenant General Bulli was so shocked that he couldn’t speak clearly, he never thought that he would one day have the opportunity to speak to the world’s highest leaders.

This matter was so important that it actually alarmed these five adults?!

“Contact you this time. ”

“There’s a task for you!”

“Pirate Doflamingo attacked the ship transporting heavenly advance ten miles near your naval base. ”

“We need you without hurting Doflamingo-”

“Take out the heavenly gold!”

“Regardless of losses!”

The five old stars did not care about the surprise of a lieutenant general at all, but began to assign tasks to him one by one.

“Reclaim the heavenly gold without harming Doflamingo?

When Lieutenant General Buli heard the words of the five old stars, the whole person was not good, and the mental shock brought to him by the power of the five old stars suddenly disappeared, and he wanted to curse now.

Are you five old things stupid [beep-], can this kind of thing be done by a lieutenant general?!

But he couldn’t scold.

Instead, when the five old stars heard him say that it was impossible, they suddenly spoke again.

“Nothing is impossible. ”

“If you don’t do it well… You don’t have to stay in the Navy. ”

“This is an order!”

The ass decides the head, the five old stars don’t know how to complete such a demanding task, but he doesn’t need to know, they just need to know the result they want, if the people below can’t do it, then change someone.

Bai Luo looked at the scene in front of him and did not feel strange.

You must know that in the previous world, he has encountered undergraduate graduates who have more than ten years of work experience in company recruitment, and bosses who fired people because of an OK gesture from employees, and people could not sleep in bed during health inspections, garbage cans could not be put in garbage and all kinds of strange situations.

Such unreasonable demands from top to bottom are even more common.

He has a lot of experience in this.

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