Of course, Jiang Liu couldn't hear Kabuto's inner confession.

The construction of the hidden village is a long-term process, and it also includes many complex projects and events.

For example, the most important thing is the ideological education project.

Education Ninja Academy, the villagers who were originally confused, had no future, and had no goals, had a common goal and a dream.

That's the great thing about education.

The biggest disagreement among human beings stems from the disagreement of three views.

So in response to this, Jiang Liu had to personally participate in the work of compiling textbooks, including private goods in it, to cultivate their real ideas.

"Loyalty, justice, kindness."

"The world is unified and peaceful."

"Friendship, solidarity, safeguarding the interests of civilians."

Wait, wait, etc., most of them copy the ideas of many people in previous lives. Although it is very common, it is better than this set of doctrines. It is the experience and attention that has been tested by many times and years.

It's incredibly easy to use.

"The purpose of the establishment of the country of waves is to give us, who live in poverty, an environment where we can live and work in peace and contentment, and everyone has enough food and clothing!"

"This is the kindness of Mr. Jiang Liu, Bo Ying!"

"If possible, we should think about bringing peace to the entire ninja world, but the premise is that we have to grow stronger."

"All citizens of the Land of Waves should develop and strengthen themselves, and turn strength into belief."

The ideological education project has begun in a mighty way. The streets and alleys, the countryside, and even the old man who is fishing can sing a few words.

Imperceptibly, everyone has become accustomed to the new changes in the Land of Waves.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, it has been a year since the village was established.

The construction of Boyin Village has begun to take shape.

"Today, our Boyin Village has twenty-five Jōnin, 100 Chūnin, and more than 300 Genin."

"All of them have been screened through strict actual combat assessments, and the data is reliable."

"It can be simply formed, with Jōnin as the head, Chūnin as the supplement, Genin as the preparation, and twenty-five ninja teams."

Kaguya Junwu reported with emotion in his heart.

Such a scale, of course, is nothing compared to those Great Ninja Villages. But among the small and medium-sized countries in this world, it is already a very powerful force.

What's even more frightening is that Boyin Village has shown the ability to develop terror.

In just one year, excluding the twelve Jōnins that originally existed in the Hui Yoruichi clan, there were actually twelve Jōnins in the land of waves, which was dominated by civilians.

One of the Jōnin was Uchiha Shisui, of course.

"It can turn people who have passed the best age for ninja training into excellent Jōnin combat power."

"The ability of this wave shadow is beyond my imagination."

Kaguya Junwu sighed in his heart.

Among the twelve civilian Jōnin, many were teenagers of sixteen or seventeen years old, and they had never been exposed to cultivation before.

It's just that after the village gave this practice that all the people can try, he showed a talent that surpassed others.

Afterwards, he was personally met by Jiang Liu and instructed his practice. Only then did his strength grow by leaps and bounds, and he possessed the strength of Jōnin.

"Could it be that he has the ability to help others improve their strength?"

Kaguya Junwu thought in shock.

Then, he thought of Kimimaro, the genius of the Kaguya family.

I haven't seen each other for a year, Kimimaro has grown taller and stronger, and his personality has become much gentler than before, but he is also more terrifying.

Because, in the memory of this year, the other party has never had an outbreak of blood following disease.

This means that Kimimaro, who is still young, has fully mastered the power of Dead Bone Pulse and will not let him hurt himself again.

"What incredible means does he possess?"

Kaguya-kungo does not understand.

At this moment, Jiang Liu, who was sitting opposite, suddenly stopped his fingers tapping on the table, raised his head, his blond hair was prominent, and nodded with a smile.

"Yes, development is still in my forecast."

"However, our strength is still too small, there is no food storage, no commercial trade, no economic development, and even the port is still being built."

"Of course, the most important thing is that we still don't have a strong person who can decide the situation."

Kaguya Junwu was stunned for a moment: "Lord Boying, you and Shisui-kun are both very powerful people!"

Jiang Liu shook his head: "I'm talking about a ninja at least as high as Konoha Sannin."

"In this way, when faced with a difficult situation, we will have the power to take the initiative to deal with it."

"Konoha Sannin?!"

Kaguya-kungo shut up.

Uchiha Shisui was startled.

Sannin's name, they have naturally heard of it, and are well-known in the entire ninja world. And the reason why they are so famous is because of the battle with Hanzō of the Salamander, known as the demigod.

"I'm going to go out."

"Look for some like-minded friends to join our Boyin Village."

"Work together for the peace and future of the ninja world."

Jiang Liu said suddenly.

"Lord Bo Ying, are you going out?"

Kaguya Junwu was stunned and said quickly.

Hearing Bo Ying's name, Jiang Liu's mouth twitched. He really couldn't like this nickname.


"So, the affairs of the village will be left to you and Shisui to maintain."

Kaguya Junwu was stunned, but he didn't expect the other party to really leave.

"Can I?"

For the first time, he questioned his own abilities.

Although Shisui was also a little worried, he still chose to obey: "Yes, teacher."

Jiang Liu looked at Kaguya Junwu at this time, and suddenly laughed.

The patriarch of the Hui Yoruichi clan is now completely different from when he first met, and his eyes are full of awe for himself.

The reason for this is because one day, when facing the sea, he started to practice Wood Style, True Several Thousand Hands.

The spectacular scene of thousands of giant palms waving, smashing the waves and smashing the sea, left a lifetime shadow on the Kaguya Patriarch, which could never be erased.

"No problem, Jun Wu."

"You have been the administrator of Bo Ying, the captain of the garrison, for a long time!"

"Don't look like this, you are no longer the Kaguya patriarch of Kirigakure, but the pillar of the country of waves!"

Jiang Liu said with a smile.


"Okay, I will definitely not disappoint Lord Bo Ying's expectations!"

Kaguya Junwu took a deep breath and said seriously.

In the afternoon of that day, Jiang Liu simply packed up and set off with Bai and Kimimaro, who were still teenagers.

At the entrance of the village, Shisui and Kaguya Junwu watched the three leave.

"Patriarch Kaguya, I have to continue to supervise the training of those guys in the Anbu reserve team, so I will go first."

Shisui retracted his eyes and said softly.

"Anbu reserve team?"

Kaguya Junwu's eyes flashed slightly.

He knew that the reserve team of the Land of Waves were all monsters who practiced Taijutsu, and their daily training was like hell.

Some of the little guys in the clan were also selected, and it seemed that they practiced the physical arts called Six Forms.

And if you want to practice this kind of physique, the necessary condition is to make your physique into a superhuman level.

"Okay, Shisui-kun, let's go first."

Kaguya Junwu said quickly.

Seeing the other party disappear, he just sighed softly.

"Anbu from Poin Village."

"They're all monsters!"

Although there are not many at present, and they are not included in the ninja-level evaluation, Kaguya Junwu is very clear that these guys are really fighting.

I'm afraid, not weaker than Jōnin in the slightest!

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