The next day, at Marinford Square.

The execution platform had been set up, and reporters flocked to it, followed by the crowd of spectators.

"Look, someone is coming! Oh my god! It's the Navy hero Garp!"

"No, not only that, Navy Marshal Sengoku, Admiral Akainu, Admiral Kizaru, and the vice admirals are all here!"

"It seems that the Navy really attaches great importance to this public trial!"

Carl took great pains today, wearing the most handsome white suit, combing his hair like an adult, and even Raven took a bath and squatted quietly on his shoulder.

Marshal Sengoku glanced at Carl and thought that this kid was really a show-off!

"Marshal Sengoku, the image bug is ready and can start at any time."

Sengoku nodded and patted Carl on the shoulder: "Let's start...get ready."

Carl didn't say anything, but nodded quietly.

Sengoku walked to the front of the stage, looked down at the crowd of spectators below, and his face became serious.

"Everyone, the issue of corruption in the navy has been making a lot of noise recently. As the admiral of the navy, I..."

Sengoku began to speak, and the video phone bug immediately started to work, projecting the picture to the four seas and the member states of the World Government of the Grand Line.

East China Sea, Rogue Town.

"It's started! Is that the admiral of the navy, Sengoku Buddha? His hairstyle is really interesting!"

"Shh, don't talk, listen to what he is talking about?"

Grand Line, Sabaody Archipelago.

Everyone gathered in front of the large screen set up by the navy, expressing their opinions.


"These corrupt navy officers thought that the headquarters was out of reach and that they could hide their tracks with the power in their hands, but they did not expect that their corrupt and abusive mentality had already been exposed."

"Our navy has a zero-tolerance attitude towards such behavior! We will not miss any clumsy corruption tricks!"


Finally, Zhan Guo put down the microphone and turned his head to look at Carl: "Next, please welcome Rear Admiral Carl of the Navy Headquarters to the stage!"

Carl took a deep breath, calmed himself down, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and walked to the front of the stage.

The moment he walked in front of the camera, the crowd below exclaimed.

"Look at that! That's Carl, the world's most handsome guy. What an enviable face!"

"Ahhh! Rear Admiral Carl, so handsome!"

Seeing the reaction below, Carl was relieved. It turned out that appearance is justice! Hancock is not lying to me!

"The law is long and wide, and nothing can escape it!"

"We arrested all the corrupt navy officers as soon as possible, and what awaits them will be a just trial!"

"The corrupt navy rat, the former colonel of the 16th branch of the East China Sea, received a total of 54 million Baileys in bribes from the [Evil Dragon Pirates], condoned their burning, killing and looting, and brought disaster to the East China Sea, causing countless civilians to be killed by the evil dragon group."

At this time, the rat with shackles on his body was put up with a dead face, and the whole person was trembling slightly.

"Rat, do you know your crime?"

The rat knelt on the ground. Crying and shouting: "I was wrong, I tarnished justice, I shouldn't have accepted bribes from Arlong and his gang, I really know I was wrong, please let me go!"

"Now you know you are wrong? What did you do before?"

At this time, the crowd watching underground also shouted loudly: "Kill him! Kill him!"

Carl coughed, and the scene gradually became quiet, and then he continued.

"In view of the huge amount of bribes he received, the particularly serious circumstances of the crime, the particularly bad social impact, and the particularly serious losses caused to the interests of the navy and the people;

The mouse committed multiple crimes, with extremely deep subjective malice, extremely bad social impact, and extremely serious crimes, and should be severely punished according to law.

Sentenced to death for multiple crimes, executed immediately!"

The mouse's face suddenly turned pale, and after a tremor, the ground was wet. Carl took a step back calmly.

The executioners standing on both sides of Carl held a huge axe, shouted loudly, raised their hands and fell with the axe, and the head fell to the ground.

"Corrupt navy Tattle Duke, former brigadier general of the 56th branch of the West Sea, embezzled a total of 274 million berries of public funds from the navy. Most of the embezzled proceeds were used for enjoyment and the purchase of private property. In view of his..."

The first to be tried were some big fish, that is, the representative corrupt navy. In short, they were all death row prisoners.

After the trial of the main corrupt navy was completed, a team of navy soldiers came over with hundreds of prisoners.

"These people, are they?"

"They should also be corrupt navy officers! Didn't the newspaper say there were more than 200 of them?"

Carl licked his dry lips and continued, "These corrupt navy officers are all accomplices of corruption, helping the evildoers and abetting the evil, and they should be executed!"

"Since their crimes are relatively minor, the death penalty can be exempted, butThere is no way to escape the crime alive."

"Everyone will be sent to the Impel Downs and spend the rest of their lives repenting!"

"The following is a list of corrupt navy officers imprisoned in the Impel Downs."

"Atwood, accepting bribes, oppressing the people... sentenced to serve his sentence on the 4th floor of the Impel Downs!"


Finally, Carl's throat was almost smoking, and he finally completed his mission and retreated behind the scenes.

"Major General Carl, have a glass of water."

"Thank you!"

Zhan Guo stood in front of the stage again and said in a deep voice: "As a naval marshal, I am really sad to see so many corrupt navy officers in the navy."

"As the saying goes, it is necessary to prevent future crimes before punishing them."

"In essence, the navy's internal supervision, power restraint, and corruption prevention mechanisms are not perfect, and the implementation of relevant systems is not in place, leaving corrupt navy officers with opportunities to exploit loopholes."

"Therefore, as the naval marshal, I announce that the Navy Independent Commission Against Corruption is officially established!!! "

There was an uproar below. Although they had a rough idea of ​​what the Navy Independent Commission Against Corruption was, they still wanted to listen to what Zhan Guo had to say.

"The Navy Independent Commission Against Corruption is an independent law enforcement agency within the Navy that specializes in combating corruption. It aims to eradicate corruption and promote integrity, and adopts prevention, education and investigation methods to resolutely prevent any corruption from happening!"

"The Independent Commission Against Corruption is divided into the Execution Division, the Anti-Corruption Division, and the Navy Relations Division. It uses law enforcement, anti-corruption, and education as a three-pronged approach to combat corruption through the "three-pronged approach" of the three departments! "


After Zhan Guo introduced the basic situation of the Navy Independent Commission Against Corruption, he immediately announced that the former Navy Lieutenant Commander Smoker would become the first director of the Navy Independent Commission Against Corruption, and his rank would be changed to Brigadier General.

Smoker, who was watching from the side, smiled happily. He had finally got what he had been working on for several months. Now it was his turn to show his skills!

But all this was thanks to the man standing next to Marshal Zhan Guo. If it weren't for him...

Smoker took a deep breath and said silently in his heart: "Thank you, good brother!"

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