Red Verse.

"Quick! Speed ​​up! Don't let them catch up with us!"

Beckman was commanding the crew to leave the World as fast as possible to avoid the gunfire of the pursuers.

Shanks leaned against the wall and panted, not wanting to say a word.

After running for nearly three hours, he finally got rid of BIGMOM's pursuers and was temporarily safe. Beckman was relieved.

"Hey, Shanks, are you okay?"

Shanks shook his head: "It's okay, but I just used up a lot of energy. Big Mom's physique is too scary."

Beckman patted Shanks on the shoulder and took out a cigarette: "If it weren't for the Navy's trickery, we wouldn't be so embarrassed."

"Navy? The one who pretended to be one of us and broke the photo to make Big Mom crazy?"

Beckman nodded: "Yes, it's him, Vice Admiral Carl, whose ability is holy light, which has the effect of healing and strengthening the body."

"If he hadn't secretly helped the Charlotte family's bastards, we wouldn't have lost so many brothers."

"However, this guy also killed a lot of Charlotte's people and helped us stop the pursuers. I really don't understand."

Shanks laughed: "I'm glad you're okay. As for Carl, I think it's for balance. !"


Shanks showed a thoughtful expression: "Yes, balance, his goal is to maximize the losses of both of us."

"Maximize losses... I understand!"

Beckman exhaled a smoke ring and said lightly: "He wants us to fight BIGMOM with all our strength, but he doesn't want us to give up ourselves and join BIGMOM, so he did this."

"It not only makes Big Mom's ambition fail, but also makes us suffer heavy losses. This is exactly what the Navy wants to see."

Shanks sighed: "Yes! To put it bluntly, we are just a pawn used by the Navy to deal with Big Mom, but this kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

"That's right, there are already three overlords on the sea, why can't there be one more?"

Shanks and Beckman smiled at each other, everything is self-explanatory.

At the same time, Carl and Ape have returned to the Navy Headquarters to report the mission to Sengoku.

"Hahaha, well done, Carl, you really lived up to my expectations."

Carl waved his hand modestly: "If it weren't for General Kizaru's support, I wouldn't have been able to retreat from Wanguo so easily, right! General Kizaru?"

Turning his head, I saw Kizaru trimming his nails. He should have finished trimming them and was grinding them with a file or something.

"Huh? What?"

Zhan Guo shook his head helplessly: "Don't worry about him. By the way, Carl, do you want to continue to be active in the first half of the Grand Line, or go to the New World?"

"Or, to guard a branch?"

After thinking for a while, Carl looked up and said: "Marshal Zhan Guo, I will go to guard the branch first, whether it is Paradise or the New World, I can do it."

Zhan Guo nodded, clasped his hands, and looked directly at Carl: "The G-10 base in the New World is just short of a base commander. Are you willing to go?"


Carl recalled the branch layout of the Navy and immediately confirmed the location of the G10 branch, Milham Island, which is located in the center of the New World route, not too far from Wano Country and Dressrosa, and surrounded by Dressrosa, Lulucia Kingdom and other member countries of the World Government.

"I do, Marshal Sengoku!"

Sengoku nodded: "Very good, you go back first, I will give you the appointment letter later, and you will set off for G-10 base tomorrow."

"By the way, Whitebeard, if you move into G-10, the old guy Whitebeard may cause trouble for you. If they really come, ask for support as soon as possible, don't be stubborn."


Guarding the base and becoming the head of the base means that Carl no longer has to run to the Navy Headquarters, and G10 base has become his home.

The advantage is that it is easy to slack off and convenient, after all, he is the highest commander of the base, and he can do whatever he wants.

The disadvantage is that G10 base is located in the New World, and it is inevitable to fight with the overlord-level pirate groups, such as Whitebeard and Hundred Beasts, and the intensity of the battle has risen sharply.

But overall, there are more advantages than disadvantages. No matter how crazy Whitebeard Kaido and others are, it is impossible for them to attack the naval base with the whole group. After all, the navy is the largest force on the sea.

So Carl is not too worried.

In the afternoon, Carl had received the appointment letter and could leave for the G10 base that day.

But Carl was not in a hurry to leave. He would talk about tomorrow's affairs tomorrow and go to see how Smoker was doing recently.

The office of the Director of the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

Bang, bang, bang.Smoker, who was sorting documents, looked up at the door and said, "Come in!"

"Ahem~ Can you open the window? The room is full of smoke."

Smoker laughed, "I'm used to it. I heard you just came back from Wan Guo? How was it?"

"Not bad! The mission was a complete success."

After that, Carl sat down on the chair and looked at Smoker, "What about you? How is your work going recently?"

Smoker shook his head, "It's so-so. After the public trial, many naval generals took the initiative to submit self-criticisms, but they were all minor issues. The big fish we caught before may not be caught."

"Hahaha, isn't that good? Isn't this what you want to see? The more idle you are, the better the navy is now."

Smoker smiled, "That's true, but I've been thinking recently whether to rectify the work style of some naval forces, such as some hawkish naval generals, who often..."

Before he finished speaking, Carl immediately interrupted : "It's best not to get involved. As long as he doesn't collude with pirates, it's best not to care about corruption."

"But, in order to complete the mission, these people completely disregard the lives of civilians. What kind of navy is this? What exactly did they protect?"

"Shouldn't we care?"

Carl shook his head: "They completed the mission, didn't they? What right do you have to blame them?"

"This is different. Just like what you said before, there are many ways to complete the mission. There must be a way to have the best of both worlds. Why kill pirates at the cost of sacrificing the lives of civilians?"

"The duty of a soldier is to obey orders. I know what you are thinking, Smoker, but these are not issues to consider at this stage."

"Your mission is to ensure that there are no more corrupt people who collude with pirates and engage in corruption within the navy. For the time being, don't care about other things. Otherwise, the ICAC will become history."

After speaking, Carl walked out of the office. Smoker was silent for a long time and finally sighed.

"The road ahead is long and arduous!"

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