The next day, Carl reported to Zefa on time, which was actually a special training.

Carl was absent for a week, and his practice of the Six Styles of the Navy fell behind a lot. Although the only thing he couldn't do was the Moon Step, as long as he could use the Shave, plus a strong physique, he could easily master the left foot stepping on the right foot to go up to the sky.

What Carl lacked at present were some tips and practical skills for the Six Styles of the Navy. Zefa was obviously a qualified physical training teacher.

"I have already told you all the skills that should be taught, but it's better to fight with real swords and guns than to say more!"

"Next, I will be your sparring partner. Use all your means to attack me!"

Carl nodded, got ready, raised his hand and fired a finger gun, then a Nine Heavens Thunder Double Kick, which was actually a Storm Kick, and finally rushed to Zefa with a Shave and punched Zefa's jawbone.

It can be said that the operation was as fierce as a tiger, and the damage was 250 at a glance.

Zefa took all of Carl's attacks without changing his face, and then subdued Carl in one fell swoop.

"Such a big move! Are you deliberately letting others know that you are going to attack?"

"That's not how you use Storm Kicks. Use your kicks like whips to maximize the power!"


In short, Zefa was merciless when teaching Carl. He taught him how to do it. After a "military training", Carl's fighting skills improved by leaps and bounds, and he had mastered all the skills except Moon Step.

"Okay, that's all for today! Let's continue tomorrow. When your physique improves a little more, I will teach you the skills of Moon Step!"

Carl, who was covered in dust, panted slightly and slapped a holy light on himself to relieve the fatigue after the high-intensity battle.

"Huh~ Teacher Zefa, when can I awaken my domineering aura?"

Zefar frowned and was about to scold Carl for wanting to run without even learning to walk, but thinking that this guy couldn't be generalized with others, he thought again and again and said.

"Karl, don't worry about Haki. After you have mastered the six styles of the navy, I will give you special training on Haki."

"Really? Great, thank you, Mr. Zefa. I'll go back then!"

Zefa glanced at the time. Very good. There is less than an hour before lunch...

The days in the training camp are very monotonous. The only tone is hard work and struggle! Sweat!

In this way, time passed day by day, and it was the 60th day in a blink of an eye, which was also the prelude to the end of the recruits' training camp career.

Because today is the day to test the growth and gains of the recruits, which is commonly known as the "recruit competition".

After 60 days, Karl has also transformed from a small fish into a real navy elite, and he is the leader in the training camp. Ain and Binz can hardly catch up.

[Training Camp Storm Phase II] Karl has already completed the task, and ten designated attribute enhancement cards (advanced) are easily obtained, as well as Karl's most anticipated special skill [Move like a rabbit].

Without the advanced enhancement card, Karl's attributes are as follows.

Host: Carl

Age: 24

Physique: C

Perception: D

Will: D-

Special Abilities: [Quiet as a Virgin] [Moving as a Rabbit]

Holy Light Fruit: 5.8% (Awakening Progress)

Active Skill: Fragile (Usable)

It is not difficult to see from the attributes that Carl's strategy in using attribute enhancement cards is to focus on physique, secondary on perception, and never care about will.

Because Carl found that his will attribute would gradually increase as his strength continued to grow, so he was too lazy to waste enhancement cards to specifically attack.

The reason is very simple. Physique affects Carl's strength, speed, physical strength, recovery... while perception affects reaction and thinking.

These two attributes have a great impact on Carl's combat power. It is certain that the higher these two attributes are, the stronger Carl's combat power will be.

As for will... the system's explanation is very complicated, with spirit, courage and other messy things. The only thing worth noting is that the will can automatically awaken the domineering color when it reaches S level.

"Ring, ring, ring~"

"Carl, wake up, aren't you going to take the test today? Don't sleep in!"

Monica, wearing a white suspender nightgown, shook Carl's shoulders vigorously. Carl soon opened his sleepy eyes, yawned, and mumbled.

"Yeah, oh, I know!"


Carl, who was suddenly awakened, hurriedly got up from the bed, put on his uniform and washed up in a hurry, kissed Monica goodbye and hurried to the cafeteria, and came to the training ground after eating.

"Huh~ Fortunately, I'm not late, otherwise Teacher Zefa would tear me in half!"

"Morning! Brother Carl!" "Morning!"

After a brief greeting with Ain, Zefa came to the center of the playground, and a loud and powerful voice came: "New recruits! Assemble!"

"Count!" "1,2,3..."

All present.

Wearing a purple suit and a banner of justice, Zefa scanned the team and said, "Don't be nervous, today is just a test of what you have gained in the past two months."

"I have seen all your efforts and sweat. To be honest, I am very pleased because you have lived up to your efforts!"

"You are all great! Today, please show the results of your hard work!"

"Oh oh oh!"

The enthusiastic recruits shouted enthusiastically. In order not to look out of place, Carl also shouted a few times.

Next, all the recruits began to warm up under the guidance of Instructor Xiu Zuo to prepare for the upcoming "New Recruit Competition".

Everyone knew that today was their best chance because it was related to their future prospects.

Zephyr had said long ago that every year's "New Recruit Competition" would be watched by officers above the level of brigadier general, and everyone could be selected by the officers and become their subordinates.

If you get the favor of a big-name vice admiral or even a general, you can not only enrich your resume, but also gain a lot of military merits with them, so as to get the attention of the navy's top brass and rise to prominence.

The navy is not only about upholding justice and fighting, but also about human relationships.

This may seem utilitarian, but it is true. Ten years of naval career has taught Carl too much.

You should know that before he had a good relationship with Charles, it took him 7 years to be promoted to sergeant. After being valued by Charles, he was promoted once a year and quickly obtained the rank of captain.

That pink-haired idiot Coby was promoted to colonel in two years. Apart from the strength factor, Carl doesn't believe that Garp didn't help behind the scenes.

Even Carl is the same now. Because of the characteristics of the devil fruit ability, he is valued by the marshal, the admiral, and Zephyr, who has the strongest connections in the navy. It is not a dream to be promoted to admiral!

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