
Carl said calmly: "Yes, in the world below, there is a group of people who claim to be descendants of the Creator..."

800 years ago, 20 kings from 20 countries jointly established the World Government. As "creators", the kings brought their families to the holy land of Marijoa, but the Nefertari royal family living in the Kingdom of Alabasta refused to move to the holy land of Marijoa. The descendants of these 19 kings are the Celestial Dragons who dominate the World Government, have all the privileges, and regard themselves as "descendants of the Creator".

After hearing this, Enelu's eyes flashed with disdain: "Aren't they just mortals? How dare a tiny insect call himself a god?"

Seeing Enelu take the bait, Carl smiled, but Enelu quickly reacted.

According to Carl's popular science just now, isn't the World Government the Navy's immediate superior? This is using him as a gun!

"Haha, you don't even dare to provoke them, so why do you want me to go?"

Carl grinned: "I really don't dare now, but I've been annoyed with them for a long time. It's just right for you, the god of Sky Island, to test their level. Do you dare?"

"Or are you just a mortal?"

Enelu's smile gradually faded, and he quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind.

If he didn't agree, this navy named Carl would probably kill him directly, but even if he agreed, he would kill that shitty Celestial Dragon, and he would become a criminal, and he would still be hunted down by the navy in the end...

Seeing that Enelu didn't answer for a long time, Carl snorted, held the Qiu Shui around his waist, and slowly pulled it out while saying: "My patience is limited..."

"Since you are no longer useful, there is no need for you to live, right?"

Enelu gritted his teeth, stared at Carl and said: "Anyway, I'm going to die, why should I listen to your orders?"

After saying this, Carl understood that Enelu obviously had concerns, so in this case, just eliminate his concerns.

Carl changed his face like a Sichuan opera and said with a smile: "No, no, no, you underestimate yourself too much."

"The Thunder Fruit has given you unparalleled speed, which is one of the best in the entire ocean. As long as you want to leave, no one can stop you."

Hearing Carl's "flattery", Enel smiled and thought to himself that this god is special no matter where he is. If he hadn't underestimated the enemy, how could he have subdued Carl with his slow speed?

Seeing that there was a chance, Carl continued, "Yes, there is no one. That's why I locked you up with seastone, because once you leave, I can never catch you again."

"Humph~ Of course!"

"So, your mission is to turn Marijoa upside down. You don't need to fight with others at all. If you meet someone you can't beat, you can just leave."

"What? Can you agree to this request? If not, I just ask you to stay here forever..."

Feeling the cold touch on his neck and Carl's emotionless eyes, Enel swallowed subconsciously, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

This navy seemed to say something different to him!

After a long silence, Enel sighed and said seriously: "I promise you, as long as you let me go, I promise to wipe out Marijoa from this world."

Erase? The tone is really big. Carl doesn't have this confidence. Enel can be thankful that he can electrocute a few more Celestial Dragons.

After all, the quality of his lightning... well, it should be able to kill people, right?

"Very good, your choice is very wise, but just in case, I still have to do some small tricks on you, do you mind?"

Enelu: Do you think my mind is useful?

Carl turned around, took out a bottle of Happy Fat House Water from the system space, added a little mustard, and shook it, then poured out a small bottle cap, turned around and looked at Enelu with a smile.

"Come on, Dalang is drinking medicine, Enelu, drink it!"

Enelu looked at the black, bubbling, and strange-smelling uncertain substance with a look of disgust, and his eyebrows twisted into knots.

"What is this?"

Carl still smiled and waved his hand: "It's okay, how could I harm you? Only after drinking it can I believe you, right?"

That's what he said, but Carl's tone was unquestionable, and Enelu originally thought that the navy called Carl was full of tricks.

This thing must be a poison used to control him!

However, the situation is pressing, he will die if he doesn't drink it. After all, they only met once, and the so-called promise is just nonsense.

"Okay, I'll drink it!"

Carl immediately raised his thumb and looked at Hancock on the side: "Hey! See? This isSmart guy."

"Yeah." Hancock tried to keep a cool expression to avoid being exposed. She saw Carl operate it with her own eyes just now. When she thought about using this thing, she couldn't help laughing.

No, she couldn't hold it back any longer. Hancock quickly pinched the tender flesh on her thigh to calm herself down.

Looking at the "poison" close at hand, Enelu closed his eyes tragically, took a deep breath, and opened his mouth.

Carl didn't indulge him, and directly poured the magic fat house water into Enelu's mouth.


Enelu's throat first felt sweet, followed by spicy, very spicy, rushing straight to the top of his head.

After a while, Enelu had a lot of snot and tears, his eyes were red, and he kept coughing. He should have choked his throat.

"Water! I want to drink water! "

But Carl shook his head: "No, drinking water now will neutralize the poison... uh, it will affect the taste, so please be patient!"

Look! It's exposed! You're not acting anymore, right? I knew it was poison!

Enel glared at Carl angrily, his eyes full of bloodshot...

After about ten minutes, Enel recovered and looked at Carl breathlessly: "Can you let me go now?"

Carl raised his wrist to look at the watch and shook his head again: "No, I have to wait three hours before I can let you go."

"Why? We agreed before!"

"Don't be impatient! At least wait until your body absorbs it completely to ensure that it works, don't you think?"

"After all, you are a natural ability user! If I let you go, you will use elementalization immediately, wouldn't it be in vain? "

Enelu clenched his fists. This marine is so scheming! He will do anything to control him. It's so despicable!

"By the way, I have something to tell you during this time."

Enelu glanced at Carl and turned his head away.

I don't want to talk to you now. You are too filthy. Don't get involved!

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