Deserted island.

Carl looked at the warship slowly approaching on the sea and showed a hint of joy. It finally came.

Damn, if Raven hadn't stayed in Punk Hazard, he wouldn't have sat here waiting.

Swimming? Impossible, the sea water is so cold! Anyway, he can't swim.

"Hehe, Carl, I'm here to pick you up! Really, why did you come to such a remote place?"

Carl looked at Ian with some depression and said, "It's all the fault of this guy Xiong. He... Uh, forget it, let's not talk about it. Take me to Punk Hazard! By the way, where is this place?"

"New World, this should be a small island near Punk Hazard."

"I said why this place looks familiar."

After Carl walked onto Ian's warship, Dashiqi standing beside him shouted coquettishly: "Vice Admiral White Crow!"

"Dashiqi, you are here too. By the way, help me maintain my knife."

After that, Carl handed the Thunderstorm and Autumn Water on his waist to Dashiqi, and Dashiqi was stunned.

"This, this is..." Dashiqi stared at the knife in Carl's hand, and then said excitedly: "No problem, Lieutenant General Bai Ya, I will complete the task."

Then, Dashiqi carefully took Qiushui and Leiyu from Carl's hands, as if these two knives were something extraordinary.

"Just two knives, not that serious?" Carl was a little amused.

Ian said with a smile: "Of course not, Tashigi has been coveting your sword for a long time. Oh, I forgot to tell you that she once vowed to collect all the famous swords taken away by the villains."

Carl looked like a real talent: "Then how strong is she?"

Ian shook his head: "It's hard to say, the basics are pretty good, the swordsmanship is also OK, but I always feel that she is a little confused, but she is quite serious when facing pirates."

"That's OK, if you train her well, maybe you can train a major general for the navy."

Ian smiled bitterly: "How can it be so easy, do you think everyone is the same as you?"

Carl laughed and hugged Ian to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sea.

Three days later.

These days, Carl has been staying at the Navy Headquarters and has not set off to the Kingdom of Ort, just waiting for the signal from Dragon. Whether Dragon is willing to take the blame or not, the Kingdom of Ort will definitely be destroyed, and there is no rush.

"Vice Admiral Bai Ya, this is today's newspaper."

Carl smiled and nodded, took the newspaper and flipped through it, skipping the ones that flattered himself. He was used to it, and mainly looked at other things.

"Oh, it's finally here!"

"General of the Revolutionary Army Drago appears in the Kingdom of Ort"

The headline of the news is very interesting. The main content is that Drago has reached a cooperation with Ort VIII and announced that the Kingdom of Ort has joined the Revolutionary Army. Balabala...

The most important thing is that Drago personally sank three naval warships.

Carl took a deep breath. Drago is really a smart guy! He understood his intention so quickly.

If he does this, Carl can destroy the Kingdom of Ort legitimately without worrying about being criticized.

"Hahaha, it looks like it's time to start!"

"Bulu Bulu Bulu~"

"It's me, Sengoku. The Five Elders called just now and asked you to act as soon as possible... Did you do the Ort Kingdom thing?"

Carl shook his head silently, his face blank, and this expression was perfectly simulated by the Den Den Mushi.

"No? Haven't you started my thing yet?"

Sengoku was silent for a while, then said: "Well, this is the best, I will help you explain it later, you just need to complete your task peacefully now."

After hanging up the Den Den Mushi, Sengoku leaned back in the recliner, sighed deeply, stared at the ceiling blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

For so many years, this was the first time he felt that he couldn't understand Karl. Was the Ort Kingdom thing really as he said?

Just as Sengoku was struggling, the Den Den Mushi rang again.

"Marshal Sengoku, I'm Bartholomew Kuma. A few days ago, Vice Admiral White Crow found me and wanted me to go to the Ort Kingdom in the West Sea to help him do something. I agreed."

"But I've been working with Dr. Pythagoras on a pacifist research project these days, and I only have time to do it today."

"You mean, say hello to me?"

"Yes, Admiral Kizaru, who is working with me on the experiment, suggested that I do so. After all, you are the Admiral of the Navy."

Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, I know, but don't interfere in this matter. The Revolutionary Army has already taken action."


Kua hung up the phone directly, not giving Sengoku a chance to test.

Alone in the room, Sengoku rubbedHe rubbed his eyebrows and muttered, "Forget it, why bother so much, anyway, it's time for me to retire..."

Two days later.

West Sea, Ort Kingdom.

This country is not big, nor is it small. In Carl's opinion, it should be considered a small country, only slightly larger than the Drum Island.

"Everyone listen, surround this island."


More than a dozen warships lined up in order to surround the entire Ort Island.

"Nelson, I'll go to the island to see the situation. Without my order, no unauthorized action is allowed. Do you understand?"

Nelson shouted with a serious look: "Yes, sir!"

Riding a raven to the sky above the Ort Kingdom, Carl smiled. Most of the residents have been transferred. Now, most of the people left on the island are pirates and criminals.

The pirates were caught by the Revolutionary Army, and the criminals were originally in the Ort Kingdom.

After all, it is too exaggerated that there is no one on such a big island, and he can't explain it to the Five Elders.

Now it seems that Dorag did a good job. Smart people are smart people. There are not many such people on the sea.

After a few simple turns, Carl returned to the warship and said to Nelson: "Notify them to fire a salvo."


Nelson trotted all the way and gave orders. Soon, black projectiles blasted out of the barrels and fell on Ort Island with a piercing whistle.

Boom boom boom~

The earth shook, and the entire Ort Island was submerged by shells, but this was just the beginning.

After all, Carl's mission was to destroy the Kingdom of Ort, which meant that the island would disappear from the map from today.

After a few hours, the sound of artillery fire gradually subsided, and the gunners collapsed on the ground panting, finally firing all the shells.

The Kingdom of Ort has now become a ruin, with potholes everywhere, and it is almost impossible to find a complete place.


Carl held the Autumn Raven in his hand and jumped up, and the domineering aura instantly wrapped around the blade.

"The Spear of Elbaf·Hegemony!!!"

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