Dragon gasped.

500,000 Baileys, so expensive? That's enough for him to buy so many rifles!

"This, this is too expensive, isn't it?"

Carl said with a smile: "Mr. Dragon, ask yourself, is this thing expensive?"

Dragon froze, thinking carefully, there are not many things that can enhance strength in this sea, a devil fruit is at least 100 million Baileys, in comparison, Holy Light Shell is not expensive.

But in this case, his idea of ​​using Holy Light Shell to arm the Revolutionary Army would be in vain, it's too expensive, it's not worth it, it's better to get some money to upgrade the weapons and equipment.

"How much will it cost if it is sold?"

"That's none of my business. At present, your Revolutionary Army is the exclusive agent. I don't care how much you sell it for. You only need to pay me 500,000 Baileys."

"Even if we sell it for 1 million or 10 million, is it the same?"

Carl nodded: "Yes, as long as you can sell it."

Hiss~Drag was shocked. Good guy, this is really a way to make money!

When the time comes, put this thing on the auction, the sales will come naturally, and then you can basically make money lying down!

When he thought that the Revolutionary Army would no longer have to worry about funding, Drago was overwhelmed.

Comrade Carl really has the Revolutionary Army in his heart!

Is he still bound by his identity as a navy? Yes, after all, he is about to become a naval hero. With his identity, it is more useful to stay in the navy than in the Revolutionary Army.

"Great, by the way, how about the price of the Holy Healing Shell?"

Carl held out five fingers again, and Dorag said, it seems that the price is the same, so he didn't say anything.

Seeing Dorag didn't say anything, Carl reminded: "Ahem, Dorag, the price of the Holy Healing Shell is... 5 million Baileys."

Dorag's eyes widened: "5 million Baileys? Why is it so much more expensive suddenly?"

Huh~ Seeing Dorag's inexperienced expression, Carl felt much more comfortable.

"It's normal for something that can save lives to be a little more expensive."

After saying that, Carl snapped his fingers, and the raven standing on his shoulder suddenly changed into a knife shape and landed steadily in Carl's palm.

"Drag, if you want to try the effect of the Holy Healing Shell, you may have to bleed a little. You shouldn't mind, right?"

Drag frowned, stared at Carl, and then smiled: "Of course I don't mind. I heard that you are a swordsman as famous as the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye. It's a good opportunity for me to learn from you today."

Then, Drag stretched out his left arm and slowly closed his eyes.

Carl took a deep breath, worthy of being a leader, and then...


A golden knife flashed, and the tip of the knife just scratched Drag's arm, leaving a bloody mark on his arm. The wound was about one centimeter long, which should be just a minor injury for Drag.

"Try it, Drag."

Drag opened his eyes, looked at the wound on his left arm, and laughed heartily: "Precise control, worthy of being a great swordsman." After that, Drag pressed the bulge of the Holy Healing Shell.

The white halo around the Holy Healing Shell continued to expand, covering Dorag, and the white holy light gradually merged into the wound on Dorag's arm.

In just a few breaths, the wound healed, and there was no trace of injury at all. Moreover, there was still a lot of white holy light left, so Dorag simply gave Dorag a full body spa, and then...

The slipper mark on Dorag's face, cough cough, the tattoo was gone.

"What a power of expression!" Dorag stroked the injured part of his arm in amazement, and didn't notice that the tattoo on his face was gone.

This Holy Healing Shell is really a life-saving thing. It's not expensive to sell it for 5 million. It's a life-saving thing. He even thinks 10 million Baileys is too low.

Holy Light Shell, once the Holy Healing Shell appears on the market, then... Dorag can already imagine the hot scene.

And with this thing, doctors on the sea may be out of work!

After sighing, Drago suddenly asked: "These are all made by Lord Carl with his own ability, right?"

Carl nodded. His ability is no longer a secret on the sea, so it is not surprising that Drago can guess it.

"Yes, it is indeed made by my ability."

Drago said: "If so, don't you need to supply the navy? The navy may have a greater demand for this kind of thing?"

Carl waved his hand: "You don't have to worry about it."

In fact, Carl had already prepared to supply the navy, but he could not let the navy get it for free. He had to get some benefits from the World Government, just like the seastone business. The World GovernmentBut I have been cooperating with Kaido!

"This time I brought 1,000 Holy Light Shells and 100 Holy Healing Shells, all of which are given to you."

Carl waved his hand, and a large pile of Holy Light Shells and a small pile of Holy Healing Shells appeared on the ground.

Drag was stunned. I didn't even blink? How did I do this?

"This..." "My ability."


Looking at the "gold mountain" in front of him, Drago was embarrassed. He didn't bring any money. Even if he did, who would have thought that these shells could be so expensive?

"Don't worry, I still believe in the character of Mr. Drago. Just sell them this time! Just give me the money after you sell them."

Drag was happy: "Great, thank you so much!"

Then the two chatted for a while, and an unremarkable ship approached the coast.

Dorag took a look and then said to Carl: "Sir Carl, the ship that will pick me up has arrived, so let's say goodbye."

"Well, take care."

Then Dorag waved his hand, and a strong wind blew, carrying the Holy Light Shell and Holy Healing Shell on the ground to the ship. Dorag also went with the wind, as if deliberately showing it in front of Carl.

Carl smiled faintly, waved his hand, and watched Dorag's ship disappear into the sea.

After the matter was discussed, it was time to beat the noobs to relax. Carl turned his eyes to the distant smoke.

Isshin Dojo, back mountain.

Zoro in classic skin was practicing under the waterfall. The strong water kept hitting his back, but it couldn't shake him at all.

Suddenly, Zoro moved, holding the swords in his left and right hands in a cross posture, and used a slash as if to clamp the enemy.

"Three Swords Style: Demon Slash!"


Three sword lights flashed, and the waterfall seemed to have stopped, but soon resumed flowing, rushing Zoro, who was unstable, into the water.

"Damn it!"

Zoro climbed up the shore in a panic, put his hands on his waist and looked at the sky breathlessly.

"It's getting late, it's time to go back and eat..."

"Boy, are you also a swordsman?"

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