"Yes, Your Majesty Cobra."

Carl took out a piece of paper from his arms, on which were written a bunch of names that looked very noble.

"This is..."

"This is the list of world nobles who died in the attack on Marijoa. There were originally 18 world noble families living in Marijoa, but now there are only 15 left."

"Even so, the remaining 15 families have also decreased sharply. Now there are not many world nobles living in Marijoa."

Cobra's breathing stagnated, as if he thought of something, but he still pretended to be ignorant and said: "That's a pity, but what does this have to do with me?"

"Heh..." Carl smiled lightly. Even after saying this, Cobra still pretended to be stupid. Speechless.

"Your Majesty Cobra, your full name is Nefertari Cobra. Do I need to tell you the history of the name Nefertari?"

Cobra frowned: "Do you know everything? No, the navy can't know it. Did someone from the World Government tell you?"

"Your Majesty Cobra, don't worry about how I know it. Anyway, the Nefertari family is one of the twenty families that created the World Government. You and your daughter are descendants of the twenty kings, right?"

Cobra didn't respond, but Weiwei, who was hiding in the corner, covered her mouth in shock. It turned out that their family had such a history. Why didn't her father ever tell her?

Hearing what Vice Admiral Carl said, is she also a so-called...world noble?

After a long time, Cobra sighed.

"Lieutenant General Karl, just say what you want to say! No need to beat around the bush with me."

Karl smiled and put the death list in his arms and said, "In that case, I'll be frank."

"The World Government wants you to consider moving to Mary Geoise and becoming a world noble, but in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, I'm here to convey it."

"As for how you think, I have no right to interfere. The choice is all in your hands. Whether you agree or not, just give me a reply."

Cobra glanced at Karl, lowered his head and fell into deep thought, but soon, Cobra raised his head and looked at Karl with a firm gaze.

"Then please tell the World Government that the Nefertari family's destiny is to protect Alabasta, so no matter what, I will not move to Marijoa and become a world noble."

Carl nodded calmly: "I understand. In this case, I will tell the World Government what His Majesty Cobra said truthfully."

Then Carl stood up and said with a smile: "My mission is completed. In this case, I will not disturb His Majesty Cobra. I also hope that His Majesty Cobra will quell the rebellion as soon as possible and bring peace to Alabasta."

Cobra stood up quickly: "Lieutenant General Carl has come here with great difficulty. Please don't leave in a hurry. How about staying and enjoying the dinner together?"

"No, His Majesty Cobra, my subordinates are still waiting for me at the port of Tamarisk!"

After speaking, Carl walked outside. Vivi, who was hiding in the corner and eavesdropping, immediately ran to the side, ready to find a place to stop Nar.

Cobra in the room sighed, looking at the ground with lifeless eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Outside the palace, Carl just walked out and saw a big yellow duck running over quickly.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Carl!"

Karu braked suddenly and stopped right in front of Carl. Vivi jumped off the duck's back with ease.

"Mr. Carl, I'm Vivi, the princess of Alabasta. I have important information to tell you!"

Carl bent down and touched Vivi's soft sky blue hair: "You are Princess Vivi! So cute! What information do you want to tell me?"

The hormones that came to her made Vivi's pretty face blush instantly. She was a navy hero, handsome, gentle, and seemed to have a good personality. If...

Vivi quickly shook her head, threw away some strange thoughts, and said seriously: "It's about the information of Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

"Oh? Crocodile Dal? Is he in Alabasta too?"

Vivi nodded vigorously: "Yes, he came a long time ago, and he became a national hero after he came. I never believed this man."

"Oh? Why?"

"Because he looks like a bad guy, and I suspect that all the troubles in Alabasta are caused by him in secret. Maybe the dancing powder incident was led by him!"

Carl smiled lightly: "Princess Vivi, it's not just you. I also think Crocodile has other intentions in staying in Alabasta, but everything must be based on evidence. If there is no evidence, I can'tTo capture Crocodile."

"Why? Is it because he is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea?"

"Yes and no, it's a good thing that you care about the country, but you are still young after all. By the way, how old are you this year? 12? 14?"

Weiwei said coquettishly: "I am already 14 years old, not a child anymore!"

"Hahaha, only little pirates will say this, adults will only say that I have to cough, anyway, your most important task now is to grow up quickly and don't let King Cobra worry."

"Otherwise, no matter how much you say, no one will believe it."

Weiwei's mouth shrank, and she immediately understood deeply. She didn't know how many times she told her father to pay attention to Crocodile, but her father just didn't believe her, which made her anxious and angry, and she had nowhere to vent.

I didn't expect this navy hero to be so considerate, he understands me so well!

"Am I just going to wait? "

Carl smiled slightly, held Vivi's face, and wiped the tears from her eyes with his thumb: "At present, it is indeed the case."

Vivi looked worried, raised her head and looked at Carl with expectation: "Mr. Carl, what about you? You are a naval hero, you can't just do nothing, right?"

"A country without heroes is sad, and a country that needs heroes is even more sad..."

After saying this, Carl didn't care whether Vivi could understand or not. After stroking Kalu's duck head hard, he immediately sat on the raven and left after satisfying his little wish.

Vivi was stunned in the same place, constantly thinking about what Carl had just said in her mind.

Alabasta has no heroes, but needs heroes, so it doesn't mean... No! This can't go on!!!

Since Alabasta has no heroes, then I will become this hero!

Crocodile, I know it must be you. One day, I will drive you out of Alabasta and bring peace to Alabasta!!!

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