For those who are walking on the edge of a knife, they know how useful the Holy Healing Shell is.

In short, this is a life-saving treasure. If you have a Holy Healing Shell in your hand, it is equivalent to having a second life.

How much is this second life worth? Everyone has a different answer in their hearts.

The host has also invested a lot of money, but seeing that the response is better than the Holy Light Shell, his hanging heart has also fallen to the ground, and then it is time to harvest.

"I believe that all friends have seen the magical effect of the Holy Healing Shell, so I won't say more nonsense."

"The starting price of a Holy Healing Shell is... 5 million Baileys!"

"8 million!!!"

"10 million!!!"

As the guests continued to raise their cards, the price of the Holy Healing Shell also rose all the way, and finally it was sold for 35 million Baileys, which is 7 times the starting price. Dorag's mouth is almost crooked with laughter.

Seeing this, Carl also fell into deep thought. It seems that the price of the Holy Healing Shell will have to be artificially intervened in the future. This kind of thing must not appear in large quantities in the sea.

Anyway, the production of this thing is determined by him. In short, the price of the Holy Healing Shell cannot be out of reach, nor can it be too easy to buy.

Alas, if there is also Lao Huang in this world, at least I can learn from him how to play monkeys.

Soon, the Holy Healing Shells were auctioned one after another. The last one was sold for nearly 100 million. The total auction price of 9 Holy Healing Shells was nearly 600 million Baileys!

From this auction, it is obvious that a problem can be seen, that is, Carl's Holy Light Shell and Holy Healing Shell were sold too cheaply, which is almost equivalent to giving money to the revolutionary army.

But Carl is not a person who suffers losses. The price must increase, but not now. The things sold at the auction have a premium, which is not the real price of the Holy Light Shell and Holy Healing Shell.

After a period of time, the reputation of the Holy Light Shell and the Holy Healing Shell will be spread out, and the price will enter a stable period. That will be a good time to increase the price.

It doesn't matter if he earns less at this stage. Carl is not short of money anyway. The Bailey he exchanged in the Golden City is enough for Hancock to rebuild several daughter islands.

"I'm sorry, the Holy Healing Shell has been sold out. Friends who didn't bid don't be discouraged. Always pay attention to the news of our auction house. Once the Holy Light Shell and Holy Healing Shell appear again, we will definitely notify everyone as soon as possible!"

"Next, please welcome our finale treasure to the stage!!!"

Two etiquette ladies solemnly held a box and walked onto the stage, handing the finale to the host. The host smiled slightly, tore off the red cloth, and revealed the true face of the finale.

The surrounding screens also showed the picture, so that the guests could clearly see the auction items.

This is a red devil fruit, which looks like a tomato as a whole, but it is covered with yellow circles and spots. It is not clear what its specific ability is, but it looks like a superhuman system.

"It's actually a devil fruit!"

The host picked up the microphone and said passionately: "Yes, this is what our auction house found with great difficulty on an uninhabited island. After identification, it is a superhuman devil fruit."

"Its full name is the Heat-Hot Fruit. As the name suggests, its ability is to create high temperatures, according to the devil fruit illustrations."

"The previous owner of the Heat-Hot Fruit was a powerful pirate. He could heat himself and change his body temperature at will, ranging from one degree to ten thousand degrees!"

"Therefore, as long as you eat the Heat-Hot Fruit, you will not be afraid of cold or high temperatures, and even standing in the magma is like taking a hot spring bath!"

"So, this is a devil fruit with visible potential. The power it brings to you can completely offset the disadvantage of being a landlubber. It's better to act than to be tempted!"

"The starting price of the Heat-Hot Fruit is... 100 million Baileys!!!"

Heat-Hot Fruit? Carl frowned slightly. He seemed to have seen this ability somewhere. Hmm, I remembered that Owen of the Charlotte family seemed to have this ability, but his Heat-Hot Fruit seemed to be different from this one.

According to intelligence, Owen can transfer heat to any object he touches to heat it instantly, and can also heat himself to burn anyone who touches him. He can even transfer heat to most parts of the sea, causing the sea to boil, so that a large number of marine life are cooked in the sea, and most ships are damaged due to excessive temperatures. At the same time, he can heat the target remotely to burn the opponent.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a higher-level fruit of this Heat-Hot Fruit, but in Carl's opinion, this fruit has far greater potential than Owen's Heat-Hot Fruit.

After all, he has fought with Charlotte Owen before. Although this guy's ability looks very powerful,The fruit is a hot fruit, but the actual temperature is not that high. In short, the upper limit of the Heat-Hot Fruit eaten by Owen is very low, far less than this Heat-Hot Fruit.

Anyway, he has never heard of the rumor that Owen can bathe in magma.

This Heat-Hot Fruit is different. According to the host's description, at least it can ignore the existence of Akainu's magma. Just based on this point, it has won too much.

What is the concept of a high temperature of 10,000 degrees? The temperature on the surface of the sun is only 6000°. A high temperature of 10,000 degrees is enough to melt most of the substances in the world. What kind of magma fruit of the Flame-Flame Fruit will melt if you look at it for a second.

Thinking of this, Carl is ready to bid. This fruit is a powerful fruit no matter how you look at it. Even if he can't eat it, it is also very good as an upgrade material.

"Okay, guest No. 132 bids 320 million Baileys! Is there a higher price than this?"

The host looked around and confirmed that no one raised a sign, then said: "320 million Baileys once..."

"What! Guest No. 1 in the VIP box bid 500 million Baileys!!! As expected of a guest in the VIP box, he is so generous! Is there a higher price than this?"

"This is a very rare and powerful devil fruit! Don't miss it!"

"Humph~ I bid 600 million!!!"

The host's face was happy, and he said excitedly: "Guest No. 15 bid 600 million Baileys, does guest No. 1 want to follow?"

The corners of Carl's mouth, who was sitting in the box, rose slightly. That's it. Today, let them see what a real rich person is.

"Oh my god! Customer No. 1 bid 1 billion Baileys, 1 billion Baileys! This is probably the price of a natural devil fruit! Is there anything higher than this?"

The customer who bid just now shook his head helplessly. If he hadn't bid a lot of Holy Healing Bay just now, he could have tried his best.

"1 billion Baileys once, 1 billion Baileys twice, 1 billion Baileys three times!"



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