The next afternoon, at the port of Roger Town.

Carl was originally planning to come back in a few days, but considering that Ian didn't have much vacation time, he simply set off that night.

Carl hugged Ian and walked down from the Holy Light, looking at the scenery here with relish. He vaguely remembered that the last time he came here, he was taking Ian and Smoker to investigate the corrupt navy!

Dashiqi, who was standing behind the two of them, said with some emotion: "Is this the place where Pirate King Roger was executed? It's so big!"

Carl turned his head and looked at Dashiqi with interest, and couldn't help feeling a little weird in his heart.

According to the original plot, Dashiqi was Smoker's little follower, but now she has become Ian's adjutant. Although she is still just a small major, she has made a lot of progress compared to before.

And Carl also cured her myopia by the way. If Zoro saw Dashiqi...

"Vice Admiral Carl, you, why are you looking at me?"

Hearing this, Ian immediately turned his head to look at Carl, his eyes like a knife.

"I'm just curious because you're here for the first time."

Ian smiled and looked at the naval base not far away and said, "Why hasn't Smoker come yet? Why don't we go there first!"

Carl glared, "What? We are guests. If Smoker doesn't come to greet me today, I will not leave."

"Boring! Tashiki, let's go and let him wait here alone!"

As soon as the words fell, a cloud of smoke floated in the sky and landed in front of Carl, then formed a human shape. The smoke dissipated, and Smoker was standing on the ground, smiling at Carl.

"Long time no see!" Smoker opened his arms, hugged Carl, and patted Carl's back hard.

"Alright, alright, let me go, you weren't like this before!"

Smoker smiled awkwardly, took out a cigar from his pocket and handed it to Carl: "Here, Qiagan cigar, a specialty of Rogue Town."

"Hahaha, you don't have anything else except cigars, right?"

Ain on the side said with a smile: "You guys chat slowly, Dashiqi and I are going shopping."

"Yeah, okay!"

After the two women left, Carl turned around and said to Nelson: "Nelson, you After parking the boat, take people to the Rogue Town Base. We will rest here for a few days. "

"Yes! Sir!" Then Nelson smiled and waved to Smoker: "Major General Smoker, long time no see!"

Smoker waved his hand: "Hahaha, yes! Nelson, you have gained a lot of weight!"


Smoker laughed and turned to look at Carl: "I will take you for a walk?"



Execution platform.

Smoker pointed at the execution platform and said with emotion: "I was about 12 years old at that time. Roger walked past me and walked onto the execution platform..."

"Time flies. Now I am 34 years old. The Great Pirate Era started by Roger has not ended yet..."

Looking at the execution platform, Carl smiled slightly: "Do you believe it? The Great Pirate Era will end soon?"

Smoker was stunned and shook his head: "It's not that easy. Even if you send all the Four Emperors to Impel Down, there will still be other pirates who will take that position. There will always be people who choose to be pirates, right? "

Carl smiled but didn't say anything, and quickly changed the subject: "How are things going recently? It should be pretty easy in the East China Sea, right?"

"It's not easy, but there's no challenge. I was pretty easy some time ago."

"Some time ago? I don't think it's pretty easy now, right?"

Smoker blew out a smoke ring and said slowly: "Yesterday, the Independent Commission Against Corruption sent me a piece of intelligence, which is evidence of Colonel Monka of the 153rd Branch of the East China Sea abusing his power and bullying the people. I originally wanted to go to the 153rd Branch to arrest Colonel Monka in the next two days, but I didn't expect you to come so quickly."

Axe God Monka? Carl found the key factor, but he still looked calm on the surface.

"So, my coming here will affect your work?"

Smoker shook his head: "That's not the case. Don't we have a naval hero like you? It would be a waste if we don't use him."

"You are really good at ordering people around. Okay, I have nothing to do, so let's just solve the problem!"

Smoker was a little surprised, and soon smiled: "Let's go without further ado!"

Since the Holy Light is a steamship, it can be said to be very fast in the novice-level waters of the East China Sea, and its speed is far faster than other warships, so Smoker unceremoniously requisitioned Carl's Holy Light, and Carl was very angry about this.

"I really miss it! When the Independent Commission Against Corruption was not established, I followed you every day to investigate corrupt navy!"

Carl couldn't help but smile: "Yes, I remember that year from... CocoaNishimura started it! Um... the Arlong Pirates colluded with that guy called Rat."

"Hahaha, you have a really good memory. The only thing I remember is the little girl with orange hair. She should have grown up now, right? I wonder what she is doing now?"

Orange hair? Smoker should be talking about Nami. It's hard to say what Nami is doing now, but she has definitely grown up, there is no doubt about it.

"Hahaha, who knows? "

To be honest, the distance between Rogue Town and Shields Town where the 153rd branch is located is indeed a bit far. With the speed of ordinary warships, it will take at least a whole day to arrive.

However, Carl's Holy Light is relatively fast. It arrived at the waters near Shields Town at around 9 o'clock the next morning. However, in order to avoid being seen, the Holy Light did not dock at the port of Shields Town, but directly docked on the sea in the distance.

In Smoker's words, seeing is believing. The evidence is also compiled based on the reporting materials submitted by others. The authenticity needs to be verified. Therefore, after the staff of the Independent Commission Against Corruption compiles the "evidence of guilt", they will send people to the area for field investigation and confirm the evidence before arresting.

"This guy used to be a righteous navy, but he became more and more arrogant after becoming a colonel. Recently, he even wants to build his own statue in front of the naval base! Humph, a guy who doesn't know the height of the sky and the depth of the earth."

"Hehe, the reporting materials may be submitted by his subordinates. 'People with power are the greatest people in the world', how dare he, a colonel of a small branch, say that? "

Smoker curled his lips in disdain: "Who knows? Okay, we're here, hey, why are you wearing a mask?"

"Nonsense, too many people recognize my face, I'll be exposed to you in a minute without a mask!"


153 Branch execution ground.

Zoro was tied tightly to a pillar, suffering from the double torture of exposure and hunger.

At this time, a guy wearing a straw hat came to buy melons, no, to find a crew member.

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