The Hunter Blade Pirates marched towards the training ship under fierce fire, and the ship was already shaky.

"Despicable navy, don't you dare to fight a broadside?"

Zaker looked at the shells flying over with bloodshot eyes. If he knew how to do the moon step, he would definitely kill directly to the training ship, but unfortunately, he didn't know how to do it.

What's more terrifying is that as a swordsman, he is not yet at the level of casually chopping flying slashes.

So facing the fire of the training ship, he could only take his deputy and his strong men to split the shells at the bow to minimize the damage to the hull.

"Can you go faster! If I don't kill all these despicable navy today, I, Zaker, will not be a human being!"

"Captain, if you go faster, you won't have time to stop the ship, and you will collide with the warship!"

Zaker's eyes flashed with a fierce look, and he shouted viciously: "Then hit it, at worst, the ship is gone, anyway, these navy can't catch us easily!"

Training ship.

Ainn looked at the rapidly advancing "suicide ship" with a worried look, and turned to Carl and said, "They seem to be speeding up again. If this continues, their ship will directly hit us."

"Haha, naive, do you think I can't see this little trick?"

Then Carl began to give orders, and the training ship quickly circled around the pirate ship, pouring artillery fire at the same time, just relying on the good performance of the training ship to bully them.

Zefa, who was watching the battle on the side, nodded repeatedly. Carl was worthy of being a veteran of ten years. He was very skilled in naval warfare and had the style of a famous general.

I'm afraid it won't be long before he can see Carl's step-by-step promotion and becoming a navy admiral is just around the corner.

Zefa even felt that with Carl's ability, becoming a navy marshal was his final destination. After all, the holy light that can directly enhance strength and recover injuries is more practical than the chicken soup that Sengoku shouted at.

"Karl, are we going to defeat them with artillery fire like this? Isn't this..."

If Binz was a Blue Star, he would definitely say that it was soulless to attack pirates like this, but he was not. He just felt that something was missing.

After all, the Holy Light had already blessed them, but they just stood on the ship and fired cannons?

"Yeah~Karl, how about we fight this group of pirates? They've given us a hard time!"

The recruits looked at the increasingly weak resistance of the Hunter Blade Pirates and were eager to go up and fight the pirates.

Instead of blowing up the enemy ship and fishing for pirates in the sea one by one.

"Are you serious?"

Karl was stunned. You guys wanted to risk your lives to PK with others in real life after defeating the pirates easily and comfortably. Do you have a system or do I have a system?

"Yeah, please, Karl, just this once, let us try! This is our only internship mission!"

Are you teaching me how to do things?

Carl frowned, feeling slightly dissatisfied. These new recruits seemed to be a little bit arrogant. Even though he felt that these pirates were not a threat and that it would not be a big problem to let them fight, this mentality was not a good sign.

Especially since he didn't know when this guy Weibull would jump out, if he still had this mentality at that time, he would definitely suffer a big loss.

At this time, Zefa came over, with his hands behind his back and cold eyes. He saw the scene just now, and his blood pressure was rising.

"What are you doing? Carl is the commander, are you questioning his orders?"

"There are so many pirates in the world, go and kill them! Do you have the ability? I see that your butts are all up in the sky!"

"..... Carl's approach is correct and rational, and a commander should do it."

After scolding these new recruits and making them bow their heads, Zefa suddenly pointed at Carl. Carl's eyes widened. Can this also affect me? No way, no way?

"You all know Carl's strength. He can wipe out this group of pirates by himself. Why can he resist the urge to attack and let you fight the pirates together?"

"Isn't this his only internship mission?"

Zeff's words made the recruits speechless and dejected. They couldn't help but blame Carl in their hearts, but then they thought about it.

Teacher Zefa is right! Carl could have killed all the pirates directly, but he chose to add BUFF to them and give them all to them, so that they have a full sense of participation. He really... cried to death.

Sacrificing his own mission experience to help these people who are not as strong as him, what kind of spirit is this?

Self-sacrifice! It's probably Carl!

The recruits who came to their senses looked at Carl with a little touching eyes, and those with rich emotions even had tears in their eyes.

Carl: What happened?

I always feel that their eyes are a little weird, as if he had done something extraordinary, but thinking about it, it still seemed a little impossible.

He had been through this internship mission from beginning to end, and he spent more time in the toilet than fighting pirates. How could he possibly move these recruits?

"Humph, just know it!"

After seeing that the recruits finally understood the sacrifices Carl had made for this mission, Zefa nodded and walked to Carl's side: "Satisfy their wishes! These pirates have no fighting spirit anymore."

Zefer still understood the principle of giving a sweet date after a slap.

The purpose of doing this is to pave the way for Carl. Look at the eyes of those recruits! When Carl competes for the position of vice admiral or even admiral in the future, will they be Carl's supporters?

Carl also understood Zefa's intention at this time, and Zefa's image in his heart instantly became tall and majestic.

"Everyone! Prepare for the boarding battle!"

The recruits present were stunned, and then shouted enthusiastically!

"Oh oh oh oh! Long live Carl!" "Long live Carl!!!"

"Bang bang bang~"

The claws firmly bit the damaged hull of the Hunting Blade Pirates, and the navy rushed towards the Hunting Blade Pirates along the tough rope.

"Go to hell, pirates!" "The navy will win!"

The Hunting Blade Pirates' ship was instantly in a fight. The Hunting Blade Pirates, who had long been tortured by Carl and had no temper, retreated step by step. Some died, some were injured, and some surrendered. I believe the battle will end soon.

Zefa and Carl stood side by side on the training ship, clasping their hands and observing the battle situation.

"Hehehe~ These little guys are really energetic!"

Carl shook his head helplessly: "The bounty of the captain of the Hunter Sword Pirates is only more than 20 million. It's just like that in the four seas, and it doesn't even rank in the Grand Line."

"That's true, but after all, it's just an internship mission. I can't let you go to hunt down those pirate groups with bounties of hundreds of millions, right?"

"Teacher Zefa, do you think we are students of the first training camp?"

Zefar was stunned, and then smiled at Carl, everything was self-evident.

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