Ian pursed his lower lip, his face pale, not in the mood to pay attention to Carl, staggering forward.


Carl sighed, this time he was indeed unkind, and he had cheated Ian, but he always repays kindness with kindness and revenge with revenge.

This time he owed Ian a favor, and he would definitely pay it back next time.

"You two are really brave! You made trouble for me on the first day of training. Ian, I ask you, can he recover?"

Hmm... Ian frowned and said slowly: "With my current ability, it can last about three days, and Brother Carl will recover."

Zefar nodded, it's good that he can recover, the situation is not too serious, but a beating is definitely necessary.

"Ian, Carl, this will not happen again. As a punishment, you have to do extra training at night. Do you have any objections?"

The two of them decisively had no objection, and their attitude of admitting their mistakes made Zefa very satisfied.

"Ain, go back to the team and continue running. Carl, your current situation... forget it, go to the infirmary and check your body.

If there is no problem, come back, wait until your body recovers, then come back to participate in training, and make up for all your lacks!"

[Limited-time mission completed]: reward active skill [fragile].

Hearing the pleasant reminder, Carl was delighted. The initiative to slack off was finally in his hands. In the future, it was no longer up to Zefa to decide whether to participate in training, but his body.

The only problem he was worried about was that he was injured too frequently. Frequent absence from training would most likely cause his impression in Zefa's mind to plummet.

At this time, Carl thought again of the Holy Light Fruit he got today. There are all kinds of strange abilities in the world of One Piece, but how many fruits have the ability to enhance the strength of others? Very few.

The Encouragement Fruit counts as one, and the Hormone Fruit counts as one, and the Shadow Fruit? Anyway, auxiliary abilities are rare.

His Holy Light Fruit is undoubtedly the best one, combining healing and strengthening, and its strategic value is immeasurable.

Carl dare not say anything else, but what is certain is that if he eats the Holy Light Fruit, he will definitely become a hot commodity in the navy. After all, who doesn't want to have such a teammate?

Then this devil fruit can help him fish with peace of mind. Think about it, when the battle starts, Carl sends a holy light, his teammates are strengthened, and his mission is completed.

The rest of the time can be used to fish, and the strengthened teammates easily defeat the villains, and everyone is happy. Who dares to say that he is slacking off?

Finally, the most important point is that this ability is likely to attract the attention of the navy's top brass. At that time, even if his relationship with Zefa deteriorates, he will not be expelled from the training camp.

"Carl! Carl!!!"

Carl came back to his senses after hearing the roar in his ear, and he quickly shouted: "In!"

"What are you doing? Why don't you go to the infirmary?"

Looking at Carl's dead pig fearless appearance, Zefa frowned and thought, why does this kid look so happy, is he doing this on purpose to avoid training?

No, no, no, he must be overthinking it. After all, this kid has been a marine for ten years, and his resume is spotless. He is angry and helpless because he has been with Kizaru for so many years.

Carl has thick eyebrows and big eyes, so he shouldn't be...

"Yes! Sir!"

Carl nodded, raised his belt and walked towards the infirmary with difficulty. There was no way, his body had shrunk too much, and his clothes became a burden.

Half an hour later, Carl returned to the training ground in a low-key manner, sat in the stands to watch the training of the new recruits, and sighed slightly in his heart, this is youth!

Especially when he saw the time he had accumulated for slacking off, Carl almost smiled crookedly. In one word, cool!

On the training ground, Binz was training hard. He happened to see Carl smiling in the stands from the corner of his eyes, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry.

They were training hard, but this guy was hiding aside to rest, and he was laughing at them. How abominable!

Binz was not the only one who thought so. Many people had the same idea. It wasn't very tiring.

As a result, when he saw Carl sitting with his legs crossed and enjoying himself, he immediately felt tired and angry. Why?

Facing the eyes that kept sweeping towards him, Carl was not affected at all, and he enjoyed the rare time of slacking off with peace of mind.

Just kidding, I slacked off by my own ability. Besides, he has been a marine for ten years. Can't he enjoy himself?

Xiu Zuo, who was guiding the training of the recruits, also noticed the situation on Carl's side, and finally figured out why these recruits were absent-minded. It turned out that you were affecting the morale of the army!

"What are you looking at! Although Karl doesn't need to train for the time being, heThe power of Karl is the highest among you! It's useless to be unhappy with him, he can still easily defeat you, so now is your chance. "

"Now, everyone, train hard for me!"

Yes! Karl is strong to begin with, and now is a good opportunity for them to surpass him.

They roared loudly and in unison with their blood boiling: "Yes!!!" "

Seeing this, Xiu Zuo was very satisfied. Whether Carl would be isolated or targeted was not a problem he considered at all.

Carl sighed helplessly. Looking at the way the recruits looked at him, he might really be targeted.

But it doesn't matter. He still has the system. He can eat the Holy Light Fruit now!

While no one was paying attention, Carl quietly came to the blind spot in the corner. After looking around to make sure that no one was around, he took out the Holy Light Fruit from the system space.

The appearance of this fruit is like an orange, with a golden peel and circles of complex patterns on it. After taking a deep breath, Carl took a bite without hesitation.

"Wow~ It's so unpalatable..."

Carl threw the uneaten part aside, resisted the urge to vomit, and watched the light golden light slowly emerge from the palm of his hand, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Check the properties! ”

Host: Carl

Age: 24

Physique: E

Perception: F+

Will: E

Special Ability: Silent as a Virgin

Holy Light Fruit: 0% (Awakening Progress)

Active Skill: Fragile (Usable)

Looking at his panel, Carl was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that after eating a devil fruit, all of his attributes except will were improved, which were all the bonuses brought by the devil fruit.

"Alas~ I can become stronger just by sitting, just say it's annoying or not?"

After a simple test of the power of holy light, Carl found that it was just as the system said, that is, strengthening and healing. He couldn't feel the strengthening effect for the time being, after all, it was a 14-year-old body.

How to say the healing effect? ​​Carl reluctantly cut open the palm of his hand with a fruit knife, and a holy light went down, and the wound healed instantly. Only the blood on the ground could prove that he had just been injured.

"Huh~ This devil fruit is stronger than I thought! "

Although Carl is a little disappointed that he can't fly, this is the world of One Piece after all!

Devil fruit abilities are not good enough, but we still have physical skills and domineering, not to mention that the Holy Light Fruit is not useless!

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