"Master! It's bad! That marine is too strong. He killed all our prey in the blink of an eye!"

Moria, who was dozing on the chair, suddenly opened his eyes: "What? What's the name of that marine? Is he a vice admiral?"

"No, I heard them say it was a colonel."

Moria grinned: "Hehehe~ That's great! I didn't expect that a marine colonel could easily destroy a pirate group with a total bounty of more than 100 million. How strong must his shadow be!"

"With him, my plan can finally be realized!"

Absalom scratched his head in fear: "But, master, that marine is really powerful, so don't bother him! After all, you are also a Shichibukai!"

This reminded Moria that according to his agreement with the World Government, he could not take action against the navy, but it was not a big problem.

After all, this is the Devil's Triangle! It's normal to have some accidents... Just turn all these marines into zombies!

How can we let them run away with the materials delivered to our doorstep!

"Abu, go and inform Hogback to get ready. You and Perona will take the zombies to deal with the other navy officers. As for that navy captain, I will deal with him myself!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Wait a minute!"

Absalom turned back to Moriah: "Master, is there anything else?"

"Abu, how powerful is that colonel?"

"I don't know. I only saw a flash of sword light, and then all the pirates died. Yes, that navy officer's swordsmanship is very strong, and he can release that..."

"Flying Slash?"

Abu nodded repeatedly: "Ah, yes, yes, that thing, it's so scary! It can even cut through steel. Fortunately, I dodged quickly, otherwise I would be cut in half."

"Okay, I know, go!" "Oh!"

After Absalom left, Moria touched his "neck" (forgive him for not having a chin): "Flying slash, swordsman? It's a bit tricky!"

"But in front of my invincible ability, he is still no match for me hehehe!"

The terrifying laughter startled a group of bats, and the empty castle gradually returned to tranquility.

"His shadow is also quite suitable for Jianhao Longma Zombie. Alas~ What a pity, let's give it to Oz! Such a powerful shadow can't be wasted."


"Colonel, this place is too gloomy! It can't be haunted!"

Nelson tightly grasped the saber in his hand, and his voice was trembling. After walking through the gate, there was only a one-way street going down. The front was gloomy and invisible, and the ground was full of corpses.

Who wouldn't shudder when seeing it?

"Don't worry! Just some corpses, what's there to be afraid of? Have you ever seen me afraid?"

"Besides, there are so many of us, are we afraid of ghosts? Are you afraid?"

Nelson shook his head pretending to be calm: "I'm not afraid!"

Carl patted his deputy's shoulder with relief. He likes your face-saving and suffering.


In the darkness ahead, there was a faint roar, which seemed particularly creepy in the gloomy environment.

Nelson quickly raised his gun and pointed it forward: "Captain, there seems to be a monster in front of us!"

"Raven, go and have a look!"

The raven on Carl's shoulder flapped its wings and flew forward. After a while...

"Roar! Woof woof woof! Aww!"

A loud roar came from the passage, like a wolf howling, a dog barking, and there was also the sound of running.

The raven flew towards Carl from the passage in front, followed by a huge monster.

"Three, three heads! It's the legendary gatekeeper of hell, Cerberus!"

Carl laughed dumbly when he saw the fox head among them. It was just as he imagined.

The raven turned into a long sword in the air and fell into Carl's hand. Carl also chopped it forward.

"One sword flow·Broken jade!"


The three-headed dog in front of him hit the ground with its head, and its body was split in two. The navy behind Carl was also shocked.

"See? There's nothing to be afraid of! Don't scare yourself. We are the navy, and the navy is fearless!"

"Colonel Carl is right! We are the navy! We are fearless!"

In this way, the fear in the hearts of the navy soldiers dissipated by half. With Colonel Carl here, what are they afraid of?

"Keep moving forward!"

Soon, the team walked out of the passage, and what came into view was the cemetery, with messy tombstones and protruding graves everywhere, which looked a bit like a horror movie.



Pale arms emerged from the cemetery.came out, followed by the skinny head and body, until they crawled out completely, looking at Carl and others with lifeless eyes.

"Is this a zombie? Nelson, shoot it!"


Nelson suppressed the fear in his heart, aimed at the head of one of the zombies, and pulled the trigger.


The bullet directly penetrated the zombie's head, and the zombie screamed: "Ahhh! It hurts!!!"

"Hey! Can it talk?" Nelson was stunned!

"Haven't you figured it out yet? These aren't zombies, they're just the product of the Devil Fruit's ability."

Nelson frowned: "Devil Fruit?"

Carl nodded: "Right! They're all man-made, so don't be afraid of them. We just need to find the pirates who sneaked in here! If he dares to touch us, hehe..."

Nelson immediately understood what Carl meant and shouted to the soldiers behind him: "Shoot! Kill them!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Round after round of musket fire turned the zombies into sieves, but their actions didn't seem to be affected.

Carl scratched his head. The weakness of this thing seemed to be sea water and salt? Forget it, he'd better go for it.


A golden flying slash flew towards the zombies, and they were instantly split in two, lying on the ground wailing.

On the other side.

"That guy really took action! So scary!"

"Hey, pervert, is there anything in this world that you are afraid of?"

Absalom snorted coldly: "Shut up! Perona! Hurry up and get your animal zombie army to attack, otherwise my zombie soldiers will not be able to hold on!"

"Ha ha ha ~ It's a small matter. This princess's cute animal army is the most powerful in the world! Kumasi, it's up to you!"


"Nelson, where is the salt I asked you to bring just now?"

Nelson waved his hand, and several navy soldiers came over carrying three bags of salt.

"It's all here, Colonel."

Carl nodded: "Very good, the weakness of these monsters is salt. As long as you put salt in their mouths, they will lose their combat effectiveness!"

"I don't need to tell you what to do next, right?"

"Yes, sir!"

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