
Karl was shocked by this shout. Looking at Hancock, who was half lying on the cushion with a slightly red face, Karl had to admit that he was a little agitated.

"Why... Um~"

Hancock didn't care about so much. She rushed over, hugged Karl's neck tightly, and gave him a passionate kiss.

Karl's pupils were shaking. Everyone saw it!

She was the first to move her mouth! I was defending myself!

Then she hugged Hancock, showing her rich experience, and her hands gradually moved to another position.

Is this kissing?

This feeling is great! Wait, I heard that if you kiss, you will get pregnant!

If it is the baby of this concubine and Karl, it will definitely look very good!

What's the name?

No, no, no, we should get married first!

All of the above are from Hancock's inner monologue.

I don't know how long it took, Hancock suddenly reacted, pushed Karl away, and hurriedly tidied up the cheongsam that was messed up by Karl.

She said shyly to Carl: "I'm sorry, Carl, I'm not ready yet..."

But seeing Carl's surprised expression, Hancock gritted her teeth: "If you really can't hold it in...I, I..."

Seeing Hancock like this, Carl suddenly laughed, and the restlessness in his heart gradually subsided.

"It doesn't matter, there is still a long time in the future."

Hancock suddenly raised her head and looked at Carl with burning eyes: "Then, are we now... a couple?"

Hearing this question, Carl hesitated subconsciously, and it was this hesitation that made Hancock feel half cold.

"Sure enough, do you still despise me for being a lowly slave?"

Carl's eyes widened, and he was shocked. He wanted to ask Hancock what on earth you were imagining, but he knew best what Hancock needed at this time.

"That's right, I'm a pirate, and you're... um~"

The offense and defense switched, and this time Carl successfully took the initiative, until Hancock's heart was beating wildly and she was almost out of breath, and then he let her go.

"Don't say such things in the future! Do you hear me?"

Hancock lay in Carl's arms like a little bird, moaning, which was considered as a tacit agreement.

"Dear, the summons sent by Marshal Sengoku said that I should go to the Navy Headquarters to prepare for the meeting on January 5th, and there is still nearly a week!"

"Why don't you stay here with me for the next few days!"

Carl frowned: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"I just want to ask for your opinion! If you don't want to forget it."

Seeing Hancock's aggrieved expression, Carl smiled and kissed her pretty face.

Her words reminded Carl that there were indeed 7 days before the Seven Warlords of the Sea meeting, and all the Seven Warlords of the Sea must arrive one day in advance, minus the journey, there are still 4 days.

These four days of slacking off time can't be wasted!

At night, in order to avoid suspicion, Carl reluctantly refused the temptation to stay in the palace, resolutely returned to the warship, and chose to share the hardships with his subordinates.

He did not mention sharing the joys and sorrows.

"Hey, isn't this Major General Carl! You still know to come back! Where is he?"

It can be heard that Ian is a little bit resentful, and his words are ape-like.

"Who is it?"

Ian snorted coldly, pointed at the lip print on Carl's face and said coldly: "Wipe the lip print on your face first!"

Nelson, who was eavesdropping on the side, took a breath of cold air. Otherwise, how can you say that Major General Carl is the world's most handsome guy! Now it seems that the handsome guy still won the beauty.

Carl took the handkerchief thrown by Ian without changing his face and wiped the lip print on his face.

"Hey, isn't this the handkerchief you use to wipe your nose? You just give it to me?"

Ian was stunned and said angrily: "You are talking nonsense! Don't talk nonsense!"

After stamping his feet, he walked back to the cabin.

Seeing this, Carl couldn't help but shake his head and sighed: "It's the most difficult to enjoy the beauty~"

After hearing this, Nelson laughed out loud, and was discovered by Carl.

"What are you laughing at?"

Nelson quickly covered his mouth, shook his head, and left in disgrace.

The next day.

Carl summoned all the marines except those in logistics for a daily lecture: "You are lucky. Yesterday, the emperor of the Island of Daughters, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Ms. Boa Hancock, told me."

"You are allowed to enter the Island of Daughters to attend the banquet and celebrate the three Boa sisters lifting the Gorgon curse."

"Now, keep quiet and follow me to the Island of Daughters. Don't make a fuss! Do you hear me?"

"I heard you!"

The expressions of the navy soldiers were very excited. This is the legendary Island of Daughters, which is full of women, a forbidden place for men!I didn't expect that they would have the opportunity to witness it with their own eyes. Major General Carl is awesome (broken voice)!

Ian, who was standing next to Carl, folded his arms and snorted coldly, "What a man!"


Today's Daughter Island is very lively. One is to celebrate the three sisters Boa lifting the Gorgon curse, and the other is that a group of men came to the Daughter Island today.

This is not an exaggeration at all. Those women who have never seen men are so enthusiastic that they don't even act.

You should know that in the past, only the Nine Snakes Pirates, that is, the national warriors, could go out with Lady Snake and have the possibility of seeing men.

On the other hand, Nelson and others blushed, showing their daughterly attitude, but there was a hint of expectation in their expressions.

As for Ian, he just took it as a tour to experience the customs and customs of the Daughter Island.


When the beasts and sea kings used as food were dragged over by the female warriors one after another, the celebration banquet officially began.

Several bold women began to attack the navy, asking questions to the navy officers. Under the leadership of the pioneers, more and more women joined the ranks.

Anyway, Carl would never dare to go down in person, otherwise, with his figure and appearance, he would probably be eaten up without leaving any residue.

But it should be impossible, Hancock is still very protective of food, at least no one dares to compete with her on Daughter Island.

At this moment, Carl was standing on the terrace of the palace with his arms around Hancock's slender waist, admiring the lively banquet not far away.

"Dear, can't you stay a few more days?"

Carl shook his head: "I want to too! But considering the unexpected situation, we must set off early."

"Alas~ What a pity, it would be great if you could stay on Daughter Island to accompany me."

Carl smiled slightly and did not make a positive response.

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