Without Domino's reminder, they put on their gas masks.

"Major General Karl, are you visiting the Impel Down City?"

"Yes! It takes some time to transport the prisoners to the escort ship. I happen to be a person who can't sit still, so I asked Miss Domino to lead us to visit the Impel Down City."

"Will this not violate the regulations?"

Magellan pondered and said, "In principle, it is not allowed, but it is understandable. However, the next two floors are all incarcerated with some extremely vicious criminals."

"Domino may not be able to control them, so how about I take you on a tour next?"

Domino heard this and thought, how can this work? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get along with the world's most handsome guy. How can you, a person who releases poison every day, have the nerve to say that you will take people on a tour!

"Director, are you sure you're okay? Let me do it!"

Magellan scratched his head. That was true. Although he had just released a wave, his diarrhea was irregular. If he pooped in his pants in front of the major general of the headquarters...


The stomach started to rumble again. Magellan's face changed. Damn, how come it came so suddenly!

Seeing this, Carl laughed dumbly and said, "Director Magellan, why don't you let me try!"

After that, Carl condensed a ball of holy light in his palm and merged it into Magellan's body.

Magellan only felt a warm current flowing in his abdomen, and his stomach, which was still cramping just now, immediately felt much more comfortable.


"This, this is..."

Magellan was a poisonous person who ate the poisonous fruit. The breath he exhaled was poisonous, and the food near his mouth was also poisoned (unintentional), so every time he couldn't stand the strong poison, he would have diarrhea.

Carl's holy light just forced the poisonous food he ate in the morning out of his body, so that he would not have diarrhea.

"My ability has a healing effect. Poisoning is also a manifestation of injury. You are temporarily healed!"

A flash of surprise flashed in Magellan's eyes. There is such a good ability in the world!

"Thank you so much, Major General Carl. Even if I can only be safe for a while, I am very satisfied!"

If he was not afraid of getting too close and causing the gas mask to fail, Magellan would have wanted to grab Carl's hand to express his gratitude.

"Since Director Magellan is in good health now, why don't you take us to visit the remaining extreme cold hell and infinite hell?"

"Of course!"

The fifth floor, the extreme cold hell.

This floor imprisoned pirates with bounties of over 100 million. The environment here is completely opposite to the previous floor. If the previous floor is a steamer, this floor is a refrigerator.

It was white everywhere and cold. Fortunately, there was holy light to protect him, otherwise Carl would have to shiver before leaving.

"Don't get close to the forest over there. There are a lot of military wolves there. Although they are not big, they are more brutal than the monsters in the beast hell."

"The prisoners on this floor want to escape. Haha, they will either freeze to death in the ice and snow, or be torn to pieces by military wolves."

To be honest, Magellan doesn't like this bright and open space, but he is happy today. Being happy is more important than anything else.

Smoker looked at the snowflakes falling in his hands and couldn't help sighing: "Indeed! In this kind of weather, not only will the body become stiff, but the fighting spirit will probably be frozen!"

"Director Magellan, let me take a look at the prisoners here! If I remember correctly, there should be my old acquaintances here."

In the pirate group that Carl captured a few months ago, there were two captains with a bounty of over 100 million. Carl just killed all their subordinates, but didn't kill them. He just cut off one of their hands.

According to their bounties, they should be imprisoned here.

"Are they the criminals sent in recently? Tell me their names, I should be able to remember them."

"One is called Steel Teeth Fitz, and the other is called Evil Fire Tate."

Magellan touched his chin: "Let me think, I got it, they are the criminals sent in last month, and they should be locked up... here, cell 5047."

Magellan walked quickly to the other side, pointed at the few people shivering in the cell and said: "These two should be them, can you see?"

Fitz and Tate, who were wearing thin prison uniforms and shivering in the corner, saw Magellan's figure and flashed a trace of fear in their eyes, and shrank back in fear.

"Yes, it's them!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Fitz and Tate looked at each other, and their eyes suddenly became resentful.

"It's you! You ****, it's you who made me fall into this hellhole, kill me if you dare! You **!!!"

Fitz used all his strength to curse at Carl, heI've had enough. It's better to die than to endure the torture here.

As for confessing his crimes? There is no such thing. Even if he regrets, he regrets how unlucky he is to meet Carl, the damn devil navy.

"Scum, shut your mouth, or you will soon know what it means to live a life worse than death!"

It would be better if he didn't say it. Once he said it, Fitz became more excited and shouted hysterically at Magellan, pulling his neck: "Come on! Kill me!"

Magellan snorted coldly and pointed his finger at Fitz, ready to stab him, but was stopped by Carl.

"Forget it, Director Magellan. Wouldn't it be a bargain for him if he was killed accidentally? I think we should cut off his remaining hand as well!"

"Well, forget it. The hand still needs to be used for eating! Or chop his basket! It's useless anyway."

Magellan stared at Carl with wide eyes. Good guy, so cruel! Satan has to have a tattoo of you on his back.

Fortunately, Major General Karl is not from Push City, otherwise he would have to step down and let others take over!

"Hahahaha, just kidding, don't be so nervous."

Everyone present fell silent. After confirming the look in his eyes, it was Langmie.

After a simple tour, Magellan took them to the elevator to the last floor, which was also the bottom of the Deep Sea Prison.

Infinite Hell.

There is neither extreme climate nor torture in any sense here.

The only thing is thick shackles and damp cells. Once you are locked up here, don't think about seeing the sun again in your life.

The prisoners in this floor are either death row prisoners or life imprisonment.

To be more specific, most of the criminals in this floor are monster pirates who are too vicious and have been erased from history.

The prisoners on this floor are almost legendary figures, and everyone is either sentenced to death or life imprisonment.

"Hahaha~ Magellan, are you here to visit me?"

As soon as he walked out of the prison, the prisoners in the side cells laughed coldly.

Magellan looked at him calmly and said, "Shut up, Xiliu! I don't have time to visit you!"

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