"Bulu Bulu Bulu~"

The Den Den Mushi sounded again, and Disco turned back stiffly and looked at Carl.

"What are you looking at me for? Answer the phone!"


"Is that marine next to you?"

Disco felt the cold blade on his neck and swallowed: "No, not here."

"Very good, immediately, immediately..."

Ming Ge paused, as if he could hear that Disco was not sincere. After a long silence, he immediately hung up the phone.

"The phone has been hung up, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and untie the collars of these pirates!"

Soon, under Disco's operation, the slaves' collars were opened, and they were excited and thanked Carl.

Ien frowned: "Shut up! You are actually mixed with pirates, there must be something wrong, now you will all be taken to the naval base for investigation!"

Carl looked at Ien in surprise, and quietly gave a thumbs up. He learned very quickly!

Ain's mouth corners slightly raised, but soon restrained, with a righteous look to tie up the "pirates" one by one, and then looked at Carl.

"Mr. Disco, the pirates have been found. As for these guys who are suspected to be accomplices of the pirates, if they are confirmed to be OK, we will send them over."

"After all, this is the property of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

Disco was numb, nodded woodenly, and hurriedly shouted, destroy it! Tired...

"Let's go!"

Half an hour later, all the slaves had been taken back to the Shampoo Naval Base, but it was not so easy to regain their freedom.

Because the possibility that some of them were pirates could not be ruled out, interrogation was necessary.

After interrogation, the identities of the 32 slaves were clear.

Among them, 25 were civilians, including the mermaid, and 7 were suspected to be pirates, but there was no bounty, so their identities could not be confirmed.

"Gray, I'll leave these seven people to you. The others are civilians, and I'll make arrangements for them."

Gregory nodded and had the seven suspected pirates taken away.

At this time, Ian and Smoker came in together. Ian said, "Except for the mermaid Mina, the other civilians have been properly arranged."

"Well, where is Mina? I have something to ask her!"

"In the lounge next door."

Carl immediately stood up and went to the lounge next door.

"Hello, my Admiral Carl of the Navy Headquarters, you are Miss Mina, right?"

When Mina saw Carl, she quickly bowed and thanked him: "Thank you, thank you, Rear Admiral Carl, if it weren't for you, woooooo~"

"Don't cry, you are safe."

Mina wiped her tears and nodded, her eyes slightly red: "Well, Rear Admiral Carl, you are right, I am free!"

"So what are your plans next? Go back to Fishman Island?"

"Yes, I have been missing for so many days, my parents must be worried!"

Carl grinned: "That's great, Miss Mina, we are going to Fishman Island to perform a mission, if possible, can you be our guide to Fishman Island?"

Mina nodded readily in agreement, Carl was her savior, and she was worried that she would not have the opportunity to repay him.

"No problem, Major General Karl, when are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow at noon, please stay here for a day, Miss Mina, and tell me about the current situation of Fishman Island."

"Yes, no problem, what does Major General Karl want to know?"

Two hours later, Karl said goodbye to Mina with a smile and returned to his room.

Through the information provided by Mina, he has a general understanding of the current situation of Fishman Island, which is similar to what he expected.

At present, Fishman Island is protected by the Whitebeard Pirates. The pirates dare not mess around in Fishman Island, but there are always some blind people who want to try, and the result is that they die after trying.

Fishman Island is also the base of the Seven Warlords of the Sea Jinpei. The pirate group with a bounty of 100 million or 200 million will give it away for free.

Of course, it does not mean that Fishman Island is completely safe, otherwise Mina would not be caught and become a slave.

From Mina, I learned that Fishman Street is currently the most hostile place to humans. There are many "fish-man supremacists" there, and ordinary Fishman Island residents dare not step into this place at will.

Other places are fine, the hatred is not that serious, but it is just not serious.

The death of Princess Otohime has a huge impact on racial relations!

"It seems that if we want to catch this guy Hodi Jones this time, we have to lure him out of his hole!"

Carl was too lazy to think too much, and he would take it one step at a time!


When Carl came over, he found that Smoker and Ian were here, so they should be considered supervisors!

"You are all here!"

"You are here!"Carl walked in front of the two and watched the craftsmen smearing something like resin on the warship. It should be the resin of the Yarqi Mangrove!

Walking to a sturdy craftsman, Carl asked curiously: "Master, what do you do?"

The coating craftsman holding the resin in his hand looked back at Carl, without saying anything, just looking at him, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Suddenly, Carl saw an old man wearing drag on the boat and wearing glasses. He always felt familiar.

"Uh, Master, who is that person over there? Is he also from your shipyard?"

The master took a look and shook his head: "No, but his craftsmanship is good. For urgent orders like this, we usually ask him to come and help!"

"We usually call him Lao Lei of coating!"

Sure enough, Pluto Rayleigh, calling him Lao Lei is not wrong!

Carl immediately jumped onto the warship and searched for Rayleigh's voice everywhere, but he didn't see anything. The man was gone.

"What a keen insight! I was discovered just by looking at him?"

On the other side, Rayleigh walked out of the corner, confirmed that no one noticed, and sneaked out of the shipyard.

"What bad luck! I wanted to make some extra money, but I was almost discovered!"

Rayleigh scratched his head helplessly. Who would have thought that someone in the new generation of navy would recognize his face?

You know, he has been retired from the sea for 15 years!

On the warship, Carl had to get off the ship because he couldn't find anyone, so as not to affect the work of the coating craftsman.

It doesn't matter if he can't find him, since he knows that Rayleigh is here.

The familiar characters have appeared one by one, who will be next? Shanks?

No, no, no, I shouldn't meet him for the time being. Now Shanks has entered the New World to make a living, a shining supernova pirate group, and it will take a few years to become one of the Four Emperors.

"Forget it, why think so much! Let's go shopping!"

So, Carl took Ian and Smoker to a tourist area, bought some specialties and clothes, and replenished some supplies to prepare for tomorrow's voyage.

Ian was quite happy today, but Smoker was a bit annoying.

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