The injured parrot fish man raised his heavy eyelids and glanced at Carl.

Then he slowly raised his bruised arm and pointed at Carl: "You, you beat me like this!"

The lion fish man hidden in the crowd smiled and looked at Carl with sarcasm, as if to say that you can't deny it now!

Carl was about to speak, but after thinking about it, he called Ain over and whispered: "Take the other injured fishmen to a farther place, don't let them hear me talking to this fishman."

Ain nodded, and arranged for some navy soldiers to carry the other four injured fishmen to the corner on the pretext of treating the injured.

Carl felt that the distance should be about the same, so he said to the parrot fish man.

"Are you sure I beat you like this? When, where, and with what did I hurt you yesterday? Was there anyone else besides you?"

The injured fishman was silent for a while, and said intermittently: "The time... was last night. I went out for a walk after dinner. When I walked to the corner of Marin Shopping Center, you suddenly appeared."

"I accidentally bumped into you, and you said, 'You lowly fishman, you dare to block my way, go to hell!'"

"My head hurt at that time, and then I lost consciousness! As for the rest Others' words, no!"

The lionfish merman standing not far away immediately added fuel to the fire and said, "Did you see it? It was the navy who did it, and they even said that our merman were lowly! Everyone, can you tolerate this?"

"Human! Don't be so arrogant! We mermen are not lowly species!"

"Damn humans!"

Carl turned his head to look at Smoker and Ain, and said calmly, "Maintain order!"


The navy immediately went out to form a human wall to stop the merman who wanted to rush up and take action, and Nelson fired a shot into the sky.


The loud gunshot immediately quieted the mermen.

Carl glanced at the lionfish merman not far away. There was something wrong with this guy, but it was too early to take action now.

Carl casually condensed a ball of white holy light, which had an extreme healing effect, thus achieving the effect of "purification".

Five seconds later, the injuries on the parrotfish merman disappeared without a trace.

"Your injury has healed. What you said just now is true, right?"

The parrot fish man stood up and touched his body. A trace of panic flashed in his eyes. He looked around like a thief, and shuddered subconsciously after finding the lion fish man.

"It's true, absolutely true!"

Carl nodded: "Very good, since your injury has healed, please stand on the other side, Nelson, ask two people to watch him and let him record his confession just now!"


"Remember to ask him where he lives!" Nelson nodded.

Then Carl looked at Ain and motioned her to send an injured fish man over, and then the same words were used.

The red-winged fish man also said that he went out for a walk last night, met Carl in the corner, and was knocked unconscious, but the location was in the Coral Apartment.

Then there was the third, fourth, and fifth.

The lionfish man hiding in the crowd smiled disdainfully. The boss was so wise that he told him that this scene might happen, so the testimony of each injured fishman was different.

Want to clear the suspicion on your body with this? Humph! It's a foolish dream.

"Ain, go and invite the owner of the hotel where we stayed yesterday!"

Ain seemed to understand something, nodded happily, and ran over with the shaving skills.

Ten minutes later, the owner of the hotel was brought over by Ain, his eyes full of confusion.

"Boss Charlotte, we checked into your hotel last night. Do you still remember?"

Charlotte nodded: "Of course, there were only two of you humans staying there yesterday, how could I not remember?"

"We had dinner at the restaurant opposite you at 18:00 yesterday, checked into your hotel at 19:00, ordered two suppers at 21:00, and didn't go out during that time. We didn't leave the hotel until 7:00 in the morning, right?"

Charlotte scratched her head, then nodded affirmatively: "Yes, that's it."

Carl smiled: "Thank you, Boss Charlotte, you can go back!"

Then Carl took the testimony left by the five fishmen from a marine and said loudly.

"Everyone, this is their testimony just now. They all said that I beat them. The time was roughly the same, all at the time of finishing their meal, but there were five locations."

"They were Coral Apartment, Mermaid Bay, Fish People Cultural Center, Marin Shopping Center, and Waterwheel Town."

"Then the question is, when did you eat?What time is it usually?"

The fish people said in unison: "5:30!" "6 o'clock" "Do you all eat so early? My family doesn't eat until 7 o'clock!"

The scene suddenly became like a vegetable market, with discussions everywhere, and nothing could be heard clearly.

"Quiet! Quiet, everyone listen to me! Since everyone's meal time varies from 5 to 8 o'clock, I will assume that the five of them eat at 6:30 and then go for a walk. Do you think it's okay?"

"Almost! It should be like this."

Carl clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention. When it was quieter, he said: "You heard what boss Charlotte said just now. I have been in the hotel since 19 o'clock. How can I have time to go out and walk around in the middle of the night?"

"And the five they are talking about are almost all from the southeast, northwest, and northeast of Fishman Island. Why would a human like me commit a crime so far away? Or in Fishman Island where I am unfamiliar with it? "

"The most important point is that the five of them are residents of Coral Hill. Would they walk to Mermaid Bay? Waterwheel Town?"

"So, they are lying! Even if they were attacked, they were attacked in the same place!"

Although the residents of Fishman Island look weird, they are all born by their mothers, not stupid. They also know these five fishmen. They are indeed residents of Coral Hill. Why would they run to Mermaid Bay? Waterwheel Town in the middle of the night?

"Yes! I always felt that something was wrong there!" "Yes, they must have lied!"

The lionfish fishman cursed inwardly. He was found to have a loophole. Damn human!

When he was about to leave, he couldn't move. Looking back, it was Carl with a half-smile expression.

"Don't leave in a hurry!"

Then Carl grabbed the lionfish fishman, dragged him to an open place, pointed a raven at his neck, and said coldly: "Tell me! Who instructed you to frame the navy! "

"Who gave the instructions? I don't know!"

The residents of Fishman Island are not stupid. After seeing the face of the Lionfish Fishman, they suddenly realized: "Isn't this the gangster Kashakoba from Fishman Street?"

"Yes, it's him! He is the subordinate of that bastard Hodi Jones!"

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