Not only were the islands shaking, the oceans were roaring!

The waves were rolling, the sky was covered with thick dark clouds, and lightning flashed.

The live broadcast screen was shaking, but viewers all over the world were watching intently, fearing that they would miss some important scenes.

"War is really changing rapidly! Even the rumored commander of the entire army has personally gone to the battlefield to fight!"

"Commander-in-chief of the whole army!? Isn't that old man the former Admiral of the Navy, Kong? He must be over a hundred years old, right?"

"That's right, he didn't resign, but was promoted! The commander-in-chief of the World Government's entire military, even the Navy Admiral is his subordinate, his power is second only to the Five Elders, and he is also a fierce man!"

"Of course, you see, even at his age, he can still fight Red-Haired Shanks and Beckman alone! The three admirals also broke away from the previous situation and began to stand together!"

"The battle has been turned around! Hahaha, with this kind of legendary figure, the navy will win when Admiral Child Emperor comes back! The strongest man in the world might even fail here!"

Audiences from all over the world who were watching the live broadcast were talking about it, especially those in the allied countries, who breathed a sigh of relief.

No one wanted the navy to lose. If the pirates really won, more pirates would surely wreak havoc and the world would be in chaos.

With the addition of Kong, the entire battle entered a state of balanced combat.

The navy could not repel the pirates' attack, and the pirates could not break through the navy's defense.

Battles above the rank of vice admiral would probably be like this before their physical strength was exhausted.

But even so, it deeply inspired the hearts of people all over the world. After all, the navy almost lost just now, but now it's different.

The strongest admiral has returned, and all these pirates are doomed!

However, at this moment, Xia Tian did not know that the whole world The world is looking forward to his appearance, and is galloping towards Marinford with all his might.

He has even flown for a long time. Although his physical energy has not been consumed as fast as before, he is full of boredom mentally, and even yawns a little sleepily.

Fortunately, there are huge benefits waiting for him at the destination.

However, on the other side, the underwater prison Impel Down.

Knowing that he is defending, Magellan also fought for a long time.

But the combination of Katakuri and Blackbeard Teach is too powerful!

Even the Jailermon can't stop these people, and his venom is even more restrained.

But it's not completely useless. At least the opponent only has Katakuri with the ability of the Mochi-Mochi Fruit to block his poison.

This also makes Blackbeard Teach feel fortunate.

Looking at the purple liquid on the ground with a hissing poisonous gas, he couldn't help but feel scared.

"Fortunately, there is Katakuri……"

Blackbeard Teach secretly rejoiced.

Now, Magellan and his group have been completely suppressed in the elevator platform from the third floor to the sixth floor.

At this time, the elevator platform moved in the fierce battle between Magellan and others, and slowly rose.

Soon, the warden of the push city, Xilu of the Rain, who was imprisoned on the sixth floor by Magellan, appeared!

"Why are you here just now! I sent someone down to release you a long time ago... Hurry up and work together to stop them, otherwise the sixth floor will be in danger. If these prisoners are released, the consequences will be……"

Magellan spoke very quickly, controlling the Great Transformation of Poison to pounce on Katakuri, Blackbeard Teach and everyone else, while talking to Shiryu.

However, just when the consequences were about to be disastrous, Shiryu of Rain pulled out the Thunderstorm in his hand!

A slash covered with armed color cut Magellan who was unprepared!

Blood splattered...

Magellan opened his eyes in disbelief, staggered and looked at Shiryu of Rain who was biting a cigar, holding the Thunderstorm and still smiling cruelly!


"I've wanted to do this for a long time."

Shiryuu of the Rain watched Magellan fall, and while Magellan was confused, he slashed him several times in a row, and finally stopped when Magellan fell unconscious.

As for the other jailers and the terrified Hannibal who were no longer restrained by the venom, they were quickly dealt with.

Katakuri and Blackbeard Teach were both surprised, and before they could speak,

Shiryuu of the Rain said to Blackbeard Teach,"I've been waiting for a man like you."

"Thief hahaha... Then come with us, Rain Shiryu!"

Blackbeard Teach was overjoyed. This is a fierce general.

Katakuri looked at him solemnly, and then walked towards the lift platform without saying a word.

So far, the Impel Down City was completely lost due to the final betrayal of Rain Shiryu! However

, as soon as Katakuri and his party went down, the first thing they did was to release the people of the Beast Pirates.

"Lord Kaido called someone to save us! ?"

Drought Jack said excitedly.

Katakuri nodded and glanced at the silent Jin.

Then he explained the situation outside.

For example, the battle in Marinford had already begun! Katakuri also received the news that Red-Haired Shanks and Whitebeard Newgate had joined forces to attack Marinford, and he also said it. The Beasts

Pirates only reacted in amazement, but the other prisoners on the sixth floor had different reactions.

""Ace! Daddy!" Jinbei, the Sea Knight, was tied up all over, but he started to struggle violently.

Barrett, Crocodile and others were also attracted by the news and cast their eyes over the newly built cage.

Even the Red Earl in the depths raised his head, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

The war really started, but where was that little kid Child Emperor? He didn't even mention it!?

"My goal is not only to release the members of the Beasts Pirates, but all of them.

Katakuri suddenly smiled and said

"Of course, only capable people will be released. Why not play a game and kill all the people in the cell with you? The one who wins in the end will become my partner, how about it?"

Blackbeard Teach stopped Katakuri and told him his purpose. He came here to recruit some fellow crew members.

Katakuri didn't mind. There was plenty of time anyway.

So except for World Destroyer, Barrett, Crocodile and other people in separate cells, all other cells rioted!

What's the point of caring if there is a chance to get out? Just kill them.

Finally, Blackbeard Teach directly extended an invitation to these people, even Barrett, World Destroyer Bondiwaldo and others.

"To be your subordinate? You are not qualified."

World Breaker rejected with disdain.

Barrett just said"Get lost".

But it's not that no one joined. According to the normal timeline, Xuanyue Hunter, Big Barrel and others still chose to join the Blackbeard Pirates.

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