"You're wasting your time, Shiki."

Barrett said unhappily.

That's it? Can you still be praised by the Four Emperors and be famous all over the world?

"Perhaps, Child Emperor's strength is even stronger than what we have experienced."

Shiki the Golden Lion smiled and said.

It would be useless if Kaido and Charlotte Linlin did not participate.

They were not expected in the first place, but the reactions of Kaido and Charlotte Linlin made Shiki the Golden Lion a little confused.

These two brutal guys are notoriously crazy and arrogant.

This performance shows that Xia Tian really brought them great fear.

But Shiki the Golden Lion still imagined their strength, and believed that even if Rocks was reborn, he would not be stronger than them joining forces with the old monster Whitebeard!

And Kaido and Big Mom really led the team back to the first floor.

They did not go back to the sea, but asked people to move out the large glass on the first floor.

Being able to arrive faster than Xia Tian could fly in the air, naturally used the fruit ability, the mirror.

If Xia Tian knew, he would probably slap his thigh with regret.

He was anxious to go back to join the battle, and walked away in the air without thinking much.

"Humph, how can summer be so easy to deal with? They haven't really felt its terror yet."

Kaido didn't forget to spit as he walked along the road.

This made the three disasters and others feel surprised. What kind of battle did Kaido and Charlotte Linlin have with summer? What surprised them even more was that even Big Mom and Katakuri nodded in agreement.

However, Big Mom's focus at this time was elsewhere.

""How about it, Kaido, is it time to tell?"

Big Mom took the opportunity to say to Kaido.

Without saying much, Kaido could tell that Big Mom wanted Kaido to tell Jin about joining the Big Mom Pirates. But

Kaido never thought about fulfilling his promise.

"Don't worry, it's important to leave here. Lingling, I'm still here, what are you worried about?"

"Don't forget that Xia Tian is still on his way back. If he arrives, we will be in big trouble."

Kaido said,"I understand," indicating that this place is not suitable.

Big Mom thought so too, but did not say much.

They all entered the mirror space, gathered with the Big Mom Pirates members and cadres who stayed inside, and left through the mirror space.

After discussing for a few words, Shiki the Golden Lion, Red Earl Redfield, Barrett, Crocodile, Sea Knight Jinbe, and Blackbeard Teach said they would continue to go to Marinford.

But before leaving,

Blackbeard Teach said he wanted to perform a miracle for them.


Ski and the Red Earl were all a little curious.

What was Blackbeard Teach going to do at this time?

Teach's eyes were full of greed, and he covered himself and Bondivaldo who was lying on the ground with a black cloth.

When he appeared again, Blackbeard Teach's face was full of excitement.

Picking up a gun from the ground, Teach shot directly at a row of cells, regardless of whether there was anyone inside!

"A hundred times amplification!"

The bullets were amplified a hundred times under the effect of the Momo Fruit!

The power was also amplified a hundred times!

With a huge roar, the row of cells and the people inside were blown to pieces.

"Thief hahahaha……"

Blackbeard Teach laughed loudly, and a darker hand appeared on his body!

The successful acquisition of the Momo Fruit made Blackbeard Teach's entire strength grow explosively!

Golden Lion Shiki, Red Earl, Barrett and others also understood when they saw the black fog rising.

Blackbeard...has two abilities!

The Dark-Dark Fruit, and the Momo Fruit that Bondy saw!

"Two abilities! ?"

"You stole the power of the World Destroyer?"

The Red Earl and Barrett were full of surprise and astonishment.

How could one person have two fruit abilities!? This is completely different from the original rules of the world! This is even more so for others, this is completely beyond cognition!

Among those present, only Golden Lion Shiki was not as shocked as the others.

Instead, he stared straight at Blackbeard Teach in disbelief.

The Dark Dark Fruit... What a strange and familiar ability!

Possessing the same abilities as he did back then, and even being able to acquire various different abilities on his body!

And this kind of thing is entirely due to the ability and the peculiar body that can do it.

"I thought... this kind of physique would never appear in the world again."

"You, are you the reincarnation of Captain Rocks?"

Faced with the straight eyes and questions of the Golden Lion Shiki,

Blackbeard Teach was not at all intimidated at this time.

"No... I am Marshall Teach, not Rocks."

Blackbeard denied it.

And Golden Lion Shiki did not say anything else, but looked at Blackbeard Teach deeply.

Reincarnation is not impossible, and Golden Lion Shiki has even heard of reincarnated people.

The same physique, the same ability, the probability of this coincidence is too great.

"It's really not simple, Blackbeard Teach."

Barrett, Red Earl, and others all thought so.

But at this time, no one wanted to know anything.

"Let's go, let's go first."

Ski retracted his gaze and took the lead to move forward.

At this time, Marinford was in the midst of a fierce battle.

The surging waves of the sea can be said to be rolling, and even the warships and the ships of the pirate fleet could not aim and fire shells normally.

The sea almost capsized in the roar.

The sky was already gray and the island was shaking constantly.

The power of Whitebeard Newgate's Tremor Fruit was extremely fierce. The battle with the Warring States Buddha form was the most eye-catching in the entire island battlefield!

The cracks in the atmosphere were scattered, and the shock waves with golden light were violently confronted!

Each one brought a great burden to Marinford. The ground where the two fought was shattered layer by layer, and it had spread to the execution platform.

Similarly, The battle between Garp and Rayleigh shocked everyone around the world who were watching the live broadcast.

The two old rivals gradually became angry. Rayleigh wanted to save the situation and break through as soon as possible, so he was no longer fighting Tai Chi with Garp.

Instead, the Pluto Sword became sharper!

The violent blue sword energy was everywhere, and with one sword strike, even the ground was cut into deep grooves.

But his opponent was Iron Fist Garp!

The strongest in the navy at present! The darker armed color domineering directly hit Rayleigh's sword energy, and the continuous close combat put Rayleigh in a passive position.

The two battlefields were in the square, and even the aftermath spread out and overturned a large group of navy.

Ace was handcuffed to the execution platform, looking down with tears in his eyes.


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