"It's okay, brother."

Xia Tian turned around and smiled at the people behind him without blushing or panting.

"Summer, you are like this……"

Cap also wanted to persuade Xia Tian to be more cautious and go together

"Fighting makes me stronger! Give me this chance!"

Xia Tian said the reason directly with a smile.

This made the Five Elders feel something and narrowed their eyes.

Xia Tian said so, Zhan Guo and others did not say anything more.

"Leave those miscellaneous soldiers to us!"

"Well then... I'll start!"

Xia Tian was excited and began to fight.

I'll take all the upgrades and templates from these people!

Whitebeard Newgate, Golden Lion Shiki and others all looked extremely solemn.

"What are you afraid of him doing! After such a powerful move, I don't believe he can keep bursting out!"

Blackbeard Teach knew that he could only fight on.

This situation was just right, mobilizing everyone to attack, and it would be best if Whitebeard could get hurt!

So, he shouted this sentence!

"You are the one who talks a lot, so let you start……"

Xia Tian immediately looked at Blackbeard Teach, which made Teach's heart tremble.

What a joke!! Staring at me and hitting me first!!

""Everyone, come together!"

Blackbeard Teach roared, and at the same time began to gather the Dark Emperor's black ball on his head, and the claws on his hands were also covered with black armed color domineering!

But... no one paid attention to him.

Xia Tian's figure disappeared in the air. With such a short distance, he arrived in front of Blackbeard Teach in almost the blink of an eye!

The small fist hit Teach fiercely.

""Breaking Star!"

The fourth move!

Looking at Xia Tian with the black flames rising, Blackbeard Teach was completely scared.

With such a speed, he almost couldn't react even after his strength skyrocketed!

Relying on the conditioned reaction of his body, Teach directly clawed at Xia Tian's fist!

The Dark Emperor above his head was pulled into three black pillars, which exploded towards Xia Tian!

""Dark Emperor! Hundred-fold amplification!"

This claw is almost the strongest move that Teach can use now!

However, facing Xia Tian who opened the fourth panel, it is simply vulnerable. The

Collapse Star Fist burst out like a huge star destroyer.

The dark mist of the Dark Emperor was instantly invisible by the impact, and Blackbeard Teach's claws had not even touched Xia Tian's fist before they were completely blown away by the fist force that was like a beam of light fired by a star destroyer!

The special claws that had accompanied Blackbeard Teach for decades were directly shattered, and the clenched fist was twisted in a weird posture!

Teach's hand even broke the bones!

The whole person was completely enveloped by severe pain, and before the scream came out of his mouth, Blackbeard Teach was directly blown away by the fist force!

All the way down to the town of Marinford!

Large areas of buildings collapsed directly, and a circular pit was smashed out

"A hundredfold increase? Even if you increase it by a thousand times, it's barely good enough."

Xia Tian sneered, not even looking at Blackbeard Teach.

The system also gave a reminder in his mind.

The basics of physical strength were not improved much, but Blackbeard Teach's physical skills template was not only obtained, but also directly perfected. This was something Xia Tian had not expected.


Badgers, Lafitte and other people who joined the Blackbeard Pirates all had their eyes trembled.

But at the same time, they had to move! They seized the opportunity when Xia Tian's punch was just finished.

Because normally, after a powerful attack with a punch, it is impossible to make a powerful attack in a hurry!

So, including the Xuanyue hunter Katrin, the big barrel, and even the huge battleship Wolf holding its head on the seashore, they all attacked Xia Tian at Lafitte's call!

This group of people who can do evil on the sea and cause huge riots! They are regarded as the embodiment of evil, but now they are just a group of miscellaneous soldiers in Xia Tian's eyes.

Compared with the power of the Four Emperors, these guys are really... too weak.

""Cut the clouds!"

Xia Tian turned around and punched smoothly!

The punch was like a blunt knife sweeping across, and it exploded with a semi-circular air wave!

In the eyes of Lafitte, Xuanyue Hunter and others, it was like a punch distorting the space rushing towards them!

Obviously the speed was not fast, but they were like being suppressed by endless mountains. Under the huge pressure, even the attack was stagnant!

Immediately, a group of people were directly knocked out by the punch, and one by one they fell pale into the big pit where Blackbeard Teach was. Even Badgers, who was so stupid that he didn't care about his life, directly resisted and fell to the ground and kept spitting blood.

"General Child Emperor, this is too powerful……"

"These are prisoners from the sixth floor, all of them are powerful and vicious prisoners, but they can't even take a punch from the admiral."

The navy soldiers were all stunned, and they all looked dumbfounded.

They all understood that it was not that these prisoners were weak, but that the child emperor was too powerful.

In fact, Xia Tian was not interested in these prisoners at all.

"The improvement of the system... there aren't that many people in the group."

The barely perceptible improvement made Xia Tian lose interest in even taking a look.

Then he turned his head and looked at the next person!

At this time, Red-haired Shanks, Whitebeard Newgate, and Pluto Rayleigh all stood together!

They were on full alert, holding their own weapons, and looking at Xia Tian very seriously.

"I never thought that one day we would be able to face such a powerful and incredible opponent together!"

Rayleigh raised the corners of his mouth and laughed boldly.

"Mr. Rayleigh, maybe we still have a chance to defeat him."

Red-haired Shanks stared at Xia Tian intently, as if trying to find some flaws in Xia Tian.

"Gulala... The world is really amazing. At the age of eight, he has strength, stamina, speed, and domineering power... This little guy is an all-rounder with no flaws."

"But there is no perfect power in the world."

Whitebeard Newgate began to exude a domineering aura.

This terrifying aura that could make the air tremble rushed straight into the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds!

"Whitebeard, the last fight is not over yet. This time, the three of you can come together. I don’t bully the elderly."

Xia Tian looked at the imposing Whitebeard Newgate, and his eyes lit up immediately.

The strongest man in the world, without a doubt, the one who can improve himself the most is Whitebeard!

If Red Hair and Rayleigh are added, it will be great!

Hearing Xia Tian say this, the fighting spirit in Xia Tian's eyes was already visible.

Whitebeard did not refuse, and Red Hair Shanks and Rayleigh knew that it was not the time to show off against Xia Tian.

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