In front of him was the super bullet shot by Beckman, and above him was the claw pressed down by Marco.

In the back was the black full moon slashed by the Red Earl Redfield with all his strength!

This siege shocked everyone present.

The bullet with a hundred times the amplification was spinning violently against the Armament Haki on Xia Tian's chest, and the powerful cyclone made the battlefield change drastically!

After all, this was an attack entangled with the Domineering Haki.

"This is more like it."

Xia Tian felt the pressure at this time, but spoke in a calm tone.

This made Marco feel a bad premonition.

However, the Red Earl's Full Moon Slash cut through the air at this time, and the black lightning had reached Xia Tian's back less than 50 centimeters away!

""It's done!"

Attacked from both sides, a glimmer of hope flashed across Earl Red's eyes.

No matter how strong a person is, his Armament Haki can't be so strong, right?

This attack is entirely possible to break Xia Tian's defense!

But as the sword light approached, Xia Tian smiled.

It's still not enough. This level is not enough to test the limit of his Armament Haki!

Because the characteristics after the ultimate level have not yet been revealed.

The next second.

The sword light was approaching, and the sharp edge slashed on the Armament Haki on Xia Tian's back. The powerful Haki impact set off a violent tremor!

Immediately, in the horrified eyes of Earl Red and Marco, an even more terrifying recoil force erupted from Xia Tian's body!

The light Flashing, Marco's claws were filled with irresistible power, and he and his body were thrown straight into the sky!

And Red Earl Redfield didn't even have time to drop his sword. Xia Tian's body, starting from the recoil force, produced an explosive shock wave!

The light burst, and it exploded!

Even the red hundred-fold amplified bullet in front of Xia Tian was shattered into pieces...

Everyone raised their arms involuntarily to block in front of them, and looked at the three people who had exploded with some shock.

In addition to Marco, the Red Earl was also blown away like a cannonball.

Until a big pit appeared at the front of the square, Xia Tian stood in the void with a calm face.

"It actually caused an explosion. The power of this bullet is really incredible.

Xia Tian looked at his chest. A thin layer of Armament Haki with some flowing cherry red actually opened a hole.

This explosion was caused by the powerful potential energy brought by this special bullet, and the recoil force exploded through the Haki.

"But, it's not over yet!"

With a white halo, Kusanagi slashed down on Whitebeard's hand!

The crack in the atmosphere spread at an exaggerated speed, covering more than 20 meters!

The blade light and the vibration force instantly descended on Xia Tian's body!

Even Xia Tian's body stagnated and bent slightly.

The blade collided with the armed color domineering on Xia Tian's shoulder.


The arc of the domineering color domineering shot out extremely exaggeratedly!

"Only you... the strongest man in the world!"

Xia Tian was excited when he felt the obvious strength of Whitebeard and everyone else.

Fighting alone, only Whitebeard could make his body feel this kind of pressure.


Marinford shook violently, and a tsunami rose!

The houses and buildings on the island collapsed piece by piece, and the fortress of the Navy Headquarters collapsed.

In this attack, Whitebeard had no reservations at all, even if it meant destroying the nearby islands!

"Is he crazy! ?"Whitebeard!"

Zhan Guo crouched down, trying to keep his balance, but he couldn't help yelling.

Using the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit in this way is to break Xia Tian's Armament Haki defense!?

But in this way, the consequences of the vibration will be devastating!

Not to mention Zhan Guo and others, everyone present, including those watching the live broadcast, were stunned, and their expressions were shocked to the extreme.

Under the atmospheric crack, except for Marinford, which was still flat, the oceans on all sides have been distorted!

Layer by layer, circle by circle, tilted, vibrating!

The ocean is upside down!

The warship is like a vertical sea surface at a flat angle, falling down weightlessly...

And Xia Tian narrowed his eyes and looked directly at Whitebeard Newgate. His Kusugawa-slashing blade was pressing down on Xia Tian's Armament Haki, sinking slightly.


Whitebeard Newgate gritted his teeth and finally roared.

This kind of power was okay when he was young, but with his current body, he couldn't fight for long!

Rayleigh, Barrett, Golden Lion Shiki, Red Hair Shanks, and the thrown Red Earl did not hesitate to attack in the violent earthquake!

Rayleigh's Pluto Slash, Barrett's huge fist after the fusion ability, Golden Lion Shiki's full-strength slash, Red Hair Shanks's straight piercing with the domineering color domineering!

The six legends and the four emperors all hit with all their strength!

Suddenly, under the terrifying momentum of the six paths, Marinford not only had a huge impact on the islands and oceans, but even the clouds in the sky were completely stirred and distorted because of this unprecedented momentum!

On the live broadcast screen, it was like a doomsday scene!

"Why didn't he fight back!?"

"Was Admiral Child Emperor suppressed by Whitebeard?!"

"Look, those officers and captains have also taken action!"

In front of the live screen, there was a burst of amazement, confusion, and trance looking at the indifferent Xia Tian, not knowing what was going on!

The navy present, including Steel Bone Kong, Garp and others, all showed worry.

What should we do? It's too late!

This round of attack is too terrible!

Whitebeard Newgate suppressed Xia Tian's body with the blade, and everyone else took action together!

Yes, all of them!!!

Ben Beckman, Jesus Bu, Laqilu and other officers and strong men of the Red Hair Pirates.

Marco, Vista, Joz and other captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

With���The Blackbeard Pirates' Xuan Yue Hunter, Lafitte, and so on.

At this moment, everyone on the pirate side understood that there was only this one chance to break Xia Tian's invincible defense!

If they couldn't break it this time, once Xia Tian started to fight back, the consequences would be unpredictable.

So, Blackbeard Teach didn't care too much and attacked together! It didn't matter whether Whitebeard's father died or Xia Tian died! They all had the ability of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, so it didn't matter who they plundered!


A scene that shocked the whole world took place.

More than 20 cadres from the two major pirate groups and Jinbei, Crocodile plus Beckman, Blackbeard Teach, and six legends and emperors including Whitebeard Newgate, Golden Lion, and Red Hair.

A full eight emperors!

Everyone used an extremely powerful big move!

The target, Xia Tian, who chose to resist and smiled!

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