"The Revolutionary Army, Kaido, Big Mom?!"

Everyone looked at Beckman in surprise.

Even Whitebeard looked up.

This suggestion was unprecedented!

If all these forces had formed an alliance before the Marinford War, the whole world would probably think that the pirates and the Revolutionary Army were going to join forces to overthrow the World Government.

But now everyone thought calmly and found that there was no way out.

The alliance between the opposing forces of the World Government would give them a glimmer of hope.

"The Great Pirate Era that began with Captain Roger's last moments is coming to an end"

"As long as we are in this sea, we will not be able to escape the punishment of the World Government, and they will definitely come."

Red-haired Shanks stood up with a serious face, and his eyes met with Rayleigh who was also surprised.

"A world war?..."

Rayleigh sighed. This time was not right. Joy Boy did not appear.

But Xia Tian's sudden appearance changed the world to this situation.

"Beckman said...Maybe it's right"

"We can't escape, so maybe we can have a chance to survive if we form an alliance with those people to fight against them."

Whether it's Shiki the Golden Lion, the Red Earl, Barrett and others, they have been imprisoned before and naturally know that the World Government will not let them go.

The only outcome of being caught is imprisonment, and in more serious cases, they may even be executed.

After thinking about it carefully, the three of them nodded.

"No, we can't, Daddy's body....."

Whitebeard's face still revealed the pain, Marco immediately said that the Whitebeard Pirates might not join forces.

"It doesn't matter, Marco. If you don't fight, the Navy and the World Government will not let you go. It's useless to escape to the ends of the earth."

Whitebeard put his hand on Marco at this time, gritted his teeth and showed a forced smile.

If Ace is not rescued, these sons will also face the crisis of destruction.

This is something Whitebeard cannot allow even if he sacrifices his last life to open a way for his children to live.

"Maybe we can find some means to save Whitebeard."

Beckman looked at everyone solemnly and said.

Whitebeard Newgate, the strongest man in the world, is the only one who has the chance to confront Xia Tian head-on!

If he can recover to his peak and remove these restrictions, he will have a better chance of facing the World Government.

"Yes, the world is big and full of wonders. His injury is not a terminal illness like Captain Roger's that cannot be cured even by time....."

Red-haired Shanks thought a lot

"The healing fruit ability might be effective, and I've even heard of the ability of the reversal fruit, which can make a person's physical condition regress!"

Marco couldn't help but show hope on his face when he heard about these abilities.

There are many devil fruits, and they haven't seen the complete version of the fruit illustrations. In this case, maybe Dad really has a chance to recover!

"If everyone agrees to the alliance, then the next step is...Let's do it."

Rayleigh and Red-Haired Shanks exchanged glances and reached a consensus.

Golden Lion Shiki, Red Earl, and Barrett all agreed, and Whitebeard also agreed.

So, in order to protect themselves, or in order to avoid being completely wiped out by the World Government, an unprecedented large alliance was formed.......

Now, the whole sea is full of jubilation.

Allied countries, even some small countries that have not joined the alliance but are deeply persecuted by pirates, are cheering excitedly.

The people are ecstatic, and in their eyes, it will usher in the long-lost real peace!

Without the persecution of pirates, even some small countries only need to develop to pay the sky gold to join the world government.

It can be imagined that the world government, which has won the hearts and prestige of the people, and the most dazzling summer can be heard and seen everywhere in the world.

The navy won a big victory!

Facing the legendary pirates and the four emperors, they were still defeated by the navy and defeated by the world's strongest child emperor, although they escaped.

But the whole world is saying that these pirates will not live long, and the navy will soon completely wipe them out.

Some are happy and some are sad.

In addition to these top pirates on the sea, there are also ordinary pirates as numerous as stars.

After seeing the battle on the top of Marinford, these pirates were completely frightened.

They were afraid of the navy, and now they are even more terrified.

Some smart pirates understand that the Navy and the World Government will really suppress the entire ocean!

When that time comes, what will happen to the Great Pirate Era?

Therefore, many pirates began to stop, and those who did not have a bounty even burned their pirate flags.

Those who did not want to abandon their pirate identity began to desperately drill into the New World.

Only when they reach the sea area where the World Government has the least control can they have a chance to struggle.

"Run, to the new world! The next navy will definitely take action with thunder!"

The supernovas looked extremely ugly, listening to the people around them discussing, or the civilians chanting thank you for the real world peace that summer will bring.

"Peace? The real dispute has just begun...."

Kidd snorted coldly and left in a hurry with his men.

"Unless you never become a pirate again...."

Hawkins laughed and waved his hand to lead his people to leave.

The other supernovas did the same, solemnly leading their men to leave for the New World.

Even Luffy and his crew began to head for the New World after hearing the seriousness of Shaqi's explanation.

Only by gathering there, the pirates will have a chance to resist the pressure of the World Government.

"The world has changed dramatically...."

Xia Qi frowned, worried about Rayleigh.......

Xia Tian, who was thanked by people all over the world, didn't know at this time what kind of savior image he had become in various countries.

At this time, Xia Tian changed into casual clothes, put on a coat of justice, and sat on the sofa between powers with an orange juice.

The aura of a little boy became even stronger.

Kizaru, Aokiji, Akainu, as well as Sengoku and Kong Kong were also among them.

The five old faces of the Five Elders were all kind, and they smiled at Xia Tian who was sitting upright and well-behaved. There was no trace of the strong fear and worry that the five people had before.

Everything after the war was arranged, and the Five Elders also turned their attention to Xia Tian.

""Your 50 billion is ready, Xia Tian."

The Five Elders smiled and had people carry up large boxes.

In addition to the white and golden Baileys, there were also many precious treasures, worth a total of 50 billion!

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