The sea returned to a peaceful state in a short time.

There were fewer frictions between the major forces. The pirates were suppressed by the World Government and gradually chose to retreat, or even disappeared.

Under the secret instructions of the Celestial Dragons, CP0 successfully gathered many powerful people and planned the Valley of the Gods to deal with Xia Tian.

Xia Tian still knew nothing about this crisis. Under the admiration of the world, Xia Tian lived a life of enjoyment every day.

Watching Marinford gradually restore the majestic atmosphere of the Navy Headquarters, Xia Tian stayed in the headquarters all day and was too lazy to walk around. He didn't even want to live in Marijoa. It was full of Celestial Dragons or slaves. It was not fun at all. Yes. Both brothers are so lazy.

"Why are you living in this small house with me instead of going to live in the holy land of Marijoa?"

In the newly built small villa in Marinford, Kizaru took off his sunglasses for a rare occasion, and the two brothers crossed their legs and basked in the sun.

"It's not fun there. I'm still young and can't stand those etiquettes.���

"Besides, Hancock is here, otherwise I would have gone somewhere else.

Xia Tian squinted his eyes and smiled, with a glass of orange juice beside him as usual.

"You are only eight years old, not that precocious, my brother"

"But speaking of it, why did the Holy Land allow you to become a Celestial Dragon?"

The two brothers didn't have much time to chat, and Kizaru had never mentioned it before. This was the first time he asked.

"To be honest, I don't know. The top of the Celestial Dragons is a strange woman named Yimu. She said that she wanted me to become a Celestial Dragon."

Xia Tian thought of Yimu and had a bad feeling in his heart. It should be said that strong people with strong observation Haki will have this feeling to some extent, and the closer they are, the more obvious it is.

For example, Xia Tian is now

"That lady? Is she a woman?"

Kizaru said in surprise. No one in the navy except Xia Tian knew about this.

"That's right, a woman, a very strong woman, even if she is attracted by my strength, she won't be able to become a Tianlong. I think there is something very strange, this woman is not a good person."

Xia Tian shook his head slightly, but he didn't care.

My own strength is so strong that it is blurred, what conspiracy should I be afraid of? Don't joke, if we fight, it will be even better, the more I fight, the stronger I will be!

"Then why are you still so calm?"

"How about I ask Dr. Vegapunk?......"

Huang Yuan was also shocked when he heard Xia Tian say this. He was a little worried about what would happen next. The World Government was far from being as simple as he imagined.

"Forget it, it's fine to be a Celestial Dragon and enjoy it, they just want to control me."

Xia Tian laughed and didn't care.

However, Huang Yuan has been a general for so long and still has his own connections, such as the genius scientist who is 500 years ahead of human wisdom.

This person can do a lot of things. Coincidentally, Huang Yuan is also in charge of the Science Department.


Huang Yuan still didn't say anything about Xia Tian's indifference.

After all, his brother was too powerful, and for the time being, he wasn't afraid that the Celestial Dragons would do something to control his brother.

However, Xia Tian and Huang Yuan didn't know that Yimu wanted more than just control!

A brewing storm was surging towards Xia Tian.......

The days passed quickly.

On the third day after the reconstruction of Marinford was completed and it was publicly displayed to the world.

The day of the sacrifice in the Valley of the Gods has arrived.

This is a place that is not even marked on the map, and even the Valley of the Gods island that exists on the sea cannot be seen.

This mysterious island will only appear within a specific time!

And today is the day when the island appears.

Ordinary people, and even many people in the navy, do not know that Xia Tian will go to the Valley of the Gods today to officially become a Celestial Dragon and perform sacrifices.

At the port of the Red Earth Continent below Marijoa, Xia Tian, wearing the coat of a navy admiral, sat down on the bubble elevator steadily.

The Five Elders and a group of guards had already been waiting below, and there were even many Celestial Dragons who came to see him off.

This is not surprising. After all, in their eyes, Xia Tian is about to replace the 20th family and become a Celestial Dragon.

Facing the smiling greetings of the Five Elders, Xia Tian was really a little excited.

"What kind of treatment is this? The Five Elders personally welcome me?

Xia Tian smiled and greeted the Five Elders.

At this time, a huge and luxurious ship had already docked at the port.

On the ship, a group of people were standing on the edge and watching Xia Tian walk down.

"It's getting late. Lord Yimu is already waiting for you in the Valley of the Gods."

The Five Elders smiled and led Xia Tian to the ship.

This was full of ritual.

However, Xia Tian was surprised when he saw the lineup on the ship as soon as he boarded the ship. Did n't the Celestial Dragons usually have two admirals guarding the ship when they went to the Valley of the Gods? And even if they were going to the Valley of the Gods for a sacrifice this time, they wouldn't need so many people, right?

Brother Kizaru, Aokiji, Akainu, Marshal Sengoku, Kong Gang, Garp, and Chief of Staff Crane were all there!

"You are all here."

Xia Tian was just surprised by this, and then greeted him.

Zhan Guo, Kong, Garp and others also greeted Xia Tian with a smile.

"Today, you are in a very high position, Xia Tian."

Garp said something insincerely with a strange look in his eyes. With the Five Elders present, it's hard to say that the Celestial Dragons are scum, right?

"Next, I would like to introduce to you two new generals."

"Green Bull, Fujitora. They will also go with us to guard Xia Tian's sacrifice."

At this time, the Five Elders saw two people coming on board below, and turned around and introduced them to Xia Tian and others with a smile.

Xia Tian knew about Fujitora and Green Bull in purple, but he didn't expect these two guys to appear so soon.

The world conscription is going very fast.

This Green Bull, it seems, has nothing to do with Ajin discussed in the previous life, he is a brand new character.

Sengoku and Kong were not surprised, but others looked at Fujitora and Green Bull twice, nodded and greeted them.

At this moment, the strength of the navy has greatly increased.

Sengoku, Kong, and Xia Tian all know that the strength of Fujitora and Green Bull is definitely at the level of admirals.

"All right, everyone is here, let's go."

The Five Elders saw that everyone who should come had arrived, and gave orders.

Everyone looked a little relieved, after all, the person they were guarding was the strongest person in the world.

Well, that's a bit weird.

But on the boat, Granny Crane's face secretly became solemn.

"Karp...Isn’t that abnormal?"

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