
Next to the altar of the Valley of the Gods.

Sengoku, Sora, Crane, Garp, Akainu, Aokiji, Fujitora, and Green Bull were all extremely shocked.

The Five Elders were holding Kizaru next to Im.

Xia Tian's murderous intent was completely aroused by what Im and the Five Elders did.

"It is impossible to let you take it away. Either kill the Borsalino priest, or both of you die here."

Yim turned her head and said to Xia Tian calmly with an unyielding tone.

She was the black hand that controlled everything and was the supreme being. She wanted Xia Tian to obey her.

"I understand. Bringing so many people here, including letting me become a Tianlong, is all for now, to bring me here, right?..."

"Want to kill me? You can try."

Xia Tian's anger could no longer be suppressed, and the restrained power in his body began to leak out at this moment.

The surrounding air began to spread in the distortion, and an unparalleled momentum made Yimu's eyes no longer calm, and they became solemn.

At this time.

The five elders threw Kizaru aside, and all five of them took fighting stances.

Kizaru was no longer of any use when Xia Tian chose not to become a Celestial Dragon.

"It seems that today, I can only take action against you, Xia Tian."

The Great Elder sighed and used his ability! His whole body was filled with blood, from the skin, bones, and even the whole body turned into blood!

A strange, terrifying ability, superhuman system, blood-blood fruit!

Just by using the form, the people around could feel that their blood was being affected by the breath of the Great Elder, and their expressions changed drastically.

The second elder turned into a strange beast as big as a hill!

Covered in scales, with a dragon head and a tiger body! There was a dreamy blue flame rising from his body!

It was a fantasy beast species, the ability user of the Kirin Fruit.

The third elder's legs, the fourth elder's fists, the fifth elder's drawn sword, they all used their own skills, and the aura on their bodies rose majestically.

"Five Elder Stars..."They actually have this kind of strength."

Fujitora said in shock. Although he didn't have the eyesight, he could tell that the Five Elders were at least at the level of Admirals!

All along, the Five Elders had never revealed their true strength. Except for Sengoku, Kong, and Garp, everyone at the scene was shocked.

These were five powerful men who were at least at the level of Admirals!

"Akainu, Aokiji, Sengoku, and Kong, you all work together to kill those who don't obey orders....Summer."

Yim turned back calmly and gave instructions to the navy.

"Sir, what is going on? Why do we have to deal with Xia Tian?"

Kyori Kong couldn't help but ask anxiously.

Why do we have to deal with Xia Tian? Is it because his potential is too great and will it threaten the rule of the Celestial Dragons?

Sengoku, Garp, Akainu, and Aokiji all looked tangled and hesitant.

Do we have to deal with Xia Tian? He is our comrade, the light of the navy, and the future....No one expected things to turn out this way.

But this was an order from the highest-ranking Celestial Dragon.

Only Garp and Crane looked at each other, and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

"It turns out that Yimu wanted to get rid of Xia Tian!"

Lieutenant General Tsuru never expected such a development. The Celestial Dragons had no sufficient reasons or benefits to deal with Xia Tian. Why would they take such a big risk to offend the strongest person in the world?

Fujitora frowned tightly.

"I never thought that my first mission after joining the navy would be to attack the navy......."

Fujitora was in the same dilemma as Sengoku and the others, not wanting to make a move.

Among the navy, only Green Bull came out with an indifferent look on his face, laughing strangely.

"Brother Yixiao, aren't you going to take action? Hahaha, I'm going to try how terrifying the world's strongest power is."

Green Bull walked out slowly and did not forget to turn back and talk to Fujitora, but Fujitora could only shake his head helplessly and chose to remain silent.

Im looked at the navy people who were unmoved, and he was not surprised. They even knew that they were useless.

Xia Tian just looked at Im coldly. In fact, all the concerns fell on Kizaru who was handcuffed by seastone next to the Five Elders.

At this time, Im raised his hand.

The clouds in the sky seemed to be torn apart by a pair of big hands!

A small island appeared in the sky, and a large group of people on it also appeared collectively!

"Golden Lion, Barrett..."

"Red Earl! Also, Kaido, BIGMOM, the two major pirate groups! Blackbeard is here too..."

The navy below looked at the group of people descending from the sky, and their faces couldn't help but change.

It was obvious that these pirates were actually summoned by Im! And the navy didn't know anything about it!

"Thief hahahaha...What a grand occasion, summer!"

"Today, this island will be your grave!"

Blackbeard Teach yelled arrogantly again at this time.

He wanted to ignite Xia Tian's anger!

When the others came down, they were not so arrogant to Xia Tian. They were all very solemn.

However, Xia Tian did not even look at these pirates.

"That's it?"

Xia Tian looked up and stared at Yimu with a disdainful tone.

The most important thing on the scene was Yimu's strength. Xia Tian knew that she was very strong.

As expected.

Yimu sneered, and a black light appeared in her palm!

It was really that deep and dark black light. There was even a semi-circular black ring on Yimu's head, and a strange gravitational force appeared on the scene!

"How about it? The look in your eyes shows that you want to know my ability.......Natural system, star seed, black hole fruit energy��"

Im introduced Xia Tian with supreme pride.

As he spoke, Im held the black hole light in his hand and walked towards Kizaru Borsalino!

She wanted to attack Kizaru!

The black light in his hand carried an extremely dangerous aura, which made Kizaru sweat coldly, but his ability was completely restrained. The 100% pure seastone special handcuffs couldn't even knock Ryuuko open!

However, at this moment.

Xia Tian moved.

Even the Five Elders and Im were paying attention, but when Xia Tian moved, they almost didn't react at once.

The strong air pressure rushed in their faces, and the Five Elders were instantly pushed away. When they turned around, Kizaru on the side had been snatched away by Xia Tian.

After a short second, Xia Tian's air explosion that exceeded the speed of sound completely exploded in the valley.

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