Kizaru had no choice but to retreat.

And he did not retreat to the direction of the navy, but went to another direction by himself.

After this incident, he probably could not keep his navy status.

At this time.

A huge explosion sounded!

Green Bull laughed wildly, and he actually broke the ground under his feet and punched Xia Tian.

"snort...Green Bull."

Xia Tian is no longer a child, but a little giant of more than ten meters! He threw out a punch with golden light and flowing cherry domineering.

Xia Tian pressed down with his fist, and Green Bull felt the extreme pressure, and his excited expression changed to horror.

Before the fist arrived, an air pressure hindered his body, but it was already in front of him, and Green Bull bit the bullet and punched.


The fists collided in the air, and the domineering electric arc burst!

However, Xia Tian's fist was like a dead tree, so that Green Bull's entire arm exploded directly! Even his shoulder exploded!

Blood was spilled on the spot!

Xia Tian, who was full of murderous intent, would not think of keeping these guys to increase his experience next time.

A general-level strong man was beaten into such a miserable state with just one punch from Xia Tian. You can imagine how powerful this power is.

The pupils of Golden Lion, Barrett, Blackbeard and others behind him shrank, and they were a little horrified in their hearts.

"He's even stronger!"

There's no need to use any observation Haki to sense it. Just by looking at it, you can see that Xia Tian's strength is even more terrifying than during the war at the top.

Suddenly, Shiki, Teach, Barrett and the Five Elders looked at Im. He is so strong, maybe the only one who can stand up to Xia Tian one-on-one is this Lord Im.

Even the Red Earl Redfield, who has recovered his youthful strength, dare not be arrogant.

Sengoku, Garp, Kong and other navy people were also amazed in their hearts.

"ha...Hahaha, he is worthy of being called General Child Emperor. He is indeed very powerful...."

Green Bull was in pain, but he suppressed the feeling and smiled with a bloody face.

A green light flashed, and the shattered shoulder and arm recovered very quickly!

In just a few seconds, they were back to their original state, but Green Bull's face looked a little worse.

"If you hit me a few more times, I won't be able to bear it."

Green Bull shook his head and moved his recovered arm.


At this time, Yimu's calm voice came over.

The Five Elders did not hesitate, and the five of them rushed towards Xia Tian as fast as thunder.

The Blood-Blood Fruit, Kirin Form, fists, feet, swords, the five of them used all their armed color domineering without reservation, plus the power of the domineering color domineering.

The whole battlefield was changing, and even the Valley of Gods was shaking violently.

Xia Tian's expression was cold, and he blew up Green Bull with one punch, and he still recovered. He still remained calm when he faced the siege of the Five Elders.

"Obtain Green Bull Taijutsu Template..."

"Gain Armament Haki...."

"Gained the ability to see and hear the Haki...."

"Gain a boost in physical strength...."

"Gain physical strength...."

The system's prompts reminded him as usual, but Xia Tian didn't pay any attention to the upgrades in the system.

Facing the Five Elders rushing towards him, Xia Tian raised his fist and rushed forward.

With one punch!

The super power of his golden body immediately burst out!

He confronted the five Elders in the air!

With a bang.

The ground under the feet of the six people burst, and large cracks spread out.

""Just the five of you are not enough."

Xia Tian snorted coldly and said disdainfully.

It's not that he looked down on the Five Elders. Even if the five of them, who were as powerful as the Four Emperors, joined forces, they couldn't put much pressure on him.

Suddenly, a huge black sword light came down from the sky and slashed at Xia Tian's back and shoulders!

It was the swordsmanship of the Red Earl.

This made Akainu, Aokiji and others dare not take the slash casually. Xia Tian fought with the Five Elders with one hand, and was too lazy to move the other hand, and was still slashed by the black sword light.


The black sword light dissipated like a stream of water, and was completely unable to cut through Xia Tian's completely different Ryuukaku domineering aura!


Yimu was also surprised when he saw it.

The Armament Haki that people usually practiced was in the form of red, purple, etc.

But Xia Tian's was actually golden, and it was different from all the Haki that he had seen.

However, Xia Tian's resistance to the attack did not mean that he would not resist.

A hand reached out to the shocked Red Earl!

Seeing Xia Tian's hand facing him, the Red Earl immediately felt something was wrong.

It was a little familiar....

This is the shock wave that Zhan Guo had used before!


The translucent round cover directly enveloped the Red Earl. Under the surging shock wave, there was no chance for the Red Earl to resist. He was like a kite with a broken string, spitting blood and flying out, crashing into the mountain and sinking deeply.

Golden Lion, Barrett, Blackbeard Teach and others were all shocked.

""Let's go together! No more hesitation!"

Barrett roared, and then rushed forward.

With this roar, Golden Lion Shiki and Black Beard Teach were shocked.

Yes, they have already taken action, and now there is no way back.

Xia Tian is obviously not like the war at the top, just for the sake of fighting, he is now...The killing intent is strong!

And it’s not that there is no chance of winning now. With so many top masters plus Yim, it may not be impossible to defeat Xia Tian.

Just when several of them rushed up, Xia Tian still let their attacks fall on him.

Under the golden body, this kind of armed color domineering aura they can’t break at all!

The golden hand reached out again and directly grabbed the second elder who was struggling to fight against Xia Tian’s fist.

The huge body of the Qilin, the burning Qilin fire can’t cause any damage to Xia Tian’s palm at all.

The big hand directly grabbed the Qilin’s forelimbs and pulled hard.

The second elder’s eyes revealed a look of fear, and he was completely unable to withstand Xia Tian’s huge strength.

"What kind of power is this! ?"

Ignoring the five people's resistance and impact, Xia Tian lifted up the huge Qilin with one hand and smashed it towards the other four Five Elders! With such a huge beast body and the fierce force of the smash, the four elders were a little panicked and hurriedly dodged.

The second elder was smashed directly into the ground, forming a huge pit.

For a moment, the ground shook!

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