"Black hole? You're not a real black hole!"

Xia Tian's eyes sparkled, and he punched fiercely at the opposite side.

The invisible and violent fist force completely suppressed everything in the entire God Valley area.

Even facing the crazy burst of black hole power from Im, Xia Tian did not have the slightest scruples.

Under the gaze of the navy and everyone in the God Valley, this powerful fist force came into contact with the black hole, and instantly burst out with the dazzling light of colorful glass!

It was as if the space was shattered, and the hysteresis effect was completely shattered. What was left was the violent energy collision that produced a destructive aura sweeping across!

The Valley of Gods, the ground shook! Cracks in the earth spread, and the two peaks continued to disintegrate in the shaking, and boulders rolled into the sea.

However, in the battle, Im's black hole destructive power was defeated by the collapse of Xia Tian's three thousand worlds.

"How is it possible!?"

Im was shocked, gritting his teeth in disbelief.

The black hole power that he had exerted seriously could not suppress Xia Tian's moves?

He had never encountered such a perverted person in hundreds of years.

He was only eight years old!? Where did the endless power come from? Where did this body get such a strong and huge domineering aura?

It seems that it was really that person.

At this time, the attacks of Golden Lion Shiki and Kaido and others also hit hard. The violent hurricane swept completely, and the oceans around the Valley of the Gods exploded one after another, and the ships were overturned.

And Sengoku, Kong, Garp and others retreated to the edge of the Valley of the Gods to barely withstand the turbulent aftermath caused by the violent collision in the field. Even Sengoku used the Great Buddha form and opened his palms to resist.

"summer...One person suppressed Im's group of people! ?"

Kapu's eyes were full of shock, and he was a little stunned watching the fierce collision in the field.

What kind of scene was this? Xia Tian was in the form of a little giant, and the invisible waves of the three thousand worlds in one punch completely collided with Im's black hole and the attacks of others, and he was not at a disadvantage at all.

What is this? It's simply a god of war, not a golden body of Buddha!

"It's so strong, God Valley is really going to collapse this time."

Marshal Kong stood beside Sengoku, looking at the situation on the island in shock.

Not only were the layers of ocean water blown apart by the shock wave, but even the mountain that separated God Valley from it was shattered in half and was still collapsing. There were countless huge cracks on the ground, which kept deepening and expanding!


Finally, the collision ended. After the aftermath dissipated, Shiki, Kaido and others, plus the destruction of Im's black hole, finally survived the collapse of the three thousand worlds in summer for the first time without any problems!

They resisted!

"What a terrible General Child Emperor, he almost beat all of us with two punches....."

Instead, the green bull smiled strangely and glanced at Im.

The main force is still Lord Im, otherwise Xia Tian would have killed them with the first punch of the living hell.

"This move is his strongest move, right?"

Big Mom's eyes flashed with a different light, as if she saw an opportunity to defeat Xia Tian.

With such a terrifying move, how could one person not consume so many powerful people together?

And Xia Tian had just used that move of killing hell first!

"Hahaha, Lingling is right, we have resisted, now it's time to fight back!"

Golden Lion Shiki and others also saw the opportunity to defeat Xia Tian

"Counterattack? That would be great."

Xia Tian looked at the faces of Kaido, Big Mom, Red Earl and others and couldn't help but smile. He didn't even bother to look at the interface prompts of the system in his mind. He didn't need to look carefully to know that it was a powerful improvement.

His own consumption was indeed large. One punch killed hell alive, and one punch collapsed three thousand worlds.

But at the same time, with Xia Tian's recovery power of the fifth main template now activated, these consumptions are no longer a problem.

The golden little giant crushed the ground with his body, and jumped directly into the crowd of Im, Kaido, Big Mom, Golden Lion and others.

Fight? He is equipped with a god-level combat system!

Kaido, Golden Lion Shiki and dozens of other strong men were all shocked. They didn't expect Xia Tian to jump in directly.

But the crowd did not retreat. If a fierce force burst out from their hearts, they would rush up to attack Xia Tian who was jumping!

"Thunderous Bagua!"

Kaido knew that if he didn't fight now, he would have no chance to deal with Xia Tian in the future, so he decisively used his best moves.

The purple thunder was dragged along with the mace, but was directly pinched by Xia Tian with one hand, and he swung it directly.

The mace was thrown directly with Kaido, and it hit the broken mountain hard, and dust flew up.

Then, the Five Elders, Shiki, the Red Earl, Big Mom and others rushed up one by one, and each of them used their moves to fight Xia Tian at close range.


A punch knocked Blackbeard Teach into the ground, and Xia Tian didn't even look at it, and continued to grab other people. In his fighting state, he didn't care about the scattered attacks from the opposite side falling on him. The armed color domineering and the strong golden body could not cause serious injuries at all. He suppressed everyone and fought with fists to flesh.

And Im frowned as he watched from the side,

"These guys are legends in these two eras, top-level combat power, can't they put pressure on Xia Tian?" He had to continue to do it himself. His arm was blessed with the power of the black hole. Under the domineering entanglement, Yimu's figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

The next moment.

Xia Tian ignored the umbrella sword chopped by the Red Earl, raised his head and suddenly punched the sky.

Just at the right time, Yimu's figure appeared at the position where Xia Tian's fist punched, and his palm and fist collided with each other!

Violent arcs of electricity shot out, and a powerful force impact spread out on the cracked ground again.

The two of them directly competed with each other this time.......

The battle in the Valley of the Gods has reached a white-hot stage.

The epic battle between Im and others and Xia Tian in close combat is unprecedentedly terrifying.

However, at this time, the Valley of the Gods is not only watched by the navy's Sengoku, Garp, Fujitora and others.

Just when the battle reached this point.

On the sea at the edge of the Valley of the Gods, one pirate ship after another and the ships of the Revolutionary Army appeared!

Those pirates are the Whitebeard Pirates, the Red Hair Pirates, Rayleigh and others.

"Can Xia Tian really not win alone?"

Marco and other captains and the cadres of the Red Hair Pirates were all looking at the battle scene in the distance, staring blankly at the rough sea, full of amazement.

A little golden giant surrounded by dozens of top masters in close combat, what a powerful scene!

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