Xia Tianjin's muscles bulged, and a shocking power burst out from him!

His momentum was so strong that the surrounding space was distorted, and Yimu's Black Hole Sky Attraction was directly ineffective at this moment.

Blood was dripping from the wound, and it seemed that the bleeding would not stop. However, under Xia Tian's unprecedented momentum, the Golden Lion Shiki, Kaido, BIGMOM, and the Red Earl on the opposite side all looked dignified, and felt that something was wrong.

"Your momentum......"

Yim's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Xia Tian in disbelief.

Xia Tian's unprecedented momentum had already surpassed his full strength!

"System, the templates are enough, let's integrate the ninth style!"

Xia Tian knew that the eighth style alone was not enough to deal with the eight hundred year old monster.

After a battle, a lot of improvements have been accumulated, and even Yimu's battle templates have been collected.

Together with the five elders, it is enough to form a more powerful ninth style!

"Not good! We can’t let Child Emperor continue like this!"

The Red Count can sense the growing sense of crisis from his natural observation Haki.

Falling into the ice cellar!

This is a crisis of death!

"What is that!?"

Whitebeard, Red Hair, Rayleigh and a group of people looked at the golden giant on the island in the distance, their eyes revealing confusion and shock.

This feeling of strength is unprecedented!

Even the space is distorted, making Xia Tian's whole body look crooked, and the horror of the momentum is completely indescribable!

"The injured Child Emperor is even more terrifying!"

Sabo and others exclaimed, looking at Xia Tian with burning eyes.

The black hole in the sky has gradually shrunk, and it can only disappear without any effect.

While Im hasn't made any move yet, the Red Earl couldn't help it in horror, holding the umbrella sword, and slashed at Xia Tian with a round moon slash with black light!

In the past, this kind of powerful attack could be called the world's top stream, except for Whitebeard, Rayleigh and other top powerhouses, who could take it?

But even such a powerful attack, when it approached the range of Xia Tian's momentum, was directly wiped out by the distorted space!

"Ninth Form..."

Xia Tian slowly raised his clenched fists and posed as if he was about to punch. The distorted space stopped at this moment, as if it had all begun to shrink and gather on the golden fist!

Invisible and colorless, but it made Yimu feel a palpitating breath spreading out!

"Black Hole...."Destruction Blade!"

Next, Xia Tian's punch will be very, very terrifying!

Yimu didn't even think about it, and activated his domineering and ability at the same time. With a grab, he directly grabbed the black hole that was slowly disappearing in the sky into his own hand.

The black light flowed, and the black hole changed its form and turned into a handy long blade. It also made everyone feel a palpitating breath, and they started to fight against Xia Tian.

""Hurry up and attack!"

Im's eyes flashed with great solemnity. Not only did he launch his own moves, but he also hurriedly asked the Five Elders and others behind him to attack together.

Combined attack skills are not only known by Kaido and Big Mom, but the Five Elders have also practiced this kind of moves that can greatly enhance their strength.

On the huge Kirin, the elder with blood ability made blood-colored lines and absorbed them on the body of the second elder's Kirin. The third elder, the fourth elder, and the fifth elder all stood on the head of the Kirin.

With blood as the medium!

The auras of the five people completely merged into one!

With full force, an extremely powerful shock wave gushed out from the Kirin's mouth!

Fire, sword energy, domineering, ghost energy...Various energy forms merged together, and under the super shock wave launched in a special rotating form, it passed along the way, even the earth was directly broken, leaving a huge gully, and went towards Xia Tian!

Next to the Five Elders, Golden Lion Shiki's strongest Lion Power Slash, Red Earl's three black moons, Barrett's giant fist combined under domineering power, Kaido and Big Mom's sea dominance, Blackbeard Teach's endless dark fog, Green Bull.....

Twelve top-level Four Emperors attacked with all their might!

Under the terrifying might, even the Valley of Gods could not hold on. Among the dense cracks, one cracked directly, splitting the entire island in two!

The entire sky was gray, and the ocean roared!

The breath of destruction rushed directly towards Xia Tian!

However, no one dared to underestimate Xia Tian's terrifying strength at this time, because even Yimu felt bad.

After the twelve masters, Yimu soared into the air, holding high the black blade in his hand. On the tip of the blade, it seemed that even the darkness had bloomed with a strange edge!

Without too much hesitation, Xia Tian was about to swing his fist!

Yimu finally held the blade with both hands and slashed down at Xia Tian!

A huge black destruction blade of several thousand meters appeared, and fell towards Xia Tian under the super attack of the twelve masters!

This kind of attack has completely exceeded the imagination of everyone in the world!

In the live broadcast of the Revolutionary Army, people watching all over the world could see it clearly, and even the terrifying momentum seemed to penetrate the screen, and even made people with low psychological endurance tremble in their legs and feet, and sit on the ground with a look of horror on their faces!

"Child Emperor...Child Emperor is going to die!"

In front of the live broadcast, most people thought that this was a fatal blow for the Celestial Dragons.

Under the unprecedented offensive, even the perverted monster Child Emperor could not survive.

After today, the world will remain the same, and monsters like Child Emperor will always be short-lived.

Of course, this is just the idea of ordinary people, while the Revolutionary Army's Dragon, Whitebeard, Rayleigh, Red Hair and others among the pirates, as well as Garp, Sengoku, and the four generals at the scene do not think so!

"These attacks are horrible enough....The reason why Xia Tian could launch such a terrifying attack was because of the punch that Xia Tian was going to throw. It was too scary!"

Even the old man Garp's fingers trembled slightly, and he stared at Xia Tian who raised his fist with a shocked look!

However, the complicated Zhan Guo was a little worried about Gang Gu Kong. He was forced to go on the field and it was difficult to refuse the order of the Five Elders, but in such a battle, whether he could save himself was a question.

Who knows how strong Xia Tian's punch will be? The eight-hundred-year-old woman Yimu showed a stern look.

But at the same time, everyone looked at the devastating offensive and the thousands of meters of black blades falling from the sky, and wondered how Xia Tian would respond.

Xia Tian was really calm.

When the ninth style was formed, he seemed to have experienced a sublimation, and his state was better than ever!

The full power, the idea of understanding, the system as a god-level combat golden finger, is really amazing.

It made Xia Tian a truly peerless strong man with integrated mind, body and skills when the ninth style was fused!

"Ninth Form...Buddha is angry, roaring against the heavens!"

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