Ah Jian's eyes became sharp. Because of the evil dragon, the villagers of Kokosia Village are now very wary of strangers.

"What do you want to do?"

Luo Li reached behind her, and Reiju, who was forced to wear a professional OL outfit, obediently took out a bottle of orange jam from her bag.

In fact, Reiju didn't want to dress like this, but someone said……

"Miss Reiju, you don't want to be sold to the Celestial Dragons, do you?"

Therefore, she had no choice but to compromise.

As for the orange marmalade, it was made by Luo Li herself. There is no such thing in the Pirate World.

"Mr. Jian, you can try it."

Ajian took the orange jam and looked at the shit-yellow jam in the bottle. His first reaction was nausea. He suspected that Mr. Luo Li was making fun of him.

But when he opened the bottle cap, the smell that rushed into his nose made him smell that it was orange.

After all, Kokosia Village is rich in oranges. If he couldn't even smell it, then he would have been in vain for so many years. He put his mind at ease and took a sip. The taste that hit his taste buds made his eyes light up.

"This is orange jam. As a police officer stationed in Kokosia Village, Mr. Jian should know that the biggest problem with oranges is that they are difficult to preserve. They will rot within a few days after being picked, so it is difficult to sell them far away.

But if we make it into orange jam, as long as it is well preserved, it can be guaranteed not to deteriorate for at least a year. And orange jam can also be eaten with other foods……"

After saying a lot of things, Luo Li clapped her hands

"The most important point is that in our world, travel is mainly based on sailing. People who have been to sea know that fruit is a necessity, otherwise the crew will easily lack vitamin C and suffer from sepsis.

But no matter what kind of fruit, the longest storage period without deterioration is one month. The emergence of our jam perfectly solves this problem. To be frank, jam will replace fruit and become a necessity for long voyages."No matter how ignorant Ah Jian was, after Luo Li's explanation, he also realized the business opportunity.

Luo Li said that she could really make the Kokosia Village rich.

Thinking that every villager would be able to live a prosperous life in the future, Ah Jian couldn't help but feel excited.

He stepped forward and held Luo Li's hand, fearing that he would run away and lose this opportunity.

"Mr. Luo Li, please wait a moment. I will… no, I will notify the villagers to hold a meeting tomorrow."

Pulling Luo Li, he ran to the office where he worked. There was a radio there, and the villagers would gather as soon as he called.

And Nami, who had been eavesdropping somewhere just now, heard that there was a lot of money to be made, and she chased after him with shining eyes.

As soon as Ajian shouted on the radio, the villagers of Cocosia Village quickly gathered, but because he did not explain clearly and was a little excited, the villagers thought that pirates were coming to attack again, so they all came with hoes and dung forks.

Fortunately, Ajian explained in time, otherwise the villagers would have fought with Alrita's people.

Luo Li carried a The jar of orange jam opened the villagers' eyes. Even those who were tired of eating oranges thought it was delicious after tasting the orange jam, not to mention others.

Ah Jian repeated Luo Li's previous words, and the eyes of the villagers in Kokosia Village lit up.

The opportunity to make a fortune is right in front of them, so if not now, when?

What's more, they don't have much, but a lot of oranges, which are about to rot on the trees. Now that they can recycle them, why not?

Seeing that the villagers' enthusiasm was mobilized, Luo Li stood up and pressed her hands together to signal silence.

"Don't rush to pick oranges, the production of orange jam is a bit troublesome, we need to build a production factory first. To build a factory, we must first have land, and it is best to have a place close to the port, otherwise it will be inconvenient to transport it in the future.……"

After a lot of discussion, they finally decided to build the factory in the place where the Dragon Pirates were stationed. There happened to be a port there.

There were also some other miscellaneous questions. After a long discussion, when they finally decided on the brand name of the jam, Luo Li pulled Nami out.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the reason I thought of making this jam was entirely because of Nami. The story of her sisters and Bell-mère touched me deeply, and I couldn't help but sigh that even a biological mother and daughter are no more than this.

So I proposed that our brand logo should use the portrait of Ms. Bell-mère, and the brand name should be called"Lao Gan Ma" in memory of the non-blood-related mother. The"Lao" in"old man", the"Gan" in"tangerine", and the"Ma" in"biological mother"!"

Nami looked at Luo Li in disbelief. Obviously, she didn't expect that the other party did all this for her. Tears of emotion flowed from her eyes.

After hearing Luo Li's explanation, the other villagers expressed their agreement out of pity for Nami.

Reiju looked at Nami's back, and envy could not help but show in her eyes. Her non-blood-related mother could sacrifice her life for her adopted daughter. Thinking of her own heartless father, she was left with only loneliness in her eyes. After everything was finalized, the villagers were about to hold a banquet to celebrate, but a shout that broke the sky broke the joyful scene.

""That girl called Nami... give me back my hat!"

The voice attracted everyone's attention. Looking in the direction of the voice, they saw a thin young man standing on a small sailing ship with a sheep's head.

"That's... Vice Admiral Garp's grandson."

Nami naturally recognized Luffy. The grandfather and grandson made quite a commotion in the restaurant on the sea before, but she felt puzzled. When did she take his hat? She only remembered that she had stolen the wallet of the green algae-head in Orange Town.

Luo Li's heart sank when she saw this scene.

Why was the Merry here?

Why was Luffy on the Merry?

The Merry was given to the Straw Hat Pirates by Kaya, so does that mean Usopp is also on the ship?

And the person behind Luffy, is it Sanji...

I have done so much, but these people are still together. Has the plot not been changed? With an unknown meaning flashing in his eyes, Luo Li looked at Nami and raised his hand.

An object in the shape of a can fell from the sky and fell into his hands.

Reiju recognized it at a glance. This was the universal combat suit that Luo Li had cheated from her family.

But that's not the point. The point is that this thing fell from the sky, which means that Luo Li, this bastard, used his ability to make important things float in the sky.

No wonder I can't find the things I want

"Nami, I'll lend you this. You have to solve the troubles you have caused yourself."

Nami took it and looked at it in confusion, with a face full of questions.

Luo Li grabbed her hand and taught her how to use it step by step.

Nami looked at her hand held by the man, her face blushed, and she began to move according to the instructions.

There was a flash of light, and Luo Li thought that there would be a transformation scene showing off the figure like in the animation, but there was only a flash of light, and the dressing was completed.

She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

After the transformation, Nami was wearing a white uniform, the style was somewhat similar to a sailor suit, and there were two lines fluttering in the wind on the back.

This set of combat uniforms is called Sticky Silk White, and its ability is similar to Spider-Man's spider silk.

But none of this matters. Looking at Nami's posture at this time, Luo Li can only say that Judge is an old pervert.

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