"Guess!" Luo Li did not give a direct answer.

The two of them just stood there, and after a long while, Nami took a deep breath and spoke, as if she was asking herself, or asking Luo Li.

"Can I really... defeat the Arlong Pirates?"

"Who knows? If I make a promise to you, do you dare to believe it? Or should I ask yourself, do you dare to resist?"

No definite answer was given, because Luo Li liked to see other people's hesitant and struggling expressions.

It is simple to deal with the Dragon Pirates, but Luo Li himself does not like to rely on others, nor does he like to be relied on by others. People have to rely on themselves in the end.

Maybe he can use this incident to make conditions for Nami to become his accessory, but in Luo Li's view, a person's charm lies in temperament rather than appearance.

What kind of temperament can a woman who becomes an accessory have? She is just a pet.

And those women who are truly strong and have their own independent thoughts, the kind of strong woman temperament that radiates from the inside out is the most charming.

Ahem, why do I think of Charlotte Linling unconsciously in my mind?

Luo Li put that terrible The image of a teacher flashed out of her mind.

How do you evaluate a teacher?

Those who cram knowledge into students' brains can only be said to be doing their job.

Luo Li felt that a true teacher, in addition to imparting knowledge, should also be a guide for students, guiding them on how to think independently, rather than asking them to think in their own way. Guide students on how to find answers, rather than directly telling them the answers...

Luo Li asked herself the latter point... She couldn't do it.

Luo's abilities are limited, and she can only be a vampire who lies on students and sucks blood.

Nami bit her lower lip tightly. In her heart, the fear of the fishman's invincibility was deeply rooted and could not be gotten rid of in a few words.

But this did not prevent her from strengthening her own strength.

"I promise you."

Nami agreed so readily because she hated pirates to the core and was not affected by Luffy's protagonist halo. She felt that if she had the chance to leave the Dragon Pirates, she would never become a pirate again.

And she also had some thoughts in her mind. After all, it was just a verbal agreement, and Luo Li couldn't do anything to her even if she regretted it.

Luo Li took out the gold-rimmed glasses again and put them on, revealing a beastly smile on the corner of her mouth.

"If one day, I find that you have violated the agreement, I will arrest you and make you my personal maid."

The cold eyes made Nami inexplicably frightened, but she did not retreat.

As she said, she did not think she would join another pirate group.

Luo Li's move was also an attempt to change her fate and see if she could influence the fate of the protagonists.


Windmill Village.

The physical fitness of the Monkey family is amazing. After just a few days of treatment, Luffy can already walk and jump.

As soon as he was able to move, he was ready to work hard and start training. The first pirate he met at sea was beaten and sent back to the village. Even if he was heartless, he felt ashamed. If

Ace knew about this, he would definitely laugh at himself.

No, he must get back at the place.

Coby naturally followed, but with his physique, he was exhausted in a few seconds. Looking at Luffy who was still exercising, he asked

"Mr. Luffy, are you still ready to challenge Miss Alrita?"

"Yes, of course!"

"But... Miss Alrita has an entire pirate group under her command. She defeated you alone last time. How can you deal with an entire pirate group alone?"

Coby wanted Luffy to give up. He didn't want his friend to conflict with the goddess he admired. It would be bad for anyone to get hurt.

"Just knock them all away." Luffy clenched his fist confidently.

Coby's mouth twitched, and his eyes lit up after thinking about it.

"In fact, the strongest person on Miss Alrita's ship is not her, but Mr. Luo Li. You can't win with him around."

Luffy stopped training and tilted his head with a distressed look. He remembered that man and felt that he was indeed very strong.

Coby prayed that Luffy would not be so stubborn and looked at the sea, missing Miss Alrita for seven days, eight hours, twenty-six minutes and seven seconds...

Suddenly, Coby focused his eyes and saw two people lying on the beach. He stood up and wiped his eyes to make sure he was not mistaken, then stood up and walked over. He found that the two were still alive. He quickly called the villagers to carry them to the clinic.

After treatment, the two woke up quickly. The first time they opened their eyes, they cried and told their experiences with tears and snot.

"My name is Mochi, and this is my friend Kabaji from the same village. We heard that the Rogue Navy was recruiting. We hated pirates and admired the style of the white hunter Smoker. We thought we had some skills, so we wanted to join the glorious navy.

But we didn't expect to meet the evil pirate clown Buggy on the way, and he forced us to become pirates.……"

They talked a lot, mainly about how cruel Bucky was, how miserable they were, and how they were forced to do a lot of things that went against their conscience.

"We are in Cao Ying but our hearts are with Han. We just want to escape from that sea of suffering, but we have never found an opportunity. Until recently, Buggy the Clown welcomed a partner named Alrita."

"Miss Alrita?" Coby exclaimed

"What's wrong, little brother, do you know that woman?"

The eyes of others were also focused on Coby.

Coby didn't dare to say that he was a pirate under Alrita in the past, so he touched his nose and said

"It was she who defeated Mr. Luffy. I didn't expect that she would form an alliance with Buggy the Clown. This should be a big threat to the Navy of the East China Sea."

At this time, Kabaji's gnashing voice sounded

"A few nights ago, we overheard that these two pirates were actually plotting to use some kind of poison to control the people of the East China Sea islands, preparing to turn the East China Sea into a pirate empire.

How could we let them succeed? So we desperately robbed a small boat and went out to sea to pass on the news. We can't let the East China Sea fall into the rule of pirates, even if it means risking our lives."

The villagers were in awe when they heard this.

At this time, a rough voice rang out.

"Well said, just for these words, I approve your application to join the navy."

Everyone looked at the door, and a sturdy man wearing a dog headgear walked in. The villagers were surprised.

"Vice Admiral Garp!"

"Mr. Cap!"

"Great! With Vice Admiral Garp here, the two pirates' plot will never succeed."

Mochi and Kabaji stared at Garp blankly, their bodies trembling with fear. After all, he was a legendary figure in the navy. It was only natural for two little pirates to tremble in front of him.

""Hey? What happened to you guys?"

Someone noticed the two people's abnormality.

Kabaji was the first to react, pretending to be trembling with excitement, and looked at Kapu with admiration.

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency... Could it be that you are the legendary naval hero?"

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