Tina crawled up limply to find clothes to wear, but it was too"hot" last night and her clothes were torn to pieces. So she turned her attention to the wardrobe in the room, found a set of Luo Li's clothes and put them on herself.

But Luo Li's attention was not on her at the moment, because... he received a system reward.

Obviously, it was Lao Sha who successfully defeated Luffy.

He opened a new form and simultaneously obtained the reward of his disciple Lao Sha for defeating the protagonist - the domineering color domineering!

A majestic momentum spread out with Luo Li as the center. He awakened the domineering color for the first time and didn't know how to control it.

At this moment, ordinary people on the ship fainted with white eyes.

And Tina, who was putting on clothes, was also shocked.

No, those few words of hers were so powerful?

They actually stimulated the domineering color domineering of this man?

She couldn't help but reflect on whether her words were too hurtful to his self-esteem?

She slept with him, let him serve her for a night, and insulted his personality. Was she a little too much?

In the ship's training room, Alrita, who was completing a training mission, naturally also noticed this Domineering Haki fluctuation.

She immediately walked out of the training room, and saw that her crew members were lying on the ground and sleeping lazily. She went over to check and found that her men had all fainted.

So many people were knocked down in an instant, this... She recalled the Domineering Haki mentioned in Hawkeye's notes.

Could it be... that a strong man is attacking?

Alrita immediately took out her mace and vigilantly looked for traces of the enemy on the ship.

Combined with the unknown intruder last night, it now seems that the other party was just here to scout the place last night, and now is the official attack.

Who is targeting them?

Apart from her, the only other person on the ship who had not fainted was Reiju. She also ran out to check the situation, and then saw Tina walking out of the room in men's clothes, followed by Luo Li. The three people's eyes met, and Luo Li saw Reiju's strange look, and explained without blushing or beating her heart.

"I was sparring with Colonel Tina just now, and I accidentally knocked her into the water."

Reiju narrowed her eyes. She always felt that this explanation... was a bit of a cover-up.

Tina nodded slightly to Reiju, turned around and walked away very casually, without a trace of nostalgia, like a scumbag who refused to admit his fault after pulling up his pants.

It's just that... her walking posture is a little abnormal.

In order to prevent Reiju from having wild thoughts, Luo Li decided to interrupt her thoughts.

"What do you think about what I said last night?"

Reiju did not answer, but asked

"Did you release the Domineering Aura just now?"

To be honest, she thought it was unlikely. After all, everyone could see how cowardly Luo Li was. He was just an old man, how could he have the support of a king?

If such a person could awaken the Domineering Aura, then she……

"It has to be me, so I just want to ask you if you are afraid or not!" Luo Li was very arrogant, with her hands on her hips and looking up to the sky, laughing loudly, while at the same time releasing the domineering color fluctuations from her body again. Reiju blocked with one hand and stepped back two steps, secretly cursing in her heart that God was really blind!

"So, tell me now, what is your answer? Cooperation? Or watching me exterminate the Vinsmoke family?"

Luo Li stepped forward and lifted the woman's smooth chin with his hand.

"If I choose to cooperate, what will be their fate?"Faced with coercion, Reiju still gritted her teeth and asked this question

"As long as you are willing to cooperate, I have a way to make Judge voluntarily give up his throne to you." Luo Li said confidently.

But Reiju thought it was a fantasy. How could a heartless and ambitious person like Judge voluntarily give up his throne?

At this moment, a roar came from above.

""Reiju, you little bitch, you dared to seduce my man on my ship!"

When she looked up, she saw Alrita leaping high, holding up her mace, ready to smash the vixen who seduced her man into pieces.

Seeing the traitor appear in front of her, Luo Li remembered what she had done last night, and her face darkened instantly.

She dodged, and when she reappeared, Alrita was like a kitten, being held in his hand.

""Alrita, it seems that I really indulged you too much."

The cold voice made Alrita shudder, and she woke up from her anger and turned her head mechanically to look at Luo Li.

"Teacher, I……"

"Let's have a special training session to burn our youth!"

Luo Li grinned, her white teeth gleaming in the sunlight.

"No, Yamete……"

Watching someone dragging a disciple towards the training room, Reiju was in deep thought. She was wondering what Luo Li could do to make Judge voluntarily give up his throne to her.

While training Alrita fiercely, Luo Li began to control gravity to make the ship take off.

The villagers of Cocosia Village were shocked to see this scene and opened their mouths wide.

Some were even frightened to kneel on the ground and shouted miracles.

Nami was also a little shocked.

She quickly called Luo Li to ask about it.

She was a little disappointed to learn that the other party was leaving for the Grand Line again.

She had just returned yesterday.

Was she leaving so soon? She secretly made up her mind that she had to quickly finish things here and then go to Alabasta in the Grand Line.

Don't get me wrong, she just wanted to go to a wider world and expand the scale of her business.

She definitely didn't want to meet a certain man.

Tina stood at the door of her residence, looking at the ship in the air with contempt in her eyes.

This man must be afraid of her, so he is in a hurry to run away.


Grand Line, Drum Island.

The Straw Hat Pirates were a little confused. A one-armed hook man dressed like a mafia boss suddenly ran out and said he wanted to see Joy Boy's eyes. Without saying a word, he beat Luffy up.

Ain and Hamaji could naturally recognize that this was the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile. The two have not yet mastered Haki, and they have no way to deal with the natural system.

Fortunately, the other party just beat Luffy up and left.

At this time, Peacock, who had been waiting for an opportunity, jumped out, helped Luffy with treatment and won his favor, and also made up a tear-jerking story for himself.

Claiming to be from the Kingdom of Frevans in the North Sea, this country was once very rich. The ground and trees within the country were as white and flawless as the ice and snow country in the fairy tale world. It was once a country that was as beautiful as a fairyland on earth.

About 100 years ago, someone discovered a lead mine called amber lead underground. This amber lead can not only be used to produce tableware, paint, sweet seasoning, cosmetics, but also to make"weapons".

The high-quality amber products have many buyers around the world, and the"amber industry" has become a major industry in Frevans.

The quick-witted world government also participated in the transportation of goods. Amber brought endless wealth to people, and the white town with unlimited business opportunities at that time attracted people from all over the world.

But now everything is gone. Amber is actually poisonous, and long-term contact will cause human diseases.

The world government once conducted a geological survey. In fact, they had already noticed the harm of that thing at that time, but for the sake of profit, they did not make it public, and watched the people of Frevans die one by one from amber disease.

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