The two of them were in a mess, but the two sides were in a mess.

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Brother Li suddenly felt that the sky was dark.

Originally, he thought it was just a small conflict, and compensation of some materials should be enough to solve it.

Now he found that this hatred was even deeper than the hatred of killing his father.

"Brother Li, I know this man. It seems that Brother Hai said something when he took a fancy to a woman and took her back by force, and then Brother Hai asked someone to take good care of him." A little brother whispered on the side.


Brother Li looked at Brother Hai instantly, and that look was definitely enough to eat people.

"You are really looking for death, damn it, I will kill you!"

Brother Li grabbed the machete and rushed directly to Brother Hai.

"Don't... Brother Li, I was wrong, don't kill me!"


With one kick, Brother Li's body was kicked out.

"Don't play the trick of self-torture here!" Chen Hao said coldly.

At this moment, the others stopped. After seeing that this group of people were all sixth-level superpowers, they dared not move again.

Just kidding, in this situation, what's the difference between it and seeking death.

Chen Hao came to Brother Hai again.

"I heard that you asked someone to take care of my dad?"

"Brother, I was wrong... I was really wrong, I won't dare to do it again."

At this time, Brother Hai was completely scared. I thought he was just an ordinary farmer, but who would have thought that he would have such a strong backing.

You have such a powerful son, you should have told me earlier, if you had told me earlier, would I dare to do this to you? I would have worshipped you long ago.

Unfortunately, his plea for mercy was doomed to be fruitless.

Chen Hao squatted down, and the military bayonet in his hand directly pierced into Brother Hai's thigh.

"Since you like to take care of others so much, I will take care of you too."

After saying that, Chen Hao held the military bayonet and slowly pulled it down.


Brother Hai's screams resounded throughout the base, and everyone shuddered when they saw this scene.

Soon, one of Brother Hai's legs was split vertically in half, and the pain made him faint.

However, soon, the dagger was inserted into the thigh of the other leg, instantly waking him up from the pain.

Similarly, it was pulled down directly, splitting his other leg in half.

"Ah... If you have the guts, kill me!" Brother Hai yelled.

"Don't worry, you will definitely die, but it won't be that easy." Chen Hao said coldly.

Afterwards, the military bayonet kept hitting Brother Hai. With its sharp edge attached, this knife was so sharp that it could take away a piece of flesh from Brother Hai every time it was swung.



Brother Hai's screams became more and more miserable, and he could no longer scream.

The workers around him were horrified when they saw this scene, and some even turned their heads away and dared not look.

Brother Li and the evolvers behind him were also pale, but no one dared to speak up to stop him, even Brother Li decisively shut up at this moment.

Under Chen Hao's torture, Brother Hai finally persisted for less than ten minutes before dying of pain.

At this moment, most of his body was left with only bones.

Seeing this scene, even the members of the Xingyun team frowned.

Yang Bin looked at Chen Hao with some concern, worried that his character would be affected.

Seeing that Brother Hai was no longer alive, Chen Hao stood up, and then turned to look at Brother Li.

Seeing Chen Hao's eyes, Brother Li felt a tremor in his heart.

"That... brother, this is indeed Ah Hai's fault, and he has already received the due punishment. How about we just let it go?"

"Let it go? Do you think it's possible?" Chen Hao said coldly.

"Then what do you want to do, brother? How about this, we still have a lot of supplies in our warehouse, I will compensate you with all of them, what do you think?"

"Not so good." Chen Hao shook his head, and then walked towards Brother Li step by step.

"Brother, this has nothing to do with me, it's all Ah Hai's fault, I really don't know!" Brother Li's voice was filled with tears.

"This happened in your base. As the boss of the base, without your support, this would not have happened, so you deserve to die!" Chen Hao said coldly.

"Brother, you are being too unreasonable."

"Reasonable? Haha, you're telling me to be reasonable!? In today's world, fists are the truth. As the boss of the base, you don't know this, do you?"

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Brother Li's face darkened completely..

"Is there really no room for maneuver?"

"No, today

, you...will die!"

"Of course, you can also choose to escape. As long as you can escape, maybe you can save your life."

Brother Li's face kept changing, obviously thinking about the chance of escape.

However, when he glanced at Yang Bin and others, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​escaping.

The other party was all sixth-level psychics. How could he, a fifth-level peak, escape?

Seeing Chen Hao approaching step by step, Brother Li's face became more struggling.

Then, he knelt down in front of everyone's stunned eyes.

"Brother, don't kill me, I'm still useful, I'm a psychic, I can do anything for you. ”

Having enjoyed an emperor-like life, he feared death more than others.

What does face mean? Living is the truth.

He really didn't want to die. He was a superpower. One day he would soar to the sky. How could he die here?

When Brother Li knelt down, everyone's jaw dropped to the ground.

In this base, Brother Li was like an emperor. What he said was like an imperial decree. No one dared to disobey him. Anyone who didn't obey was beaten to death by him.

Especially when the base was first established, many people had not yet adapted to it. During that time, Brother Li's iron-blooded methods were even more terrifying.

Until now, people in the base have seen him from the bottom of their hearts. Afraid.

No one expected that this overbearing ruler in front of them would kneel on the ground in such an unpresentable manner.

At this time, many workers felt extremely relieved. Sure enough, the evil must be dealt with by the evil.

And the evolvers who followed Brother Li felt that some of their beliefs collapsed one by one.

Is this still the Brother Li we know?

Yang Bin also looked at the other party with some surprise, but only looked at him.

This trick is useless to Chen Hao.

Sure enough, when he saw the other party kneeling down, Chen Hao was just stunned for a moment, then walked in front of Brother Li and sneered.

"Superpowers... are they very powerful?"

"Sorry, what we lack the most is superpowers!"

After Chen Hao finished speaking, he raised his knife without hesitation, and Brother Li's other arm flew up directly.

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