The two zombies rushed to Yang Bin with a nervous look on their faces, but Yang Bin didn't care at all and smashed the threaded rod hard. "Bang..." Although a sixth-level zombie blocked it with his arm, it was useless. His arm and head were smashed. Another sixth-level zombie was about to grab Yang Bin's neck, but Yang Bin suddenly disappeared and appeared behind this zombie. The tip of the threaded rod directly stabbed into the zombie's head, killing him again! Seeing this scene, the people on the wall dropped their jaws. This is the sixth level, so simple! ? At this moment, Yang Bin's invincible image was completely established among all the evolvers in the base.

At this time, all the evolvers' eyes were full of fighting spirit, as if the fear brought by the dense zombies below was swept away.

With such a powerful city lord, what are they afraid of!

On the city wall, a group of sixth-level evolvers kept releasing skills, and the consumption was also quite large.

Fang Sijie specially took out a bunch of fourth-level crystals to restore everyone's mental strength.

Don't ask why he took the fourth level, because he had the most fourth-level crystals, and there were many fourth-level zombies at this stage, so there was no need to worry about the fourth-level crystals being broken.

With the replenishment of crystals, everyone killed harder.

However, as more and more zombies were killed, everyone's faces became solemn.

Because as the zombie corpses piled up, the water in the moat below began to overflow.

Once the corpses filled the moat, those fifth-level zombies could directly jump onto the city wall and fight them head-on.

But there was nothing they could do about it. Even if they didn't kill them, the other side could fill the gap with living zombies, after all, zombies were not afraid of drowning.

So, everyone could only take this opportunity to kill more.

The battle continued, the zombie corpses in the moat piled up more and more, and the water in the moat became less and less.

Finally, a fifth-level zombie stepped on the corpses and jumped up, and directly pounced on the people on the city wall.

However, as soon as he pounced, he was beaten to death by a group of people.

At this moment, everyone had completed the promotion, and the city wall was full of fifth-level evolvers.

These fifth-level evolvers have been idle for a long time, and they have long wanted to show their skills.

With the first one, there will be the second one.

One after another, the fifth-level zombies jumped to the top of the city wall, but facing a large group of fifth-level evolvers above, they could not break through in a short time.

The two sides fell into a stalemate again.

However, as more and more corpses piled up below, more and more fifth-level zombies jumped up one after another, and the pressure on the evolvers above became greater and greater.

Yang Bin glanced at the wall, and seeing that they could still hold their ground, he did not go back, and continued to frantically kill zombies in the zombie group. The more they killed, the less pressure there would be.

However, at this moment, he suddenly saw a figure rushing towards him from the corner of his eye.

Yang Bin was startled, and quickly opened the Eye of True Vision to look over.

"Eighth-level zombie!" Yang Bin muttered to himself.

"Help me clean up the zombies around, the big guy is coming!" Yang Bin shouted to the others.


Everyone quickly moved towards Yang Bin and quickly cleaned up the zombies near Yang Bin.

The eighth-level zombie was extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye it had rushed in front of Yang Bin, raised its fist and hit Yang Bin.

Yang Bin raised his eyebrows.

The zombies he had encountered before were either scratched or bitten, but this was the first time he saw one being hit with a fist.

Yang Bin did not dare to despise it, and quickly blocked it with a threaded rod in front of his chest.


With one punch, Yang Bin's body retreated seven or eight meters, and his arms were numb.

"Fifteen thousand!" Yang Bin thought to himself: "Sure enough, he has just been promoted to the eighth level, it seems that he is not invincible!"

He is already at the peak of the seventh level, and the peak strength of the seventh level is 12,000 kilograms. After so long, Yang Bin now has more than 1,800 additional strength.

In other words, he has more than 13,800 kilograms of strength. Although it is lower than the opponent, the difference is not too big, and he can fight.

However, he has just fought for so long and consumed a lot. In this state, it is a bit disadvantageous to fight with the opponent.

The opponent obviously took action after seeing this situation. It is estimated that if it hadn't seen that they killed too hard, it could have waited longer.

These zombies are more insidious as they are higher in level.

Unfortunately, you are insidious, but I am not a fool. I have teammates, who will fight you alone!

"Haozi, kill it together!"


Chen Hao directly turned invisible to look for an opportunity

, while the others continued to block the zombies from all around.

The eighth-level zombie attacked Yang Bin again after a failed punch.

Yang Bin grabbed the threaded rod and smashed it directly.


Yang Bin stepped back a few steps again, but the zombie just shook.

Just as the zombie was about to attack again, it seemed to instinctively sense the danger and its head suddenly tilted.

A black dagger suddenly pierced its shoulder.

If it had reacted a little slower, the dagger would have pierced its neck directly.

The injury on the shoulder had no effect on the zombie at all, and Chen Hao retreated quickly after failing to hit it.

But the zombie reacted very quickly and punched it hard.

At the critical moment, Chen Hao blocked his chest with the threaded rod, and was punched out by the opponent, falling more than ten meters away.

Chen Hao had not yet reached the peak of the seventh level, and his strength was about 11,000, which was a big gap with the opponent. This punch directly made his blood surge.

When the eighth-level zombie wanted to continue chasing Chen Hao, Yang Bin's threaded stick had already hit him.

As a last resort, the zombie could only hit Yang Bin's threaded stick.

After the fists and sticks intersected, Yang Bin retreated a few steps again.

Although the two sides only differed by more than 1,000 kilograms, the difference in strength was real. In addition, Yang Bin was not in his prime, so he would naturally not be the opponent of the opponent in a head-on fight.

However, he was only slightly inferior, and it was not so easy for the opponent to take him down.

Chen Hao quickly took this opportunity to hide again and continued to look for opportunities.

The two sides fought twice again, and Chen Hao also seized the opportunity to attack again, but the opponent still avoided the key parts.

Yang Bin frowned, and then said to the distance: "Yi Fei, come here too!"

Since the two people can't be killed, let's continue to call for people!

Lin Yifei asked Zhong Yuansen to take over the direction she was responsible for, and then quickly ran over here.

Seeing this scene, the eighth-level zombie's face twitched, and it was obviously speechless about Yang Bin's Lao Liu's behavior.

Then, it roared into the air.

Suddenly, Yang Bin saw several figures in the distance rushing towards this side quickly.

Seeing these figures, Yang Bin's face suddenly turned black.

"MD, it's cruel enough!"

"Hurry up and kill it first!" Yang Bin said anxiously.

Lin Yifei took action immediately, and a wave of water hit the opponent.

However, the eighth-level zombie retreated directly to the back and got into the group of zombies.

Obviously, he wanted to avoid the edge temporarily and wait for support to come before taking action.

"Damn, as expected, the higher the level of zombies, the higher the IQ!"

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