The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

"Ah, Rayleigh taught me something. Luna Slash!" Luffy directly cut the flying shells.

Usopp took a telescope and looked at it: "There are actually three warships! Hey, do you want to fight back? We will be sunk!"

As soon as Usopp finished speaking, three more shells flew over. Usopp looked and said: "It's bad, we will be sunk!"

"Captive Arrow." The three shells were shot into stones.

The navy was a little dumbfounded when they saw the shells sinking directly into the seabed: "What...what happened?"

"That...that is? The Nine Snakes Pirates!"

Hancock walked out of the ship: "Who is it? The warship is parked on the road that I must pass."

On the Sunny side

"That is, the symbol of the Nine Snakes."

"Nine Snakes?"

"It is a powerful female pirate group led by the Seven Warlords of the Sea Pirate Empress." Robin explained.

"Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

"Empress Boa Hancock, it is said that anyone who sees her beauty will be captured. In the end, they will turn into stone."

"Well, it's dazzling! It seems to really glow. Incomparably beautiful." Brook threw the telescope away directly.

Usopp took the telescope and looked at the Nine Snakes Pirates: "Nani, who is that peerless beauty?"

"Peerless beauty? Where is it!" Sanji performed a medical miracle and ran to the side of the ship in a hurry. He was petrified. Luffy, who was silent, became even more silent. This is my wife. Is it really okay for you to look at her like this?

"Really petrified!" Usopp was even more surprised.

Uta and Bonnie saw that Luffy was a little silent, and they also understood that Luffy was reluctant to part with Hancock. Uta stepped forward to comfort him: "Luffy, do you remember what you said to Sister Hancock? We will definitely meet again soon. So cheer up."

"Yeah, it's a good opportunity, guys, while Hancock is covering for us, let's run away!" Luffy said with a smile, and looked at Hancock lovingly. Hancock seemed to feel Luffy's gaze and turned his head to look. He found that Luffy was looking at him and threw a wink. Brook on the Sunny was knocked to the ground by this blink.

When Luffy said this, the Sunny was even more surprised.


"Do you know that Shichibukai?" Nami asked in confusion.

"Ah, I was photographed on the Daughter Island. I met them. I became friends with them." Luffy was not going to reveal his and Hancock's identities, but Uta and Bonnie would.

"Isn't the Daughter Island an island with only women in the legend? It turns out it really exists." Usopp was wondering, and Bonnie's voice came from the other side.

"Hey, are you really just friends with Hancock sister?"

"Bonnie, how can we not be friends, we are just girlfriends who have slept together for two years!" Uta also covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Nani!!" The people on the Sunny stirred up a thousand waves with one word, and Sanji looked ashen. He stood up with a face full of resentment. He directly pulled Luffy's collar.

"Sleeping with that Empress! I say, have you really practiced well?"

"I practiced very hard."

"Look at me again, why am I so unlucky."

"So, Luffy, you and the Pirate Empress are in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship."

"We are considered an engaged couple." Luffy said directly.

"What about the Pirate Empress? I wonder if there will be a chance to see how fat she is... Ah! Luffy-san, why did you hit me?"

"If you don't want to be turned into stone, stop your dangerous thoughts." Luffy turned into a shark face in seconds.

"Then everyone, take your positions and get ready to go!" Nami didn't feel uncomfortable at the moment. He already knew that Luffy could no longer be regarded as the Luffy of two years ago. He has matured a lot.

And Usopp was a little confused. Why didn't the navy on the island come? As soon as Usopp had this idea, he saw a yellow figure flying at high speed.

Luffy jumped out and kicked them together: "Long time no see, brother-in-law, what do you think about what I said about the war on the top?"

"Well, Sakaski is really good at ordering people around. Sorry, Straw Hat Boy Luffy, I still like to fish in the navy."

The Sunny was shocked when they saw this person.

"It's Kizaru!"

"Why is the admiral here!"

"Nami, dive quickly." Uta saw Luffy throwing down a Flying Thunder God Kunai and asked her to dive directly.

"But, Luffy!" Nami hadn't finished her words yet. Luffy's words came.

"Nami, set sail, I can go back."

Seeing this, Nami had to tell everyone to set sail.

"Don't even think about it! Yasakani no Magatama!" Kizaru got rid of Luffy and was about to use a range attack directly.

"Fire Fist!" A flame blocked Kizaru's attack. Luffy and Kizaru looked over and found that the Whitebeard Pirates were on the sea not far away.

After seeing this, Luffy laughed! : "Ace!"

"Luffy, set sail with peace of mind, Kizaru will leave it to us!" Although the Whitebeard Pirates no longer have Whitebeard, their strength is still not to be underestimated.

"Well, it's so scary, it seems that we can't easily arrest Straw Hat Boy Luffy today." Kizaru looked at Luffy with fear, this kid is getting stronger and stronger. No, I have to ask Sakaski to give me a raise.

The Straw Hats who had already dived were a little worried about Luffy. Seeing this, Bonnie pointed at the Flying Thunder God Mark and said, "As long as this thing is there, Kizaru's speed can't keep up with Luffy. Don't worry. By the way, didn't you watch the live broadcast of the war on the top?"

"No!" Everyone shook their heads, even Uta shook his head. Following Luffy, Bonnie restrained his temper a lot.

Above, Luffy looked at Kizaru: "See you next time, old man, but I advise you to retire as soon as possible when you are old. Let Red Dog wait for me."

After speaking, Luffy disappeared directly from the original place. Kizaru looked at Luffy who was leaving and felt a little helpless. He looked at the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates who had already rushed over and ran away.

And Luffy flew back to the ship directly on the Thunder God, and everyone was relieved. After all, they didn't know how strong Luffy was.

On the Sabaody Archipelago, the navy was being stopped by all kinds of strange things, including giant insects, ghosts, inexplicable rain, transsexuals, and big birds.

And Zhan Taomaru was helpless, as the one standing in front of him was Pluto Rayleigh. What could he do? He just let him go. But he still had to tell the world.

Meanwhile, Punk Hazard

A man wearing a spotted beret smiled slightly: "It seems that the Straw Hat master is going to come out soon. The New World is going to change."

Luffy stood on the ship and began to speak out the words that said he was willful one by one based on his memory.

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