The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Luffy and the others began to act separately. Luffy led a few women and some navy officers to the room where the children were held in the institute, and Caesar had already arrived in this room.

"Master, are you here to give us candy?" A huge child came over and asked.

"Of course, let's go somewhere else after eating the candy, there are bad guys coming." Caesar lured the ignorant children step by step.


"Bang!" The door was kicked open, and Luffy led everyone to appear in front of Caesar and the children. Nami and the others looked at the huge children and couldn't hold back.

"This guy is simply a scumbag. He actually used children for experiments!" Although Luffy didn't like children, he couldn't help but get angry when he saw these.

"That's it, Caesar, stop your boring experiment." Luffy's eyes were cold, giving people a chilling feeling.

Caesar was instantly frightened, and Nami and others hurriedly began to trick the children into taking the children home to see their parents, and Caesar finally reacted: "Hee lol lol, Straw Hat Boy, you are qualified to judge me, do you know who is behind me?"

However, Luffy didn't want to say more to him, and ignored Caesar who was running away. Looking at the little guys, Luffy said to everyone: "Chopper, these children definitely have something in their bodies. This is the candy Caesar gave them. You study it. Nami, you stay and help Chopper. I'll go catch Caesar back. As for the children, let them sleep first."

"Uta. Leave it to you."

"Understood!" Uta sang softly when she heard it, and Luffy also gave Tashigi and the navy she led an earplug before coming, so Uta's voice only controlled the children. Although under control, Uta also lay weakly in Bonnie's arms.

"Sister Uta, is your ability still the same?" Bonnie looked at Uta worriedly.

"It's okay. I don't rely entirely on the ability of the fruit when I fight now. I have also learned the domineering that Sister Hancock taught me." Uta shook her head and didn't care.

Luffy quickly chased Caesar, and at this moment Caesar had come to the control room and drove out all his loyal subordinates. And made a very inhuman speech.

And the person who appeared in front of Luffy was a woman, the snow girl Monet.

"Oh, it seems that you don't believe me." Luffy looked at Monet with interest. The temperament of this woman was really attractive to him. The huge domineering aura enveloped Monet.

Monet suddenly felt a little scared. She hadn't been scared for a long time.

Although Monet was terrified, he still smiled: "I won't betray the young master without sufficient evidence."

"You want evidence, right? Okay, don't resist." Luffy walked up and touched Monet's head. Monet didn't dodge, but the blush on her face showed that she was not calm at the moment. (Don't say Monet won't betray. The first two chapters said that it was modified, and what brains do you use to read novels! [Angry])

Luffy's eyes turned scarlet, and Monet fell into memories, observing Doflamingo's memories from a first-person perspective. When seeing the deal between Doflamingo and Germa, Luffy saw Monet tremble slightly.

Soon the memory faded like a tide, and Monet slowly opened her eyes, her emotions collapsed a little, but soon she showed a relieved smile: "Straw Hat Boy, can you kill me? There is no meaning in living."

"I refuse! I won't watch a beautiful woman die in front of me, and you can live for yourself in the future." Luffy refused as expected. "Of course, if you don't like it, be my secretary and I'll give you a home."

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