The two of them were in a mess.

Luffy dodged Sanji's attack with a slight turn of his head, and grabbed Sanji's legs while he was still in the air. The next second, Sanji was thrown to the ground. "Listen to me, Sanji. Your engagement is coming soon, so you'd better be honest."

"Engagement? With whom?" Sanji obviously didn't know who Luffy was talking about his true love.

"You'll know when the time comes. I won't tell you anymore. I'm going shopping with my wives." Suddenly, Luffy thought of something and turned his head to look at Sanji: "Sanji, I wish you can become pure love soon."

"Wait, Luffy! What do you mean!" After the incident, Sanji only saw Luffy's taillights and was shocked.

"Okay, let's go!" Zoro directly carried Sanji and walked in another direction.

"Put me down, green algae head, you are a guy with a head full of knives and swords, you don't understand how much damage Luffy has done to me." Sanji struggled.

"Hi, hi!" Zoro patted Sanji's back to comfort him. (Author: Zoro, your uncle loves his father.)

On Luffy's side, because he brought too many beauties, naturally there was no lack of envy from others. Every passerby looked back three steps, not for anything else. Luffy was dressed in white and had sharp edges on his face, which could be described as "handsome." Nami and others have their own merits, and Shirahoshi is as beautiful as Hancock.

However, Luffy did not expect that he would encounter a unique plot here.

Luffy entered a clothing store with Nami and others. Nami and others instantly started a crazy shopping mode, and Luffy was put up as a clothes rack by the girls.

Not far away

"Hey, big brother, did you see that? That pretty boy is so lucky, he has so many top-notch girls. Don't you think so, second brother?" A man with shifty eyes said to the two people beside him.

"Shh, do it now, go out and wait for them to come out." The one called big brother immediately ordered.

Only the second brother was trembling: "Big brother, why don't you just forget it, that man is a weed..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the eldest brother: "I don't care what kind of flowers or weeds he is, here, any woman I like has never escaped from my palm. Don't forget that your eldest brother is invincible in single combat."

The second brother was sweating profusely, thinking: "Still invincible in single combat, bah, so strong, absolutely right, that guy is definitely the Straw Hat Boy, I'd better go first, what big brother, third brother."

"That big brother, third brother, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, so I'm leaving first."

"Well. Forget it, second brother, you don't have this blessing. I'll bring it back to you after I'm done playing." The eldest brother looked at the second brother who was getting farther and farther away and shook his head: "Third brother, let's go."

"Yes, big brother."

Soon, Luffy and others came out of the clothing store. However, before they had walked far, Luffy found something wrong next to him. There was no one around, except his wives. Is this the illusion fruit?

"Hahaha, pretty boy, if you know what's good for you, hand over the girl next to you so that I can have some fun, so as not to destroy your delicate skin and tender flesh."

"Hehehe, beauties, come on, my big brother has money and status, and he is definitely worthy of you."

Luffy showed a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth: "Interesting, I didn't expect that Dressrosa would unfold like this. But..."

Luffy's eyes suddenly became very cold, and the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared: "You messed with the wrong person. Indulge in the world of Tsukuyomi."

"Nani!" The scene in front of the two changed, and the two were fixed on the cross. I saw countless Luffies holding a knife in front of the two.

"I remember, this guy is Straw Hat Boy!" The boss shouted, and then closed his eyes forever. After dealing with the two, a fruit appeared in Luffy's hand.

"System, what kind of fruit is this?"

〖Host, it's an illusion fruit〗

"It's useless, let's see who wants it."

After saying that, he put it into the system space.

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