Pirate’s Increase Admiral

Chapter 93 92. Let go of people, big bad guy! (Seeking collection! seeking monthly pass! seeking rec

After a short break, Lucas held the uncle in one hand and Oro Jia in the other.

Step on the Moonwalk and return directly as you came.

In fact, for him, the way to get out is very simple. Go back the same way and return to Master Lantern's mouth, and then just slash the opponent's mouth open.

"Hurry up, Lucas, you are great!" Oro Jia was embraced by Lucas, shouting loudly.

Lucas looked at the father and daughter helplessly, one was scared to death, the other liked to find excitement...

All the way to Master Lantern's mouth, Lucas looked at Oro Jia.

"You grab my neck, I'm ready to draw the knife." Lucas said.

"No, no, I like to hold it like this." Oro Jia chuckled.


A hundred years of bold loli, even greedy my body!

Lucas was helpless, ignored the opponent, and directly used 44 times his strength, covering his feet with armed colors, and kicked Lord Lantern's teeth.

The teeth that were bigger than humans were kicked out, and Lucas kicked one after another.

On the sea, Master Lantern suddenly roared and opened his mouth quickly, and Lucas rushed out on Moonwalk.

When Oro Jia was arguing with her father a hundred years ago, she wanted to throw away the ring with pure gold on the shore. The light of pure gold attracted the Lantern Master, and the Lantern Master swallowed them.

In the original plot, Master Lantern was also because Luffy and the Pirate Group competed for Oro Jia, and the ring with pure gold flew into the sky, which attracted Master Lantern.

Now they did not reveal pure gold at all, Master Lantern would not pay attention to them.

Lucas looked at the vast sea, Master Lantern didn't know where it was floating, and he couldn't even see an island.

The augmentation effect is cancelled, otherwise he will not find the island after a while, and everyone will have to run out of energy and fall.

Holding Oro Jia's hand, Lucas looked at the permanent pointer on his wrist.

That is the permanent pointer to Dressrosa, just go in this direction.

Although he stops at common sense in navigation and does not understand any deeper knowledge, he has several permanent pointers.

With the sea breeze blowing and holding the two of them, Lucas kept marching on the vast ocean.

After being exposed to the sun for a while, the ghost weather of New World suddenly started to snow again.

Lucas speeded up, and when he said it was really cold, it started to rain again.



"Hi! It's cold..." Oro Jia held Lucas tightly, "Brother Lucas, aren't you tired?"

"Do you want to drown?"

"Well, I can swim..."

"Shut up, I'm only 18 years old, don't call my eldest brother."


Raising his hand, Lucas glanced at the direction of the permanent pointer and quickly corrected the direction. In the strange situation of New World, he almost went in the wrong direction.

After a while, the weather changed again and the sun exposure began again.

"So hot......"

Oro Jia, who was hugged by Lucas, twisted.

"Honestly, I don't care about falling, there is a Sea Kings underwater."


Oro Jia was so frightened that he hugged him tightly, motionless.

Below the three of them, a huge shadow passed quickly.

"You are so good, you can't even beat a Sea Kings? Isn't it because you can't swim?"

"The 200-year-old woman shut up."

"You, you scold again!"

Oro Jia blushed and stared at Lucas angrily.

Lucas ignored Oro Jia and looked at a strange island in the distance.

Quicken the pace and come to the island, Lucas put down the uncle, and then put...

"You let go!"


Lucas was completely speechless about this guy, grabbed her by the collar, and directly dragged Oro Jiasheng down and placed it on the ground.

"Let's take you to the doctor."

"I'm not sick!"

"No, you are sick, both physically and mentally."

"You, you scold again!"

The uncle looked helplessly at the two quarreling.

When he came to town, Lucas found a doctor. Fortunately, this doctor had medicine to treat the South Blue Emperor's fever.

Oro Jia was given an injection, and her illness was completely cured.

As the three of them were walking on the road, Lucas took out two stacks of Bailey from his clothes and gave them to the uncle.

"This is for your living expenses in the future, which is what I mean."

"I just asked, this is the Whitebeard chassis, you should not be embarrassed, but I still suggest you, it is best to consider leaving New World after a while."

"No matter it is now or in the future, New World is unstable." Lucas said.

"Are you leaving~" Oro Jia held the baby lizard and looked up at the tall man.

"I'm going back to find my subordinates. I'm Marine. I can't stay long. Goodbye."

Lucas rubbed Oro Jia's head and turned to leave.

Indeed, as he said, although Whitebeard is very good to ordinary people under his influence, it cannot conceal the fact that New World is messy.

Now there is a melee from all sides, and it will take many years to formally establish the Four Emperors pattern.

And many years later, the devastated Zephyr will go the wrong way and choose to destroy the New World to destroy the world's strongest pirate.

There are not many ordinary people in New World at all, and Zephyr is crazy.

There are so many pirates rushing to the New World every year, and many years later, there will be ambitious Blackbeard who will kill their companions to seize Dark Fruit and plan a war.

Although the top is not in New World, the series of reactions that followed directly sent the world into the era of rampage.

Lucas bought a boat and rode it towards Dressrosa.

A few days later.

Dressrosa, the shore.

Lucas sailed around here, without seeing a warship at all.



"I'm Lucas, come to Dressrosa to pick me up, I'm back."


The phone worm imitated Monet and screamed in surprise.

Lucas has a depressed face, isn't it?

"You, you are not dead?" Monet shouted in surprise.

"I'm here!"

The phone worm was hung up by Monet, and Lucas looked at the phone worm inexplicably.

What does it mean that he is not dead?

Lucas did not understand Monet at all.

Walking onto the island, before entering Dressrosa, his phone worm rang again.

"What's the matter?" Lucas looked at the phone bug, it was Sakazuki.

"It's fine if you haven't died. Just come back quickly. I'll drink with you and never go anywhere." Sakazuki finished speaking and hung up.


Boy, do they think I'm dead?

Just kidding, I'm lucky, Lucas, okay!

After two steps, the phone worm rang again.

Lucas saw Smoker.

After that, I got in touch again...

The phone bugs are almost blown up.

Lucas walked into Dressrosa, reluctantly put away the phone bug, and found a restaurant where the food was just served.


A little man rushed past quickly, and the plate on his table was gone.

"Your sister!"

Lucas didn't care about the fairy tale, and directly pulled up to 44 times the speed, intercepted the opponent in an instant, and dragged him back to his lunch.

"Go ahead, what do you want me to do with you?"

"Let go of me, you badass!"

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