Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 101 Aokiji’S Determination


When Aokiji returned to the Naval Headquarters Marineford port, he saw the three people standing in front and asked in surprise: "Mr. Sengoku, Mr. Garp, Vice Admiral Tsuru, are you waiting for me here specifically?"

Sengoku, Garp, and He all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Aokiji was okay.

"Aokiji, the Five Elders didn't go out of their way to make things difficult for you, did they?" Sengoku, as a former marshal, knew very well that even the marshal of the Naval Headquarters still often couldn't hold his head high in front of the Five Elders.

Especially this time, Aokiji's plan will basically be rejected by Five Elders 99% of the time! This is Sengoku’s past experience and judgment.

Garp and Tsuru are also waiting for Aokiji's answer.

Aokiji smiled and touched his hair and said, "Alala~~"

"How should I put it? In short, my plan has been officially approved. By then, the notice from Five Elders should be coming today or tomorrow."

"Hahaha~Awesome! You kid." Garp walked up to Aokiji, patted him on the shoulder and praised him.

Although I don’t know what method my eldest disciple Aokiji used to talk through the Five Elders, it would be great if everything goes smoothly.

He was able to completely relax his nervousness and said with a smile: "Aokiji, you are much more capable than Sengoku. If it were Sengoku who went to talk to the Five Elders, this plan would eventually be rejected."

"Xiaohe, just keep talking! Why are you trying to drag me down?" Sengoku was speechless when he heard He's teasing words.



Garp put his hands on his hips and said with satisfaction: "Xiaohe is right! He is indeed much more capable than this idiot Sengoku. Sengoku is very unreliable."

The veins on Sengoku's face are bulging at this moment, and he is about to explode! !

Aokiji smiled and smoothed things over and said, "Mr. Sengoku, Mr. Garp and Tsuru Vice Admiral must be joking!"

"Mr. Sengoku, when he was the marshal of the headquarters, he made an ultimate contribution to Marine. I saw this in my eyes."

"It's better to learn from others than to learn before. I'm very happy." Sengoku felt as if a burden had been lifted off him at this moment, and he felt particularly relaxed.

Aokiji said: "Let's go back to my office! The matter regarding the Seven Warlords of the Sea must be dealt with as soon as possible."

After Aokiji raised the question about the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the faces of Sengoku, Garp, and He all turned serious unconsciously.

Regarding the matter of Seven Warlords of the Sea, Marine has always maintained the highest regard. However, there are too many things at present, which has led to delays and has not been dealt with until now.

More than ten minutes later, the group walked back to the marshal's office.

After Sengoku sat down, he was the first to say: "The problem of Seven Warlords of the Sea is indeed a big problem, and the staff vacancy is already quite serious."

"Now the only ones left are Mihawk, Doflamingo, and Boa Hancock. If they didn't listen to orders before, then the Seven Warlords of the Sea will definitely be expelled. Bartholemew Kuma is not sure where he has been arranged by the World government. Gekko Moria is temporarily What’s confirmed is missing, and the rest are blank.”



"With such a big gap, it will not be easy to find suitable candidates for Seven Warlords of the Sea." Vice Admiral, the chief adviser, is also very aware of the big problems.

Garp didn't care about Seven Warlords of the Sea, so he didn't intervene.

After Aokiji took out a document from the drawer, he said: "As for Boa Hancock, let's wait for a while! After all, it is not that easy to find powerful Seven Warlords of the Sea. Mr. Sengoku, what do you think? ?”

"It doesn't matter! Now you are the marshal. If you want to make a decision, go ahead and make it boldly." Sengoku also said that as the new marshal, Aokiji can make any decision in Marine.

Aokiji smiled and said, "Thanks, Mr. Sengoku."

"Then my opinion is that Boa Hancock Seven Warlords of the Sea's position remains unchanged. In addition, Bartholemew Kuma and Gekko Moria will be treated as unknown and there is no need to publicize it. Not to mention Mihawk and Doflamingo, they are already in place. "

"In this case, there are only two Seven Warlords of the Sea that need to be supplemented, which greatly reduces the workload."

"First of all, Buggy the Clown, I plan to invite him to become a member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

"As for Edward Weibull given by the World Government, he was the student who killed Teacher Zephyr and cut off Teacher Zephyr's arm. Therefore, even if it is recommended by Five Elders, I will not agree. If Edward Weibull is allowed Bull has become the Seven Warlords of the Sea, so what will Teacher Zephyr think then? How does he view Marine today?"

"The force of Seven Warlords of the Sea is inherently deformed. When Marine's power matures, it will have to be eliminated!"



Garp laughed happily and said: "Aokiji, you have changed a lot now!"

"But this kind of lack of fear of the World Government Five Elders is something I appreciate so much. It should be like this, unlike this old guy Sengoku who is always timid when facing the Five Elders."

Sengoku's face darkened when he heard Garp teasing him.

When the bastard Garp said this, didn't it mean that he did nothing when he was the marshal? ?

The Vice Admiral expressed his worries at this time and said: "Our next actions will face suppression from the world government in the future."

"It's equivalent to the Five Elders' order. If it doesn't work for us Marine, then the Five Elders will definitely..."

Crane Vice Admiral did not continue, but Aokiji, Sengoku, and Garp all understood what Crane meant.

Aokiji said in a firm tone: "We cannot always be passively interfered by the world government, otherwise many of our work will be passive."

"That's not what I want. Now that I have become the marshal, Marine should move in the direction of true justice."

Sengoku, Garp and Tsuru all saw that Aokiji was determined to change Marine.



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