Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 105 Marine And World Government Were Put Together By Luo Chen


World government officials couldn't figure out why Marine would send a Rear Admiral to escort this mission?

No matter what, at least the Vice Admiral must be sent. What is the result? A Rear Admiral! Forget it, are you still so arrogant in front of him?

Marine is becoming more and more perfunctory now. He must talk to the Five Elders about all these things.

What the World Government officials don't know is that the reason why Aokiji sent Hina from the Rear Admiral this time is to promote Hina to the Vice Admiral position. She must have outstanding achievements, so this mission is very suitable. There is no need to fight, but A task with a high risk factor.

Now Aokiji is promoting a new mechanism, which is to expand the number of Vice Admiral quotas by one-quarter to one-fifth.

The Admiral of this headquarters is still the third Admiral. This is a position that only those with the highest combat effectiveness can hold.

Kalifa watched the quarrel between Marine and World Government, and sneered inwardly. On the surface, she remained calm and said: "This Marine female Rear Admiral is much more sensible than the one next to her. It seems that World Government has become corrupt. It’s deep in your heart, by the way, did you bring the 10 billion beli with you? If you didn’t bring it with you! There is no way to redeem people!”

"You guy." The World Government official pointed at Kalifa, who was full of anger. He was used to being aloof, and he had been slapped in the face repeatedly. He couldn't help but order people to take action. However, these Marines were disobedient and made him very passive.

"Ten billion Baileys, we've brought them, bring them up." Hina responded while instructing her men to carry up several boxes containing Baileys.



Then ten large boxes were filled with Bailey, and Kalifa also had people check and confirm.

Kalifa nodded with satisfaction and said: "Yes, it is indeed 10 billion Baileys. So are you going to redeem the Celestial Dragons?"

"What? Shouldn't there be three Celestial Dragons released? Doesn't your captain, Luo Chen, want to be trustworthy?" World government officials immediately asked.

Kalifa said with an indifferent expression: "You promise to make promises to pirates? When did the world government become so naive?"

"You...don't you plan to release the Celestial Dragons?" The World Government official was completely confused now. If the Celestial Dragons cannot be rescued today, he will suffer disaster when he returns.

Kalifa took out a rare lady's cigarette and lit it, then said: "We, Captain Luo Chen, did not say we would not let go of Celestial Dragons."

"Besides, our Captain Luo Chen is not dishonest. You brought 10 billion beli and released the Celestial Dragons. But this process has to go through the hands of my secretary."

"So, in my opinion, 10 billion Baileys can only redeem one Celestial Dragons. As for whether you want it or not, that is your own business. We can accept these 10 billion Baileys for free."

"It's simply unreasonable." The World Government official's face turned green with anger, and he could only point at Kalifa's incompetence and said angrily.

At this time, Hina could tell that Luo Chen didn't really intend to let go of Celestial Dragons at all, but planned to hang Marine and World Government.



But there was one thing Kalifa didn't say. Talking about credit with pirates was just asking for death.

Not to mention World Government officials being passive, Hina herself was also passive and didn't know how to better deal with this matter.

Hina sneaks away and dials Marshal Aokiji's phone number.


"Moses, Hina, have you successfully redeemed the Celestial Dragons?" Aokiji's voice came from the phone bug.

Hina quickly told Marshal Aokiji about the situation here. After all, the current situation was beyond Hina's control.

Far away in the Naval Headquarters Marineford in the first half of the Grand Line, Aokiji in the marshal's office searched his temples and said: "In this way, if you can redeem a Celestial Dragons, redeem one first. Don't stay in the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates." It’s been too long, and the risks involved are beyond your control.”

"I understand, Marshal Aokiji." Hina responded.

After the two parties hung up the phone, Aokiji leaned on his chair and looked at the ceiling, lost in thought.

After Hina hung up the phone, she also knew that she had to leave the Whitebeard Pirates' base camp as soon as possible.

Kalifa was not in a hurry throughout the whole process, waiting for the answers from these people. Then he saw Hina walking over, so he smiled and asked: "Why, my patience is limited. Do I want to redeem a Celestial Dragons?"

"Yes, bring that Celestial Dragons here!" Hina responded.

The World Government official opened his mouth, but finally chose not to speak, because if he took the initiative to speak, then he might be the one who bears the greatest responsibility in the end, and he is not that stupid.



Kalifa clapped his hands and asked his men to bring in a Celestial Dragons. This Celestial Dragons was Saint Charlos.

When Hina and the people from Marine and World Government saw Saint Charles who had been tortured into a human shape, they were instantly dumbfounded.

World government officials asked: "You pirates are really looking for death! If you dare to abuse the Celestial Dragons like this, Marine, you will immediately send Admiral to attack the Whitebeard Pirates."

Kalifa sneered: "I see! You are planning to start a war with us! Then you all can stay!"

"Sorry, this is a misunderstanding. Bring the people here and we will retreat." Hina ordered her men to quickly bring the Celestial Dragons with them so that they can retreat in time.

At this time, a man in red clothes came over.

Hina was shocked and said: "No, it's Redfield!"

In the end, Hina didn’t even know how she insisted on leaving the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Sure enough, Marshal Aokiji was right! You can't stay in the Whitebeard Pirates' headquarters for too long.

Kalifa asked curiously: "Mr. Ryder, aren't you training Observation Haki with Captain Luo Chen? Why did you come here suddenly?"

"Captain Luo Chen asked me to come over. If I hadn't come over, would those people have run away so quickly?" Redfield responded with a smile.

"Same." Kalifa nodded.



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