Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 128 Aunt Kaido’S Ideas Coincide With Each Other But Pass By Each Other


Aunt Charlotte Linlin also fell into thinking after hearing her eldest son Perospero's proposal.

After all, aunt Charlotte Linlin herself can guess that according to the current overall strength of the Luo Chen Pirates, it has indeed surpassed her BIGMOM Pirates.

Aunt Charlotte Linlin thought about it, and if she could quickly close the gap with the Luo Chen Pirates, she could only find the Four Emperors pirates.

There is no need to even think about pirate groups like the Four Emperors and below. It is unrealistic and they do not have the strength. At most, they are just more cannon fodder! !

In the Four Emperors pirate group, the Red Hair Pirates must be eliminated, so only Kaido's Beasts Pirates remain.

"Well, well, well~" Aunt Charlotte Linlin suddenly burst out laughing when she thought of Kaido of the Beasts, "I think it's been decades since I've contacted Kaido!!"

"Kaido's Beasts Pirates are indeed powerful enough." Perospero originally planned to propose to his mother the Vinsmoke family of North Blue. Although it is not top-notch, its scientific and military power is still very good.

I originally thought of introducing the Vinsmoke family first, and then slowly annexing them all! !

Perospero also thought of Beasts Pirates, which was the second plan. The reason why he put it in the second plan was because he was worried that the success rate would not be high.

After all, Perospero could also imagine that since they were all Four Emperors, they all belonged to the same level and it was impossible for anyone to obey the other.

But yes, if we can reach a cooperative relationship with Kaido of the Beasts, then the two of them will surpass the Luo Chen Pirates in an instant.



However, the aunt Charlotte Linlin suddenly changed her voice and said, "But it's really shameless for me to take the initiative to speak to that kid Kaido!"

"Mom, give it a try, it shouldn't matter! If it succeeds!" Perospero reminded carefully.

Aunt Charlotte Linlin frowned and looked at her eldest son Perospero with fierce eyes.

Perospero was so frightened by his mother's eyes that he shut up quickly and did not dare to speak.

After the aunt Charlotte Linlin withdrew her gaze, she leaned back on the chair and said, "Perospero, you also know that I once stayed at Rocks Pirate, and Kaido was just a younger brother at that time."

"What a joke are you asking me to take the initiative to speak now? Besides, Kaido still owes me a favor!!"

"If you want to open your mouth, it should be that boy Kaido who asks me to form an alliance!"

"Mom." Perospero plucked up the courage again and said, "Well, if we can win over the war soldiers of the Vinsmoke family in North Blue, then in addition to the top combat power, our military strength will be able to instantly equal or even surpass the Luo Chen pirates. group."

"At that time, after winning over the cooperation of the Vinsmoke family, we will annex the Vinsmoke family. Mom, what do you think of this proposal? It is relatively low-risk compared to us."

"The Vinsmoke family in North Blue?" Charlotte Linlin, the aunt, began to seriously think about the proposal of her eldest son Perospero.



Perospero continued to increase his firepower and said, "Yes, mother."

"Vinsmoke is known as a war machine. Soldiers are constantly being manufactured. If we can hold it in our hands...then!" Perospero said, and his whole body began to show a sinister smile.

At this time, the aunt Charlotte Linlin also showed a sinister smile and said: "Very good, Perospero, I will leave this matter to you."

"Although after taking down the Vinsmoke War Family, we still cannot equalize the gap with the Luo Chen Pirates, but I must defeat him in terms of military strength."

"Yes, mother, I will go and arrange it right away." Perospero responded respectfully. Then I immediately exited aunt Charlotte Linlin’s room and prepared to contact the Vinsmoke family in North Blue.

Aunt Charlotte Linlin was in a happy mood and continued to eat her daily cakes and desserts.

Similar to the BIGMOM Pirates, there are also the Beasts Pirates.

At this time, Wanokuni, Ghost Island.

Kaido of the Beasts kept drinking until he was completely drunk.

But he was not completely drunk and asked: "Jin, do you think we Beasts Pirates can rival the Luo Chen Pirates?"

Yan Liangjin on the side opened his closed eyes and said, "Governor Kaido, to be honest, even if our overall combat power is put up, we can't match the Luo Chen Pirates."

"The cadres and pirate forces under it have surpassed us. Not to mention the top combat power, the Luo Chen Pirates Group has two people, Luo Chen and Redfield."



"Damn Luo Chen." Kaido of the Beasts roared instantly.

Although he hates to admit it, Kaido of the Beasts also knows that the current overall strength of the Beasts Pirates is no longer as good as the Luo Chen Pirates.

We are all Four Emperors, but after being separated from each other, our worries inevitably increase.

What Kaido of the Beasts and aunt Charlotte Linlin don't know is that Luo Chen's current combat power has far surpassed the general level.

It was even more powerful than their captain Rocks back then. If the two of them had known about it, they would have jumped up, couldn't sit still, and immediately reached a cooperation.

In their current understanding, Luo Chen's current strength is just like that of Roger and Whitebeard at their peak.

Although it was powerful, it was not powerful enough to scare either of them.

After all, in Kaido of the Beasts and Big Mom Charlotte Linlin’s decades of pirate careers, they have never seen anyone more powerful than Rocks.

Because of Rocks's level of strength, neither Kaido of the Beasts nor Charlotte Linlin can achieve it no matter how hard they try.

But what the two of them don't know is that Luo Chen's strength has now surpassed Rocks.

Yan Liangjin suggested: "Governor Kaido, we have to strengthen the pirate group, or find allies."

"Alliance?" Kaido of the Beasts fell into deep thought, thinking of his aunt Charlotte Linlin, but immediately rejected it. Now he is a person standing at the top of the sea, how could he humble others and ask for cooperation?

Kaido of the Beasts said: "Jin, let Doflamingo speed up the production of artificial Devil Fruit. Laozi will establish a Demon fruit power army of tens of thousands."

"Yes, Governor Kaido." Yan Liangjin responded.



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