Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 155 Doflamingo Plans To Use Lava-Lava Fruit As A Bait Reward


Trafalgar Law carried Guysa all the way to Greenbit, an isolated island north of Dressrosa.

Guy panicked and yelled: "Damn it, Luo, let me go quickly, or you will be dead when JOKER comes."

"Be quiet, Guy. If you don't be honest, I will crush your heart." Trafalgar Law threatened, taking out Guy's heart.

Guysa looked at Trafalgar Law's own heart in his hand, and said with fear on his face: "Luo, be careful! Don't hurt my heart."

"Ha!" Trafalgar Law put Guy's heart back into his pocket and said, "From now on, before my transaction is completed, you'd better be honest with me."

"I know." Guysa had to choose to be honest, because his heart was in the hands of Trafalgar Law. If Trafalgar Law, the bastard, hurt his heart, he would be really dead.

Guysa is also very afraid of this!

At the same time, a new newspaper fell here in Dressrosa. When people saw the newspaper, it said that yesterday's incident about Doflamingo's resignation from Seven Warlords of the Sea was a false report.

Especially some people with eyesight, many people were shocked and dumbfounded in an instant. What a powerful method this is! It can indirectly affect the decisions of the world government. This energy is not ordinary.

After seeing the news, Smoker clenched his fists and said, "Sure enough, there is something wrong with Doflamingo. We must get to the bottom of the problem with Dressrosa."



And then the phone bug on Trafalgar Law on Greenbit Island rang! !

"Moses Moses, this is Sanji." Sanji's voice came from the phone bug.

Trafalgar Law asked the phone bug: "I can hear it, what's the matter?"

"The news in the new newspaper that Doflamingo resigned from Seven Warlords of the Sea is a misinformation. You should retreat now." After Sanji confirmed that it was Trafalgar Law, he quickly reminded him.

"What? How is this possible?" Trafalgar Law was shocked when he heard it, and roared: "Where did he, Doflamingo, get such great power to mobilize the world government? The only people with such power are the Celestial Dragons, the world's nobles. How on earth did he do this? Something happened."

"Haha!" Guy on the side began to laugh arrogantly and said, "Luo, you know how powerful JOKER is! Someone with sense should let me go quickly."

"Guys, do you want me to crush your heart right now?" Trafalgar Law took out Guy's heart again and threatened.

When Guysa saw his heart again, he took a breath of cold air. He was so arrogant just now that he really forgot that his heart was still in the hands of this bastard kid Trafalgar Law.

Guy kept thinking silently in his heart, JOKER, come and rescue him! Guy was so scared that his life was in danger.



Trafalgar Law cursed angrily: "Damn it, that bastard Doflamingo has fooled everyone in the world. We can't waste any more time."

The angry Trafalgar Law did not completely lose his mind, so he said: "Sanji, please bring the ship over. We are preparing to evacuate Dressrosa and cannot stay here any longer."

"I think so too. I didn't expect that Doflamingo is so powerful that it can even affect the decisions of the World Government." Sanji's thoughts are the same as those of Trafalgar Law.

After the two parties hung up the phone, Trafalgar Law took Guysa and ran, seizing the time to leave Greenbit Island.

On Thousand Sunny, Nami, Usopp, Brook, and Chopper also received calls from Sanji, and they all became nervous.

Momosuke was so frightened that he quickly hid behind Nami and hugged Nami's legs tightly with both hands, fearing that he would not be able to hold her later.

So Usopp and Brook quickly activated Thousand Sunny to respond to Trafalgar Law.


The officials of the Donquixote family gathered together.

Torrepol asked: "Dover, our people are all here."

"Yeah!" Doflamingo was still drinking red wine as usual, licking his tongue and said excitedly: "Take out the Logia Lava-Lava Fruit we got before as a reward for the competition in the ring."

"Dover, that's the Logia Lava-Lava Fruit ability! Is it too much of a loss to just use the ability of the previous Admiral Akainu as a reward?" Diamanti responded distressedly.

After all, that is the top Lava-Lava Fruit in Logia.

Including other cadres of the Donquixote family, they also felt that the rewards invested were too heavy and shocking.



"Fufufu~" Doflamingo smiled excitedly: "How can we attract people without offering heavyweight rewards? Laozi plans to detonate Dressrosa into the center of the world and attract all eyes. "

Pika said in a high-pitched voice: "I support whatever decision the young master makes."

"Me too."

"We are all the same and support the young master."

The cadres of the Donquixote family began to respond with support one after another.

After all, this is the decision of their young master Dover, how could they dare to object.

At this time, Vergo said: "However, once we release the news that the reward is Lava-Lava Fruit, Marine will definitely make big moves, and it is impossible to leave Lava-Lava Fruit alone."

The family cadres all looked at their young master Doflamingo.

"Fufufu~~" Doflamingo still sneered and said: "What I want is to attract Marine's attention, and it is best to attract the people of the Luo Chen Pirate Group."

What the Donquixote family leaders don't know is that their young master, Doflamingo, is totally planning on taking a chance.

Because Doflamingo didn't know why, he had a bad feeling. This feeling made Doflamingo feel very unhappy.

At the same time, the Thousand Sunny had just been sailing for less than five minutes when a person flew over from a distance and landed on their Thousand Sunny.



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