Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 165 Birdcage Blocks Dressrosa


Fujitora listened to Doflamingo's roar and said with a smile: "Haha! Regarding the Seven Warlords of the Sea Trafalgar Law and the Straw Hat Luffy Pirate Alliance, Marine will also hold them accountable."

"What do you mean?" Doflamingo asked, just now this guy meant to stand by and watch, why is he now taking action?

Fujitora smiled and did not answer Doflamingo, but walked out minding his own business.

When Fujitora left with a smile, Doflamingo suddenly reacted and said to himself: "So that's it! Fujitora smiled at this damn guy and planned to show off, otherwise Marine's image of justice will collapse, right? It's a boring trick."

Doflamingo moved his fingers, and then said: "But this is good, so that these people don't get in the way."

Doflamingo turned and walked towards the room where Trafalgar Law was being held.

Trafalgar Law's hands were tied to the chair with seastone handcuffs. When he heard the footsteps, he opened his eyes and asked, "Doflamingo, I know it's you."

"Fufufu~~" Doflamingo walked over with his hands in his pockets and said with a smile: "Luo, you are very sensitive! You will know that I am coming when you hear the footsteps, but your allies are in a very bad situation now. That’s not good!”

"Straw Hat Master?" Trafalgar Law took a deep breath and said, "Doflamingo, we will defeat you."

Doflamingo immediately grabbed Trafalgar Law's neck and threatened: "Luo, I will let you experience what real hell is."



In fact, Trafalgar Law himself has no idea at this moment. He doesn't know whether the Straw Hat Master can succeed. If he fails, he will completely fall into the hands of Doflamingo.

Doflamingo dragged Trafalgar Law and walked to the top of the palace. In this battle, Doflamingo wanted to see Luo's hope shattered bit by bit.

Meanwhile, with everyone in the Straw Hats scattered, they have caused widespread damage to the Donquixote family.

Whether it's underground factories or even industries in the center of towns, they are constantly being destroyed. These are Doflamingo's efforts over the years, and they are constantly being destroyed by the Straw Hat Pirates.

Unrest and fighting broke out everywhere throughout Dressrosa, and Fujitora led Marine soldiers to constantly go to various places to suppress the unrest.

It can be said that today's Dressrosa has long been in a state of chaos.

And Usopp knocked out Shatang at the critical moment, which exposed the darkness in Dressrosa! !

Therefore, the humans who were turned into dolls due to sugar have returned to their original state. These dolls also include Marines, pirates, revolutionary troops, people from the underground world, including spies from the World Government, it can be said that they include all kinds of people.

Originally, when people were turned into dolls, they would lose their memory. However, after recovery, people's memories were reawakened. In an instant, Doflamingo's evil deeds spread at a speed visible to the naked eye.



Doflamingo, who was on top of the Dressrosa Palace, heard bad news one after another, and his whole body began to tremble with anger.

He clenched his fists so hard that his nails pricked his flesh and bleeded. Doflamingo gritted his teeth and said, "You damn brats have destroyed all Laozi's hard work over the years."

"Haha!" Trafalgar Law, who was held in seastone handcuffs behind him, laughed and taunted: "Doflamingo, your good days are over, and you will be pulled down."

"Fufufu~~" Doflamingo turned to look at Luo and said with a smile: "Do you think I lost? The fun has just begun. The battle has not reached the last moment. It is not certain who will win and who will lose!!"

"So next, Birdcage."

After Doflamingo finished speaking, he raised his hand and countless lines shot from the palm of his hand into the sky above Dressrosa. They continued to spread, and finally included the entire Dressrosa, forming a Birdcage.

Trafalgar Law realized something was wrong when he saw Doflamingo use Birdcage. He had seen this move once when he was a child. Now Doflamingo plans to isolate the entire Dressrosa from the outside world.

Everyone at Dressrosa saw that they were imprisoned in a large wire cage, and the people were all frightened.

Doflamingo took advantage of the people's panic and directly announced a reward for the criminals. The highest two straw hats, Luffy and Usopp, were five stars, worth 500 million beli.



At the lowest level, one star starts with a bounty of 100 million beli. In total, Doflamingo has put a bounty on more than ten people, including the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo, who has also been offered a three-star bounty of 300 million beli.

Marco, the captain of Luo Chen's pirate team, and Redfield, the aloof red, were not included in the bounty. The reason is obvious that Doflamingo does not want to offend Luo Chen.

Furthermore, Doflamingo can't afford to offend Luo Chen. Luo Chen is recognized as the strongest in the new era, and Doflamingo is not that stubborn yet.

All the members of the Straw Hat Pirates in Dressrosa have bounties placed on their heads by Doflamingo.

Doflamingo took the phone bug and announced loudly: "Next, if you want to survive, kill these people with bounties on them. Then you can live on and get the bounties."

"The Straw Hat Pirates are the culprits who have put you in a desperate situation. As for how you choose, it's up to you. The choice of life or death is in your own hands."

And Doflamingo's threats did have an amazing reversal, and many people began to point the finger at the Straw Hat Pirates and others.

After all, they don't want to die, they want to live, and most of the people who defected are former pirates. On the contrary, the people of Dressrosa are not willing to participate. They have been tortured enough by Doflamingo.

In an instant, due to Doflamingo's operation, two parties were directly facing each other.



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